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Friday, August 28, 2009

A New Turquoise and Magnesite Set !

It seems as if the East and West Coasts of the United States are going their own directions and are following different style and color themes for this coming Fall Season, and the mid-lands, well they continue with the old stand-bys.
So in keeping with the majority of the country and the "Big and Bold" theme, the following new Jewelry Set has been designed using carved Arizona Magnesite Tubes, Arizona Blue Turquoise discs with Silver highlight beads and silver chain. Matching Arizona blue Turquoise discs mounted on silver French Hook earrings complete the set.
click on picture for enlarged view
The fun part about the upcoming Holiday gift season is that anyone can wear Turquoise. Watch the spotlights and see all the celeb fashionista's that wear this stone. This is a really easy Christmas gift that is perfect for your friend or LOVE who watches what and wearing what the celebs are wearing.
See for more Turquise Necklace Sets.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RAFB ROSC Welcome Get-Together !

Lapis Lazuli and Kyanite
This coming Thursday Aug 27th, the Randolph AFB Officer's Spouses Club will host their Fall Roundup Get-together. The meeting will be held at the RAFB O'Club from 1000 until about 1230 hours in the main meeting room. Several vendors will be present with jewelry, craft items, snacks and household items. Jewelry by CnC will be there with some new jewelry pieces, show above and below, made especially for the show.

Yellow Turquoise & Pipe Stone-------- - Turquoise and Silver
Onyx, Jasper & Quartz---------------Onyx & Agate

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Fall Look !

As the end of Summer approaches, if you live in the south, or maybe you are already into Fall if your live in the northeast or northwest, do you know what colors and looks are going to rock for this Fall?
Be prepared for this this Fall to see the return of plaid, any color or combination of plaids and also wearable leather structured garments and soft metallic colors. But don't go overboard, just make sure you also have several outfits in some of the basic colors. Every season there is one must have color. For this coming 2009 Fall Season that color is heather gray. Other basic colors that are coming on strong for this Fall are black, orange, yellow, purple and blue.
When it comes to putting that special Fall look together using your key colors, take it from a simple look to an complete ensemble by throwing in something of patent leather or metallic. As far as your jewelry and other accessories go, be bold with a capital "B"! Actually go with a "B & B" - "Bold and Bulky" ! Being Bold never looked better than with a large Turquoise necklace, but Calcite and Amatheyst can fill the bill also.

See these designs on the Jewelry by CnC web-site.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wire Working Tools - Part 3

In two past posts we have been discussing the tools used when doing wire working. Taking the leap into the jewelry making business, even for a hobby, can be expensive for anyone. It is an overwhelming and sometimes a bit intimidating in learning about and choosing just the right tools.
Here are some last suggestions, details, or recommendations to maybe help make that decision whether or how to purchase jewelry and wire working tools.
1) The most important tools will be your pliers. Invest in good quality, heavy duty tools, even ergonomic tools if that is what you require. You will be working with these tools so much, you will need something that is comfortable and easy to work with and handle.
2) A good smooth steel bench block. You will be doing a lot of pounding and this tool saves a lot of countertops and desks.
3) Good chase hammer and files. Purchase a good light hammer; if you want to make textures and/or flatten wire, you’ll be glad you invested. Buy files in a kit so you get a lot of different angles, lengths and depths. You never know when what you might run across in needing to work with wire.
4) Research and look around before buying your tools. Check out the local hardware store, craft/hobby store, Ebay, or even the local discount store. Even starting out with ‘used’ tools will give you an idea of what you will expect before you make the leap into investment for expensive tools. You may even check with other Artists to see if they are selling ‘2nd hand’ tools. They can also give you advice on what to and not to look for.
5) Make no mistake; what you pay for is what you get. If you want quality and something that will last a long time, expect to pay more. Whatever you choice, be sure to do you research and ask around.
The more information you get to make a better decision, the better your jewelry designs will turn out. Good Luck!
Thanks to our daughter-in-law at TimelessDesignsStudio for the wire working info.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

$65M London Jewelry Heist !

