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Friday, 19 November 2010

Sad day , happy day .

Today was a sad day.

Today saw me say goodbye to three of my beloved girls.

Today saw me pack away there feeders.
Today saw me sit and think about how strange it's going to be without them.


Today also saw me remember all the fun and special time's we've shared......

Today also saw me enjoy putting a smile on a lovely ladies face.


Today saw my son come home from school with a smile on his face.
Today saw my son do his homework without causing a fuss.
And today saw my son eat all of his tea because he was calm.
Why did he do all this ????

Because today school finally decided to listen and to take the long walk to the next classroom and get my son the harder reading books that he requires!!!!!!!!! and oh boy it really does make a difference

Today is a good day

Hope you had a good one too and have a lovely weekend.

P.S I promised my good bloggy friend libbie that I'd share a photo of my latest make so ........

There you go hun xxx

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Cheeky little monkey.

Well I promised I'd be back to update you with some baby new's, so here I am.
The scan went well yesterday, baby seems to be happy and healthy so It's all good there.
unfortunately though Baby decided he didn't want to share his sex with us just yet. so were just gonna have to wait and see lol.
I do have some scan pics to share with you though............

Notice the cheeky little thumbs up at the bottom hehehehe.

All speak to you all again soon

Monday, 8 November 2010

Take a guess?

Well That's me at 20 week's and 5 days now ( not that I'm counting or anything lol) and with my 20 week scan booked for tomorrow afternoon I'm sat with ant's in my pants wondering ........


.............. Or this .....................

............ This .......................

............. Or this .............

Would anyone like to join me and take a guess at blue or pink. I shall of course be back tomorrow night to update you with the outcome. That is of course as long as the little monkey co-operates and opens it's little legs for us lol.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A swap parcel, a quick baby update and some woolly goodness :-)

Hi guys.
How are we all today? Have we all put out heating on yet? It is getting rather cold down here now But the sun is still shining too so we mustn't complain must we lol.

Firstly I would like to say a rather belated thank you to Beki. Back in august I signed up for her pincushion swap and was lucky enough to be paired up with the lovely beki herself.
So anyway, last week I received my swap parcel......

A lovely big pin cushion which sit's perfectly on the arm of my sofa and of course a wheel of pins to go with it. A nice selection of fabric scraps to play with and a quarter of CK boats fabric. A quilting magazine which I Have never seen before, can't wait to take a look through it (I'm hoping that now river's at school full time I might get a bit more time to do these things lol), a yummy little scrapbooking kit which I know somebody had his eye on so I've had to hide that just now And well I was sure there was a bar of chocolate in there somewhere but hmmmmm I wonder where that's gone hahaha :-)
So Thanks again beki I hope you loved your parcel as much as I loved yours.

Ok so a quick baby update. I'm afraid there really isn't that much to tell at the moment. I had my 16 week check up last week and we listened to baby's heartbeat which was all good and I got my 20 week scan date thorough which will be on November 9th so I shall be looking forward to that.
Oh and we are now the proud new owners of..........

Which is now safely stored away in the attic so that's one less thing to worry about.

And The woolly goodness ......... well how better to relax on a cold evening than with a ball of two of wool. And with having a couple of friends who are also pregnant I decided that it might be a good idea to start making a few bits and pieces now so here's the pile so far..........

Wich will soon be joined by this ......................

Just as soon as I complete it's border lol.

Well I think That's about it for now. I'm gonna head off and try and visit a few of you before I stop for luch.

Have a lovely rest of the week and I'll speak to you again soon.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Thankyou :-)

Just a really quick post ( I'm not here really I'm working hehehe).
I just wanted to say a huge Thank you to all of you for your lovely comments on my last post. They really do mean a lot to me. I'm not sure what I'd do without you guy's.
I'm gonna try and make a huge effort to catch up with all your blogs over the next few days but please bear with me.

Speak to you all soon


Friday, 17 September 2010

changes ...........

Hi guy's !
How are we all? Did we manage to survive the summer holidays and settle back into the dreaded routine ok ? ( yes I just know were all shaking our heads at that one hehehe).

