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Genesis Chapter Links

These commentaries on Genesis were written and compiled by Gary Kukis

Updated September 25, 2024.

I have done a considerable amount of writing on the book of Genesis, which includes 4 different exegetical studies of that book. The purpose of this document is to help you find the right study and links. So far, the chapter-by-chapter study is 13,206 pages.

I would like to move all of the chapter studies into the 4th stage (more or less) of rewrite, which will include the following: I will space out the translations from the commentary; I will add a chapter summary; I will add a review verse-by-verse exposition (5–15 pages); I will finish each verse or passage with the Kukis mostly literal translation and with the Kukis paraphrase; I will add a new set of document links and a set of verse or passage links; I will place two complete translations in the Addendum and check those translations; and I will make a word cloud from the Kukis paraphrase. So far, Genesis 1–50 are at that stage. Essentially, I am updating the formatting to make the document more easy to navigate; and I am added a summary of the chapter section.

Unless you know your way around this document, I would suggest checking the Available Studies in Genesis first.

Navigating Genesis Links

Top of Page


The Four Documents

Chapter Links by Format:



Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Additional links in document:


Chapter Summaries (These have been moved to another document)

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies

There are now 4 sets of studies of Genesis available at this website:

The Four Documents

Available Studies in Genesis

Extent of Study


Revised Verse-by-verse Study of Genesis

As I go back through the book of Genesis in 2024, I write a brief summary for each chapter (5–15 pages), commenting on every verse of every chapter. These brief summaries are placed at the end of each chapter study of Genesis and they are also gathered up and placed into this document. It should end up being about 400 pages long.

In this document, there will actually be a section of titles or subheadings, two sets of chapter summaries; and finally a verse-by-verse examination of each chapter.


Original Study of Genesis

This was a verse-by-verse study done in the 1990's; the entire book is studied in 531 pages. It is a single document. If this document were not regularly accessed each month, I would have removed it long ago.

At some point, I will replace this document with all of the chapter summaries added and to be added to each and every chapter of Genesis.


Weekly lessons of Genesis

These bite-sized lessons were originally sent out by email each week, as they were completed. There is no extensive study of the Hebrew; and it is very user-friendly, but not dumbed down. Each lesson is typically 4–5 typewritten pages, designed to be read in 10–15 minutes (longer if your Bible is open and you check the references).

This study is designed for the average but serious student of the Bible. Links are to the introductory lessons, which provide links to all 491 lessons (a total of 6 documents—links go to the first document which links to the others).

This study is complete. However, I am also adding chapter summaries to each chapter as I complete them. So there will be 50 additional lessons added to the previous 491 lessons. Those 50 lessons will be integrated into the 491 lessons and listed as addendums to the previous lesson.



Chapter by chapter Study

Extensive word-by-word, verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter examination of each chapter in Genesis. Everything from the previous studies are included here, as well as a complete Hebrew exegesis (including morphology) of the entire book of Genesis, a collection of 30–50 translations for each passage (culled from about 90 English translations), along with additional commentary by me, additional doctrines, and some commentary by others.

Each chapter is typically 200–400 pages long.

This chapter study, when complete, provides the most thorough examination of the book of Genesis anywhere. This approach is designed for research and clergy. There are 51 documents in this study (an introduction and 50 chapters). Nearly any question you have ever had about Genesis will be answered in this study.

The document that you now have open provides access to each chapter

Or you may use the folder access instead (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


This study is very nearly complete at 13,206 pages long.

The individual chapters in the chapter by chapter study are packed with information, yet do not represent the final product. I hope to go back and complete each chapter sometime in the future; and after that, edit it down somewhat. Since I have thrown 3 sets of notes together, there may be unnecessary repetition and even, from time to time, some minor contradictions. Sometimes, the transition from paragraph to paragraph might not be very smooth. Nevertheless, as they stand now, these are the most thorough exegetical studies of Genesis found anywhere. At this point in time, Genesis is complete to Genesis 39 and partially complete to Genesis 50; with a total of 13,206 pages of commentary. The final commentary (if I ever complete it) will easily exceed 15,000 pages.

Navigating Genesis Links

Top of Page


Available Studies in Genesis

Chapter Links by Format:



Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Additional links in document:


Chapter Summaries

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies

Each chapter hyperlinked below will have the complete word-by-word exegesis of the chapter in the original Hebrew with 3 original translations (an ultra-literal translation; a reasonably literal translation; and a more dynamic translation). Also included in the chapter exegesis will be the weekly studies which have been e-mailed out on Genesis and portions of the information found in the original Genesis study (which was so brief, all chapters were included in one document).

