So, who knew that the warblers are heading back through the Twin Cities. This morning Wood Lake was alive with birds, many who we haven't seen since early May. It was great to see so many birds there.
This is the second week in a row that we have noticed an absence of red-winged blackbirds. Since they are among the first to arrive, I just expected the red wings to hang around for another month or so, but that didn't happen.
Blackburian warbler. Has white wing bars and a prominent light streak above the eye. The triangle of dark color on the cheeks also led me to guess blackburian.
Black and white warbler.
I believe this is a chestnut-sided warbler. I have another shot and he/she has yellow patches underneath and behind the legs. Tough call on the id.
Hairy woodpecker leaves for a meal somewhere else.
Family of mallard ducks. Grow up quickly guys...cooler weather is coming.
So I was looking at the song sparrow when I noticed this ruby-throated hummingbird in the middle of the picture.
Green heron leaving the area as we walked up. Pleased that I got a shot of him before he disappeared.