Well as you could probably tell from my last post I have been going through a rather " uppy downy" phase at the moment a kind of an emotional roller coaster if you will. I know some of you will be nodding your heads and totally understand what I'm dribbling on about and if you don't then sorry you'll just have to bear with me a little while longer lol.
A few major things have happened over the last few months that have made me stop in my tracks and really think about where I'm headed in life. Although I'm not usually one to be sharing these sort of things on my blog I just feel like I need to kinda get this off my chest a bit.

The end of July saw my baby boy graduating from pre-school. I must say I was really sorry to see him leave. They had been soooo kind to us during his two years there and had put in and endless amount of work to meet River's needs and for that I thank them very much. This is then followed by his long awaited two week trip to granny's. I must say I was looking forward to this as much as he was. A nice break with some peace and quiet hmmmmm Not quite so because you see once he had gone I really did find myself rather lost. We had never been apart for so long. Our home had never been this quiet or this tidy lol. These feelings were made worse when I received the news that my nan had suffered yet another stroke and wasn't expected to make it through the next 24 hours, shortly followed by another call to say that she had passed away. Unfortunately living away from home and being unable to drive meant that I didn't get to say goodbye. It was then that I realised Hey life is too short and fragile to be moping around surely there are other things I can look forward to. Hmmmmm in a weeks time river was coming home and we were booked up to go off on our summer holiday. With lot's of day's out planned, trips to the beach yeah !!!!!!!
But no a phone call to say that nan's funeral had been booked smack bang in the middle of our holiday, two hours in the opposite direction of our holiday destination meant that all of our plans had to be abandoned. Poor old hubby in an effort to salvage something managed to get us booked onto a camp site near where my family live. So off we went trying to be cheerful if not for anything other than river's sake and do you know what ........ It tipped it down with rain the whole time we were there. we honestly got to the point where we just wanted to come home, and that we did. We stayed long enough for me to be able to go to the funeral and then came home the next day.
Hmmmmmmmmm Do you ever feel like you do nothing but moan lol I know I do !!!!!!

Well to say that I was soooo glad to be home, sooo glad to have my little family back all together again was just a bit of an understatement and to be honest I couldn't wait for the holiday's to end. couldn't wait to regain some sort of normality in life lol.

So into September now and things are moving forward. River has started primary school and I really didn't mind at all. I knew he was more than ready for it the question was were they ready for him lol. Unfortunately the answer to that seems to be no. after-all if you ask a child to sit and learn things that he was already able to do over a year ago, do you not expect that child to become frustrated and somewhat angry !!!!!!!!! we have a meeting with his teacher on Monday so hopefully we can tell her yet again that giving a child a stage 1 reading book when he's already on stage 4 is really not going to cut it for him lol. But I am very hopeful that we can get it all sorted out in the end.
And on a slightly happier note. Last week hubby river and I went on a little family outing. Nope we didn't go to the beach or the cinema of the park . We went to he hospital !!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I know I've got loads of you who aren't already in the know very puzzled in deed so I'll let you in on my little ( although not so little any more ) secret. We actually went for our first scan so week could all meet .......

...... the new addition to our little family. I am now 13 week's pregnant which makes me due around about the 23rd march 2011. We are all very excited and very much looking forward to what will be a whole new adventure.

So here's to the future because you know what ..... Life really is far to short and fragile to be dwelling on the past :-)

P.S Just a short note to say I'm terribly sorry for the extra long really moany post. Just to make it up to you I'll treat you to the one photo I did manage to take this summer. ..........

River admiring his very own, home grown baby carrots lol.

Monday, 9 August 2010

A slow start

Hiya strangers
How are we all enjoying our summer holidays so far?

We'll things have been kinda up and down here with a mix of really exciting new's and rather bad news. That coupled with the fact that my little man has been away for the first two weeks of the holidays has left me feeling rather .......... well ......... Lost to be quite honest. But hey that's not what you want to hear about is it lol.