Genesis HTML Format

Genesis Introduction

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 5

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Genesis 10

Genesis 11

Genesis 12

Genesis 13

Genesis 14

Genesis 15

Genesis 16

Genesis 17

Genesis 18

Genesis 19

Genesis 20

Genesis 21

Genesis 22

Genesis 23

Genesis 24

Genesis 25

Genesis 26

Genesis 27

Genesis 28

Genesis 29

Genesis 30

Genesis 31

Genesis 32

Genesis 33

Genesis 34

Genesis 35

Genesis 36

Genesis 37

Genesis 38

Genesis 39

Genesis 40

Genesis 41

Genesis 42

Genesis 43

Genesis 44

Genesis 45

Genesis 46

Genesis 47

Genesis 48

Genesis 49

Genesis 50

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis Introduction

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 5

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Genesis 10

Genesis 11

Genesis 12

Genesis 13

Genesis 14

Genesis 15

Genesis 16

Genesis 17

Genesis 18

Genesis 19

Genesis 20

Genesis 21

Genesis 22

Genesis 23

Genesis 24

Genesis 25

Genesis 26

Genesis 27

Genesis 28

Genesis 29

Genesis 30

Genesis 31

Genesis 32

Genesis 33

Genesis 34

Genesis 35

Genesis 36

Genesis 37

Genesis 38

Genesis 39

Genesis 40

Genesis 41

Genesis 42

Genesis 43

Genesis 44

Genesis 45

Genesis 46

Genesis 47

Genesis 48

Genesis 49

Genesis 50

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Genesis Introduction

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 5

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Genesis 10

Genesis 11

Genesis 12

Genesis 13

Genesis 14

Genesis 15

Genesis 16

Genesis 17

Genesis 18

Genesis 19

Genesis 20

Genesis 21

Genesis 22

Genesis 23

Genesis 24

Genesis 25

Genesis 26

Genesis 27

Genesis 28

Genesis 29

Genesis 30

Genesis 31

Genesis 32

Genesis 33

Genesis 34

Genesis 35

Genesis 36

Genesis 37

Genesis 38

Genesis 39

Genesis 40

Genesis 41

Genesis 42

Genesis 43

Genesis 44

Genesis 45

Genesis 46

Genesis 47

Genesis 48

Genesis 49

Genesis 50

The WordPerfect documents directly above ⇑ will open on your computer in WordPerfect or in Word. Some of them will be zip files.

Some of these can only be found in their most up-to-date form as zipped documents (right now, my website will no longer allow me to upload wpd documents).

Navigating Genesis Links Document


Top of Page


Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Chapter Summaries

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies


Navigating Genesis Links


Top of Page


Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Chapter Summaries

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

There are some recently discovered commentaries which should be integrated into the Genesis chapters. Most of them can be found in Genesis 25 and forward.

A completed chapter has been exegeted word-by-word in the Hebrew; has 3 original translations; has much of the text from 90+ translations; the notes from my original Genesis study and the Basic Exegesis series has been transferred over; and 50+ commentaries have been consulted and quoted from. Also, appropriate artwork and graphics have been added.

The chapters marked with Exegesis, 3 original translations, 90+ translations, notes from Genesis & Basic Exegesis actually have original notes from 3 sources: (1) from my first exegesis of the book of Genesis; (2) notes written when doing the Hebrew exegesis of this chapter; and (3) notes from the basic exegesis series which I sent out weekly. Although some care is exercised, some of these notes might be repetitive and sometimes they may seem out of order. At some point in the future, I need to re-examine these chapters in particular, better edit the material in them, and include observations and information from other commentators and pastors.

By the 4th rewrite, I will have spaced out the translations from the commentary; added a chapter summary; added a verse-by-verse exposition (10–15 pages); finishing each verse or passage with the Kukis mostly literal translation and with the Kukis paraphrase; added a set of document links and a set of verse or passage links; put two complete translations in the Addendum and check those translations; and make a word cloud from the Kukis paraphrase. Most of the changes, apart from the chapter summary, are primarily a matter of consistent formatting.

I still need to proof the commentary; add a vocabulary section; and add some additional translations.