British police have arrested a suspect in what is thought to be Britain's biggest jewelry heist. The suspect is not one of the two smartly dressed men who walked into Graff on London's upmarket New Bond Street last Thursday, but could be an accomplice or getaway driver. Police said there are at least four suspects. The two robbers were armed with handguns with which they threatened staff before getting away with 43 rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches.
As they left, they dragged a female member of staff with them and fired a warning shot outside the shop. No one was injured and the assistant was left behind as the robbers raced off. Another shot was fired soon after as the pair abandoned their BMW getaway car nearby and switched to a Mercedes-Benz, before switching to a third car later.
"These men are extremely dangerous and fired at least two shots in busy London streets as they made their getaway," a police inspector said. "As far as the UK is concerned we do not know of a bigger jewelry raid. "Someone knows who these men are - they must have spoken about it beforehand or boasted about it afterward." The pair, dressed in gray suits and white shirts and speaking with London accents, were probably helped by at least another two men acting as getaway drivers.
Graff is known for its diamonds and has a celebrity clientele. It was also targeted in 2003 in what until now was reportedly Britain's most expensive jewelry robbery, worth 23 million when it was robbed by jewel thief Nebojsa Denic, a Kosovan Serb and a member of the notorious gang of Balkan robbers known as "the Pink Panthers." Denic was caught and sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 2007, another smartly dressed pair was chauffeured to the store's Sloane Street branch in a Bentley Continental Flying Spur. They whipped out handguns and made off with 10 million pounds worth of gems. The latest heist is also thought to be the second biggest robbery ever in Britain. First place is still held by a 53 million raid in 2006 on a Securitas depot in Kent, southeast England. New Bond Street, in London's exclusive Mayfair district, is dotted with big-name gem stores including royal jewelers Asprey. Celebrities spotted wearing Graff's jewels include Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue, Naomi Campbell, Oprah Winfrey and Victoria Beckham.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Surprises -- fake gemstones !

From time to time, certain gemstone catch ones eye at shows, and you just have to get one or some because they are so unique and different. But as the saying goes "Buyer Beware!" There are so many reconstituted items and downright fakes any more, without a good eye, some training and some special tools or tests, it is very hard to spot many of the fakes.
But once you see and obtain an unusual piece, and then try to work with it, sometimes you find out very quickly that is is not a real gemstone. In a recent attempt to drill a hole for a bail in a newly found item, it quickly became evident that the gemstone was not stone at all but a piece of nicely colored resin. As seen in the picture, the diamond drill bit melted its way through rather than drilling, and left the melted resin adhered to the drill bit.

So far the most common fakes have been found in Turquoise, Malachite, Calsilica, Copal and Amber, and this just pertains to total fakes and not colored or other modifications done to actual gemstones, or making other gemstones look like something they are not, i.e. Howlite colored to look like Turquoise..



Wire Working Tools - Part 2

In wire working there are some specialty tools that enable a designer to create something unique and unusual. There are the usual tools as was posted previously, but also these special wire working tools to include wire twisters, coiling pliers, nylon jawed pliers (heavy), rosary pliers (heavy), and bail makers. You can find these online or through a vendor that carries special wire working tools.
Wire Twisters: These unique tools are used to twist short to medium pieces of wire using just one hand. If you are going to be combining more than 2 pieces of wire, or a bunch of wire twists, than an electric hand drill will also perform the same purpose, only much quicker.
Coiling Pliers: To make jump rings or wire loops, use coiling pliers that have one jaw that is flat and another that is in a 3-tier step making wire loops. This keeps you from marring your wire too much, as conventional convex/concave pliers can easily mar the wire as you turn loops or use as a bail maker.

Nylon Lined Jaw Pliers: These pliers are used to straighten wire or for bending, forming and shaping your wire. The nylon lined jaws keep the pliers from again, marring your wire. As you work with these pliers, the nylon jaws will need to be replaced over time as they can get cut up by the raw wire. (Tip: If you don’t want to buy a set of these pliers, then using blue painters tape wrapped around the ends of regular pliers will do the same thing. You have to replace the tape after each use.)
Rosary Pliers: These pliers are for working with every heavy gauge wire such as 14-16gauge. They are heavy pliers that are built not to slip when used in gripping, turning and twisting of the heavy gauge wire.
Bail Makers: Bail making pliers are usually rounded diameter cylinder pliers and come in different sizes. You can purchase several different sets of bail makers as each one will usually make 3 different size combinations, usually ranging from 1.5mm to 9mm bail or ring sizes.
These are just a few of the speciality tools used in wire working. Doing research on the internet, reading books and magazines or taking a class you can learn about many other speciality tools used in wire working.
Thanks to our daughter-in-law at TimelessDesignsStudio for her wire wrapping info.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wire Working Tools - Part 1

