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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

StuG Life...

A couple of weeks back, I posted over on my other blog, about my StuGs & StuHs...

Well, I just finished up painting up the replacement box I was so kindly sent by Will at PSC...

This time I decided to go with 2 more StuHs, making a total of 6 (for 2 platoons of 3 vehicles) and, for a little variety, decided to do 3 of the StuG III F/8. This StuG III has a subtly differing hull profile than the G model, but in game terms is identical. It also features in some of the MidWar lists, so I thought it worth having a platoon of this StuG variety for this role, and they can also proxy well enough as a G model, if I need to field more StuGs, in LateWar lists...

StuH 42

StuG III F/8

Command F/8 with rear decal, just to make it noticeable.

The F/8 model appears not to have been routinely fitted with the external hull MG, but the stats in the game still list it as having one, so I added it to the hull, even though the PSC kit instructions didn't include it on the F/8. A little googling found that the MG and shield, were retro fitted to the F/8 later in the war period, so that works for me...

So now with a grand total of an assortment of 15 StuG and StuH vehicles... I now need to see how best to field them...

I can recall from my earliest days of collecting my German troops, coming across the StuG. The first German troops I got were FestungKompanie Grenadiers, and looking at the lists of the time, these Normandy based Grenadiers were supported by Kampfgruppe Meyer and the 1352 StuG Battery... So the idea of fielding a whole company of StuGs has always been floating about in my head...

There are also some Eastern Front themed lists in Grey Wolf, offering both a StuG battery, and simply using the StuGs in a Panzerkompanie. The difference being in the StuG battery the platoons are fixed at 3 tanks, but I can also field one of them as a StuH. The StuG battery also includes the option of adding Begliet Tank riders/escorts. These extra troops make up for some of the StuGs shortcomings, giving the tanks extra MG fire, defensive fire, protection against the 'Sneak up on Tanks' rule and extra attacks in assault...

StuG Battery, featuring multiple platoons of 2 StuGs & 1 StuH, with three or four platoons, and a lead HQ tank...

I have received two packs of Begleit troops, so just have to paint them up and see how I can add them to the tanks, in a way they they can be 'optional', and not glued on all the time... I fear that's going to be rather tricky...

Another StuG Battery features in Bridge by Bridge in the defense of Arheim, so there's more options for Market Garden themed forces... (I always like to try and play to 'theme').

The Panzerkompanie, gives the option of fielding platoons of 3-5 tanks, but no StuH option. However fielding a Panzerkompanie also gives the chance of fielding a platoon of panzer IVs alongside the StuGs, and or Panthers... so there are many options to explore. And thats just the tanks, theres all the support platoons to consider too...

StuG PanzerKompanie; 2 x HQ StuG, plus 2 x 4 StuGs

Either way, I think Recce will be a must, to push back ambushes and lift GoneToGround on hiding enemy troops. Cheap motorcycle scouts at ~100pts give me the chance to improve my chances to hit by 17% by lifting GTG, so well worth it I think, and essential in at least in part, mitigating enemy ambushes...

After that, what else?

Whenever you field medium tanks, there are always cries of 'but how will you deal with Heavy Tanks'?
Well, there seem to be several options;
Add your own heavies - Tigers perhaps, if you haven't already taken Panthers.
Add cheap Tank Hunters - Marders, Hornisse, Nashorns perhaps, or static Flak '88's?
Smoke them with artillery, simple Mortars, Nebs or 105 howitzers?
Kill them with Heavy Artillery - 150s or Hummels?
Or just keep maneuvering and going for flank shots?
Or just ignore them and kill everything else?

So, many options there to explore...

Do I bother about AAA? My regular playing partners rarely use aircraft, especially in LateWar, so spending points on these platoons often seems a bit of a waste of time for me, but they may be a cheap way to add an extra platoon, if I am trying to even up the number of platoons in the force. Normally, Tank companies are going to be attacking, but there are always chances you will end up defending, with reserves, and only having half your force on the board, so that needs to be borne in mind...

Do I go with the all mobile, all tank attacking force as many panzer players seems to advocate, or do I go with a more balanced approach, including artillery and/or infantry support of some form? I guess it depends on playing style and how I expect to play them...

Time will no doubt tell, as I try things out and experiment, seeing what works and what doesn't...

Another Force I am considering is the FuhrerBegleit Brigade list, currently a Pdf format list from BF website. What it allows me to do is make a Mechanised force featuring my gepanzerte halftracks, backed up by two platoons of 3 StuHs. This force can also have the German warrior character; Remer, added to it, who I found a wonderful asset in the MidWar theatre to accompany my GPGs..., so no doubt he'll shine leading my GPGs once again... (and they have his rules properly spelled out, now so no grey areas...)

2 platoons of StuHs for the FuhrerBegleit Brigade force

The final decision with that force will be how best to round it out, HQ+ Remer, plus 2 full GPG, plus 2 x 3 StuH, + ??? Perhaps some artillery might do the trick - I have a Heavy Artillery platoon just arrived, and its next on the painting list after the Begleits are finished.... At first I thought no Recce was available with this force until I notice the option of adding a panzergrenadier platoon, mounted in schwimmwagon jeeps, which are recce... Of course, with taking two platoons of StuHs, we're back to the question of dealing with heavy, and even medium tanks for that matter, as the StuH is only AT10... perhaps some 88s? Or rely on a Heavy Artillery bombardment...? Of course, with Remer at the helm and all my infantry teams armed with PanzerFausts, I could just assault enemy tanks! Talk about ballsy!

So there's a whole host of ways of fielding my StuGs and StuHs... I look forward to trying out some of these variations and will no doubt keep you informed of their battlefield progress.