So let's take a look at the positive side of things.
  1. River being away has meant that I've finally had time to finish this....

Hexagon Patch work, Baby quilt. All finished and waiting to be washed :)

2. My little boy is on his flight home as we speak :)

And will soon be driving me mad as usual lol

3. In just under one week, this little cutie.....

Will be Joining us for a week to do a spot of camping and to visit a few of these places........,.

Plus what ever else we can squeeze in lol.

So here's me looking to the future :)

Monday, 5 July 2010

Fishing and the wannabe Joules model !!!!

Hello folks How are we all doing?
I just thought I'd pop by and share a couple of pic's I took today on our little fishing trip........

..... it was about ten minutes after this that River decided to fall head first into the sea hehehe.... and about 2 minute after that I discovered that We didn't actually take any clean clothes with us .....Soooo.....

........... Do you think joules will take him lol???

Hope you have a lovely week.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Meet Rusty

Hi folks, How are we all today? Good, I hope.

Today I thought I'd take a bit of time to introduce you to the newest member of our family. But if you could just humour me for a little while I'll start at the beginning.

Do you remember Kate?
Yes ... That's the one ....... Well a couple of months ago now she decided that she wanted to be a mummy. So Hubby and I ( being very unprepared for this ) took a trip back to the chicken breeder and asked him for some advice. An hour or so later we found ourselves armed with a broody coop ( in the form of a rabbit hutch lol) and 8 fertile eggs!!!! So we slipped the egg's under Kate and crossed our fingers lol. Over the next few day's Poor Kate managed to break 4 of the egg's but sat tight on the other 4 quite happily for the next 21 day's.
So anyway to cut a long story short two of the remaining egg's turned out to be infertile, one tried to hatch but sadly didn't win the fight and well .... That leaves Just one doesn't it ............

So ..... Meet Rusty .................

Here she is at not quite a day old ................ How cute...... It's been great fun watching her develop over the last few week's. I have really enjoyed Watching Kate teach her baby how to peck, scratch and perch and all he other things That chickens do.
Here are some snaps I took about an hour ago.....................

...................... Hasn't she grown ................

She's about 6 week's old now and is Growing rapidly and happily getting into lot's of mischief lol.

Of course I'm saying she but really we haven't got a clue as to what sex it is, we shall just have to wait and hope that it is a she because unfortunately if it turns out to be a he we shall have to Re-home him. But we won't think about that Just now will we?

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Yes dad but my way is sooo much easier !

So ... You hold the stick just like this and you've got to get the ball's to go into the pockets hmmmmmm ....

OK Dad I think I can do it all by myself now ................
Hmmmm I think maybe it's a bit harder than I thought............ Perhaps If I wear dad's hat I'll be able to play just like dad..........
....... Hmmm maybe not ........ Oh well, " look dad This is a better way !"
... Yippee I got one!!!!!!!! ...........
Hiya folks
I just popped on quickly to say I'm so sorry about my serious lack of blogging over the last few months. I've got Lot's to share with you so I'll try my best to catch up with you all soon.
Hope your all well and enjoying the sunshine.


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Swap parcels

Hiya How are we all today ?
I'm sorry my blogging has been a bit of a rarity lately I just don't know where all the time goes. I seem to be awfully busy with this and that at the moment.

Anyway the reason that I popped on today was to share with you the lovely swap parcels that I recieved last week. The first swap that I signed up for was Alex and joanne's Mothersday swap. It was a bit of a swapping circle and I recieved my parcel from the lovley nicola from over at smilernpb and ... well ... look.....

Thankyou so much nicola I Love it all, especially the very cute chicken, dip bowl and the lovely cross stitched bag is just perfect.

The second swap that I entered was Faerie nuffs Springtime tilda swap and I was paired up with the lovely linda Who sent me these cuties .......

Once again thankyou so much linda I love them both, they now have pride of place in my living room.

Right I'd best get moving and get a few more jobs done. I'll leave you with a quick pic I snapped at lunch time. This Is why you should never leave River and his dad aloan with paint. hehehehe