So the workshop rocked!
Here is an Etsy friend chatting with Chris....
Michelle Swafford- So cool to meet my "cyber-friends" in real life:
Chris Gustin is a phenomenal potter and artist and an amazing teacher...
Here he is working on a giant bowl form...that's about 30 pounds of clay:
I raised my wheel about 2 bricks higher, thanks to Aaron, our workshop assistant.
That DEFINITELY helped my back from being terrible...
I did get soreness but it was generally manageable.
The workshop was heavy on theory and although I made and bisqued about a dozen pots, I threw them all out because it was really about being a learning experience for me and I really felt that photos would suffice!
The group was great... very DIVERSE... and I also got to meet and hang a little with my buddy from Etsy: Felicia who was working on a hand building workshop!
Her workshop continues through this week... she was able to join us as my new friend Susie (this is Susie!)
drove us to Paul Soldner's home and studio(so exciting!!!!) and I only got us a little lost... just a little...
Here is his studio... unfortunately he hasn't thrown in over 2 years (He's 88 and in a wheel chair...)
We made it to the Harvey Meadows Gallery and we were able to see wonderful examples of Chris's work... as well as many others...
Here he is:
I managed to purchase one of his gorgeous tea bowls...WHOOT!
The workshop was a lot of fun as the people were great...III I orchestrated this Charlie's...make that Chris's Angel's shot:
(Megan,Cara,and Jolee)
But it was also extremely intense as he was able to really get us to think about what we do and why and how design interacts with the process, etc...
I must admit...a little draining as well as exhilarating!
I left to fly from Aspen to Denver on the most NAUSEATING small plane flight at fly out of Denver to Newark at 7:12 and landed at 1am on Saturday... I checked in to a Holiday Inn right off the Turnpike to get 2 Hours of sleep and my husband picked me up around 5:45am so we could head up to "Visiting Day" and my kids' camp... It was a crazy 24 hours BUT.... it was worth it to see my boys!!!!
Now I am in SEVERE organizing mode as they return home a week from Tuesday and the summer is moving fast... The legs for my wheel won't get here until Thursday(I am meeting my mom in Philly that day and staying over with her to give her a little "get-away"... which will be great but again... tick tock....) so I am trying use my time wisely....Wish me luck!