Here's a final shot of all the Tanks...

And a little StuG humour - an oldie but goodie... thanks to Pedro...

Something I can definitely identify with on the odd days I get caught in traffic!

Which reminds of that classic Kenny Everett sketch... enjoy!

Yeah I know, its not a Sherman, but I don't think Kenny was too concerned ;-)

StuG Life...nuff said!


Some rough ideas follow from the various theatres of war, though they may need some tweaks to get them down to that specific 1750 points limit...

Sorry the tables vary in size, its not straight forward porting across from EasyArmy...


  Confident    Veteran  Panzerkompanie
Tank Company
German Late-War
Tank Company
Panzerkompanie HQ p.73
2StuG G or StuG IV190
Combat Platoons
Panzer Platoon p.73
4StuG G380
Panzer Platoon p.73
4StuG G380
Panzer Platoon p.73
5Panzer IV H450
Divisional Support
Tracked Panzerspäh Platoon p.92
3Panzer II L Luchs145
Motorised Artillery Battery p.167
Cmd SMG team
Staff team
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer
Observer Rifle team
Company Points:1755
www.EasyArmy.comSource document: Grey Wolf

  Confident    Veteran  StuG Abteilung (352.)
Assault Gun Detachment
German Late-War
Tank Company
StuG Abteilung HQ (352.) p.39
1StuG G95
Combat Platoons
StuG Platoon (352.) p.39
3StuG G285
StuG Platoon (352.) p.39
3StuG G285
StuG Platoon (352.) p.39
3StuG G285
Weapons Platoons
Füsilier Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon (352.) p.41
Cmd SMG team
3.7cm Flak43 gun
Support Platoons
352. Füsilier Platoon p.34
Cmd MG team
MG team
352. Füsilier Platoon p.34
Cmd MG team
MG team
352. Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery p.42
Cmd SMG team
Staff team
Observer Rifle team
15cm sFH18 howitzer
Luftwaffe Anti-aircraft Assault Platoon Reluctant  Trained Allied Platoon  p.229
Cmd SMG team
Luftwaffe 8.8cm FlaK36 gun (8 crew)
Company Points:1755
www.EasyArmy.comSource document: Atlantik Wall book

  Confident    Veteran  StuG Batterie
Assault Gun Battery
German Late-War
Tank Company
StuG Batterie p.121
1StuG G95
Combat Platoons
Assault Gun Platoon p.121
3StuG G285
Assault Howitzer Platoon p.121
3StuH42 285
Assault Gun Platoon p.121
3StuG G285
Support Platoons
Pionier Platoon (85.) p.45
Cmd Pioneer Panzerfaust SMG team
Pioneer Rifle team
Goliath Demolition Carrier
SS-Scout Platoon Fearless  Veteran Allied Platoon  p.115
Cmd MG team
MG team
Motorised Heavy SS-Artillery Battery Fearless  Veteran Allied Platoon  p.139
Cmd SMG team
Kfz 15 field car
Staff team
Kfz 68 radio truck
15cm sFH18 howitzer
Sd Kfz 7
Observer Rifle team
Air Support p.140
3Sporadic Air Support FW 190F100
Company Points:1750
www.EasyArmy.comSource document: Bridge by Bridge

  Confident    Veteran  StuG Batterie
Assault Gun Battery
German Late-War
Tank Company
StuG Batterie HQ p.59
StuG G
Assault Rifle Tank Escort
Combat Platoons
StuG Platoon p.59
StuG G
Assault Rifle Tank Escort
StuG Platoon p.59
StuG G
Assault Rifle Tank Escort
StuG Platoon p.59
StuG G
Assault Rifle Tank Escort
Weapons Platoons
Pionier Platoon p.61
Cmd Pioneer Rifle team
Pioneer Rifle team
Divisional Support
Sturm Scout Platoon p.57
Cmd Motorcycle MG team
Motorcycle MG team
Heavy Artillery Battery p.166
Cmd SMG team
Staff team
Observer Rifle team
15cm sFH18 howitzer
Company Points:1755

Source document: Grey Wolf


  1. Nice work Scott, some good looking lists. I hope my Yanks will be able to give them a run for their money!

  2. Getting stuggy with it? I better stop there - my kids already groan at my puns. Look great, but Im afraid list construction is not my forte. I would just say, don't field Kenny Everett as a warrior team - he might not help much.

  3. Excellent paint jobs as usual Scott. I really like the look of the StuG, they have quite a menacing vibe, like a school-yard bully looking for someones lunch to steal!
    It's amazing how many brilliant lists add up to 5 points more than the total allowed! I'm sure someone at Battlefront is messing with us :-)

    1. Many thanks. Yes I see what you mean, interesting comparison! Perhaps when I next field then I'll try invoking a war cry of 'Giv uz ya sarnie!' and see if it helps my dice rolling ;-)

      You know that's very true - perhaps it why we also see lists for 1780pts being put up?

  4. Personally I like the last list. For the tank riders I did see an idea a while ago where someone made a small hard plastic template that fit over the StuGs. The riders were then glued to that so they could be lifted on and off as needed. The plastic then let you see the painted tank beneath them.

    And as always your painting is fantastic - still my pick for best german camo scheme.

    1. Yeah I am intrigued to see how the tank riders do with the StuGs, as I am already somewhat familiar with the Tank Escorts rule from using the German half tracks, but it will be interesting to see how better then do mounted on a 'proper tank' with real armour...

      Interesting, thanks I'll explore that tip...

      Many thanks for the compliment, much appreciated :-)

  5. Stuggendous work, Scott, beatifully done camo! Congrats and thanks for sharing ! :)
