KublaCon is usually a large convention held in May (now called KublaCon Prime). This was a new convention the same Kubla team decided to put on for Remembrance Day weekend (aka Veterans Day in the US). This was a much needed convention for me as I've been very stressed out with life and work this past year and especially these past few months. I needed a break and this hit the spot!
Roy Scaife and myself arrived Thursday even at the hotel and decided to jump into a couple of ACW boardgames from Worthington Publishing that I really like. The first one was Gettysburg and the second was Chancellorsville. Both are quick and easy to play (based on the same system). Highly recommended.
Most 28mm collections I imagine don't fit with Fire & Fury due to the size and number of stands needed to play the game. I implemented a simple modification to the system that allows me to use the rules with my collection and the visual representation I like for my miniatures on the tabletop. At the core, 2 stands in F&F = 1 base in my collection. That necessitated a few minor adjustments to tables and some rules, but it ended up working out really well - even better than I expected.
Below are a couple of shots of the setup for the game. It was a main section that was 6x8 feet, with an expanded 4x6 foot section to widen the battlefield for the later arriving Confederate units. This also provided a better representation of the every increasing amount of Confederate brigades showing up to overwhelm the Union forces.
Nice DSLR pictures below ...
Crappy phone pictures below ...
I hosted this game as well which is the Edgehill scenario from the Epic Pike & Shotte rulebook. Was a great milestone for my collection to get this all out on the table. The Parliamentarian players decided to be aggressive and immediately push to engage the Royalist infantry Battalias. The cavalry was a swirling mess of melee and regiments bouncing off each other, and in some cases breaking through. In the end the Royalist foot held together and did enough to break the Parliamentarian foot to win the game. Table is a 6 foot by 12 foot.
The cavalry battles on the flanks got crazy. One of the Parliamentarian cavalry regiments defected mid-charge to the Royalists! The unit was promptly shot all the pieces. A dismounted dragoon unit fought off a full cavalry regiment/charge! Those are just a couple of examples of how crazy the cavalry flanks turned out to be.
This represents the entire battle that was fought. First up are the nice pictures ...
And now my crappy phone pictures ...
Dan Kerrick ran this game. Sadly I only got a few pictures of the table. The gangs all had to raid a local bank that had stockpiled a bunch of gold that was seized by the government. Small detachment of US Cavalry guarded the bank but that didn't deter us!
A great part of this game was one member of each game had the shits. Each turn when they activated they had to roll a D10. On a 1 they would have to move to an outhouse and spend an action to ... well ... take a dump. This happened a few times had was hilarious. Great game and all had fun.
Kevin from our local area runs his Vietnam game usually 2-3 times at our local conventions and always is full. I need peel off time one of these days to play in it. Players all have a great time and many go back for more in the different sessions. This convention he was running scenarios based around the brown water navy. I managed to snap a few pictures of the game.
And finally the last pictures I have that show some of the other games running at the convention (I missed taking pictures of many games because I was busy playing/hosting games).