There are several different types of of tools used in jewelry making. One starts out with the most common of the type, and as you learn each technique and put your own twist of creativity into the design, one moves into other more advanced or new techniques and types of jewelry making and the tools that go with it.
Before you invest into the tools and wire, it is recommend that you take a class from your local craft, hobby or beading store. This will give you the chance to really get your hands ‘dirty’ before putting out the money in the tools and wire for the projects you desire.
Wire working tools are some of the same ones that are used in every type of jewelry making; however there are a few specialty tools for working with heavy gauge wire and to make things like jump rings, connectors and findings. Here are some of the more common essential wire working tools. In part 2, we'll look at some specialty wire working tools and techniques.
Bent Nose Pliers: Use these to shape or straighten wire and to hold it in place while using other tools. Keep a pair of both large and small sizes to fit most projects. Inspect your pliers before purchase and avoid any with notches on the inside as that can scratch wire. Over time, your pliers will start to show wear and tear; to keep them around longer wrap blue painters tape around the jaws to keep from marring the wire.
Round Nose Pliers: These are perfect for curving wire or making hooks and loops, which can be used as findings or for attachment pieces. Again have several different sizes ranging in size from small, medium and large, depending on the design, stones and project being worked on.
Chain Nose Pliers: These pliers are square on the outside, flat on the inside, with a tapered nose to reach into small places. These are excellent for making angles in wire.
Wire Cutters: These are used to cut normal wire such as gold, sterling, and artistic wire. Do not confuse them with the specialty memory wire cutters that are only used to cut the heaver memory wire. The sharper the cutter, the better, as it will last longer. Again several sizes of cutters may be advisable depending on the guage of wire being used.
Jeweler’s Files: These come in sets with several sizes and shapes which are used to smooth off the metal. Wooden handles make it more comfortable to hold than all metal files; but is not necessary. Whatever your choice, make sure to get a variety of sizes and shapes to fit any project.
Bench Block: This is one of my favorite wire working tools; it is used to flatten wire and metal. It gives you a nice, sturdy, solid surface to work from.
Chasing Hammer: This round tipped hammer is used with the bench block to hammer wire flat. You can also use it in more advanced techniques to give a more hammered or textured look to your wire or metals.
Thing-a-ma-jig Wire Jig: For making just about any kind of loop, curve, link, or design, a wire jig makes it easier. If you can draw or move a string in any shape, then you can do the same thing with wire when using a jig.
.Thanks to our daughter-in-law at TimelessDesignsStudio for her wire wrapping info.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oregon's "Sunstone" !

The 1987 Legislature designated the Oregon Sunstone as the official state gemstone. Uncommon in its composition, clarity, and colors, it is a large, brightly colored transparent gem in the Feldspar family. The Oregon Sunstone attracts collectors and miners and has been identified as a boon to tourism and economic development in southeastern Oregon counties.
A few years earlier, in 1965, the Thunder-egg (geode) was named state rock by the Legislature after rockhounds throughout Oregon voted it as their first choice. Thundereggs range in diameter from less than one inch to over four feet. Nondescript on the outside, they reveal exquisite designs in a wide range of colors when cut and polished. They are found chiefly in Crook, Jefferson, Malheur, Wasco and Wheeler counties.
Oregon Sunstone is a Feldspar crystal formed as phenocrysts in molten lava and then discharged onto the surface of the earth by a volcano. As the lava weathers away or is broken up the crystals are released. While Feldspars are found all over the world, they are rarely gem grade. Central Oregon is one of the few places in the world where this type of Feldspar is found in gem grade and large enough to cut stones for jewelry. Sunstone is a plagioclase Feldspar exhibiting in certain directions a brilliant spangled appearance, which has led to its use as a gemstone. Oregon is the only place in the world where gem grade Sunstones are found containing copper. Varying amounts of copper cause the stones to range in color from water clear to yellow, as well as many shades of green, red and pink. Some stones contain from two to four of these colors. Some rare stones will even change colors in different light as Alexandrite does, and some are different colors when viewed from different directions (dichroic and trichroic)..
In south central Oregon, northeast of Plush, the BLM has set aside 4 square miles for rock collectors to hunt for Sunstones. No claims can be filled within the BLM sunstone area, and there is no charge to prospect. Outside the BLM area, several major mines exist ihat are open to the public for digging and collecting. High Desert Gems & Minerals currently owns over 40 sunstone mining claims in the Plush and White Horse Ranch area of Oregon. One, the Spectrum Mine is a 20 acre patented mining claim located 27 miles northeast of Plush, Oregon. Another major mine in the area, the Dust Devil Mining Company, is Oregon’s premier Sunstone Fee-Digging venue where visitors can prospect virgin ground that has been opened with our heavy equipment – They are never limited to digging tailings or material that has already been high-graded. Visitors will take most of what they find FREE OF CHARGE, while certain very high-grade or collector stones will be charged at 25% of wholesale. The Dust Devil Mine is a bit hard to get to, but they have files for downloading to GPS units on their web-site. About 100 miles to the southeast is another Sunstone location, with the major mining carried out is at the Ponderosa Mine in Harney County. The Ponderosa is a relatively recent find, having been discovered in 1980.
In general, Feldspar, also called Labradorite, is a little known and underrated gemstone, yet some of the available colors and varieties of material are truly beautiful. At a hardness of 6, it is generally too soft for daily use in rings, it would be acceptable for occasional wear for special occasions and other types of jewelry. Feldspar is an easy material to cut, both in cabs and for faceting. The two perfect cleavages are not troublesome, and in fact, the table for faceted stones does not always have to be oriented away from the cleavage planes. The material is not heat sensitive and polishing usually goes fairly quickly with Cerium Oxide.
Thanks to the owners of the Dust Devil MIne for their pictures and sample sunstone specimuns.