# of pages

Genesis Intro

The Book of Beginnings

Very incomplete

(HTML) (PDF) (WPD-zipped)


Genesis 1

God Restores the Earth and Creates Man

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 2

God Makes the Man and the Woman

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 3

The Temptation, the Fall and God’s Judgement

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 4

Cain and Abel

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 5

The Genealogy from Adam to Noah

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 6

Mankind is Corrupted by Fallen Angels

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 7

The Historical Record of the Great Flood

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 8

The Deluge Begins to Subside

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 9

God’s Post-Deluvian Covenant/Noah’s Nakedness

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 10

Noah’s Descendants

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 11

The Tower of Babel/The Line of Shem

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 12

God Directs Abram to the Land of Promise

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 13

Abram and Lot Separate

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 14

War of the Kings/Abraham and Melchizedek

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 15

Abram Has a Vision of God/A Solemn Covenant

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 16

Abram Fathers a Son by Hagar, Sarai’s Slave Girl

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 17

God Requires Circumcision as a Sign of the Covenant

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 18

God Visits Abraham before the Birth of His Son;

Abraham Bargains with God about the Judgment of Sodom

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 19

The Judgment of Sodom/Perpetuation of Lot’s Line

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 20

Abraham Deceives Abimelech

4th rewrite; still incomplete; although some more work could be done on v. 16



Genesis 21

Birth of Isaac; Ishmael Cast out; Abimelech and Abraham

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 22

God directs Abraham to offer up his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 23

Abraham Purchases a Burial Plot for Sarah

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 24

Abraham Sends His Servant to Fetch a Wife for Isaac

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 25

Abraham and Keturah/Abraham’s Death/Ishmael’s Sons/ Jacob and Esau

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 26

Isaac and Abimelech; God Speaks to Isaac

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 27

Jacob Deceives his Father

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 28

Isaac Sends Jacob to the East/Jacob’s Ladder

4th rewrite; still incomplete



Genesis 29

Jacob Marries Both Leah and Rachel, and Sires Four Sons

4th rewrite; still incomplete.



Genesis 30

Jacob Sires More Children/An Agreement with Laban

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 31

Jacob Leaves Laban’s Compound

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 32

Two Camps/Jacob Returns to Canaan/

He Wrestles with God

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 33

Jacob and his Family Return to Canaan/Jacob Meets Esau

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 34

The Rape of Dinah/The Slaughter of Shechem

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 35

Jacob’s Sons/The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 36

Nation Esau (Edom)

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 37

Joseph and His Brothers

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 38

Judah and Tamar

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 39

Joseph and Potiphar

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 40

Joseph, the Chief Baker and the Chief Cupbearer

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 41

Pharaoh’s Dream and the Famine of Egypt

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 42

Joseph’s Brothers Come to Egypt to Buy Grain

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 43

Jacob’s Sons Return to Egypt with Benjamin

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above)



Genesis 44

Judah Offers to Be Benjamin’s Substitute for Punishment

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 45

Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brothers

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 46

Jacob’s Entire Family Moves to Egypt

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 47

Pharaoh Welcomes Joseph’s Family/The Famine Continues

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 48

Jacob Blesses the Sons of Joseph

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 49

Jacob’s Last Words to His Sons

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Genesis 50

Jacob’s Burial; Joseph Reassures His Brothers; Joseph’s Death

4th rewrite; still incomplete (as above).



Total # of pages:


Navigating Genesis Links


Top of Page


Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Chapter Summaries

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies

(More links below)


Other Genesis References:

The Basic Exegesis Series: These are lessons sent out weekly, still in progress, as a study of the book of Genesis. These lessons lack the word-by-word exegesis; and everything found in these lessons is also found in the individual chapters listed above.

External Links

Introductory Lessons


Introductory Lessons


Introductory Lessons


Genesis Lessons 1–100


Genesis Lessons 1–100


Genesis Lessons 1–100


Genesis Lessons 101–200


Genesis Lessons 101–200


Genesis Lessons 101–200


Genesis Lessons 201–300


Genesis Lessons 201–300


Genesis Lessons 201–300


Genesis Lessons 301–400


Genesis Lessons 301–400


Genesis Lessons 301–400


Kukis Homepage



What each set of 100 lessons covers is included in the index which begins each group of lessons.


The original Genesis exegesis, which covers the entire book of Genesis, and was done about 1995, and contains perhaps 600 pages total. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).


Notes on Genesis from Robert Dean

Robert Dean’s Notes on Genesis:


Genesis an expositional Bible study by Pastor William E. Wenstrom, Jr. edited by Warren Doud (PDF) (About 900 pages)


So-so notes and translation of Genesis, from Syndein’s website; mostly taken from R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s teaching.


Benjamin Brodie’s translation of Gen. 1:1–2:4


Genesis commentaries at Precept Austin.


Bible Commentaries on Study


Navigating Genesis Links


Top of Page


Genesis HTML Format

Genesis PDF Format

Genesis WordPerfect Format

Chapter Summaries

Chapters and Stage of Completeness

Additional links to other Genesis studies