Edinburgh School of Economics
School of
College of
Humanities and Social Science
University of Edinburgh
Jonathan P. Thomas
of Economics
University of Edinburgh
Buccleuch Place
jonathan.thomas AT ed.ac.uk
Webpage: http://homepages.econ.ed.ac.uk/~jpthomas/
Academic Posts
- Edinburgh University, Professor of Economics,
- University of St Andrews, Professor of Economics,
- University of Warwick, Professor of Economics,
- University of Warwick, Senior Lecturer in Economics,
- University of Warwick, Lecturer in Economics, 1985-1992
- University of Bristol, Temporary Lecturer in Economics,
- University of Cambridge, Department of Applied
Economics, Junior Research Officer, 1982-1983; Research Officer, 1983-1984
Other Affiliations
- Fellow of the Econometric Society, 2007
- Fellow of the British Academy, 2002
- IFO/Center of Economics
Studies, University of Munich, Fellow
- University of St Andrews, Honorary Professor of
- University of Warwick, Honorary Professor of Economics
Visiting Positions
- Edinburgh University, Visiting Professorial Fellow,
- University of Oxford, Nuffield College, Visiting
Fellow, 1998
- University of Munich, CES, Visiting Fellow, 1997.
- Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Visiting Professor,
- University of Bonn, Economics Department, Visiting
Academic, 1991
- Tilburg University, Center
for Economic Research, 1991
- University of Konstanz, Visiting Assistant Professor,
Research Interests
- Dynamic contracts
- Contract theory as applied to labour economics
Publications in
Refereed Journals
- "The persistent
effects of a change in government consumption," Economics Letters, 9
- "Self-enforcing
wage contracts" (with Tim Worrall), Review of Economic Studies, 55
(1988), pp.541-554.
- "Asymptotic
efficiency in principal-agent models with hidden information" (with
Ben Lockwood), Economics Letters, 30 (1989), pp.297-301.
- "Income fluctuation
and asymmetric information: an example of a repeated principal-agent
problem" (with Tim Worrall), Journal of Economic Theory, 51(1990),
- "Sovereign debt:
ignorance can be bliss", Journal of Development Economics, 39 (1992),
- "Cartel stability
in an exhaustible resource model", Economica,
59 (1992), pp.279-293.
- "Multiplier effects
in a neoclassical model with a production lag", Metroeconomica,
43 (1992), pp.349-367.
- "Non-computable
rational expectations equilibria", Mathematical Social Sciences, 25
(1993), pp.133-142.
- "Foreign direct
investment and the risk of expropriation" (with Tim Worrall), Review
of Economic Studies, 61 (1994), pp.81-108.
- "Sub-game perfect
attainment of minimax punishments in discounted two-person games",
Economics Letters, 47 (1995), pp.1-4.
- "The confidence
heuristic: a game theoretic analysis" (with R. McFadyen), Journal of
Economic Psychology, 16 (1995), pp.97-113.
- "Probabilistic
voting, campaign contributions and efficiency" (with Derek Clark),
American Economic Review, 85 (1995), pp.254-259.
- "Reputation and
commitment in two-person repeated games without discounting" (with
Martin Cripps), Econometrica, November 1995, 63 (6), 1401-1419.
- "A non-cooperative
analysis of Hotelling's location game"
(with H. Bester, A. de Palma, W. Leininger and
E.L. von Thadden), Games and Economic Behavior, 1996, 12, 165-186.
- "Reputation in
perturbed repeated games" (with Martin Cripps and Klaus Schmidt),
Journal of Economic Theory, May 1996, 69 (2), 387-410.
- "Reputation and
Perfection in Repeated Common Interest Games" (with M.W.Cripps), Games and Economic Behavior,
1997, 18 (2), 141-158.
- "Pooling
sovereignty risks: the case of environmental treaties and international
debt" (with E. Mohr), Journal of Development Economics, 1998, 55,
- "Reputation and
experimentation in repeated games with two long-run players" (with
Bob Evans), Econometrica, 1997, 65 (5), 1153-1173.
- "IMF Conditionality
as a Screening Device" (with S. Marchesi),
Economic Journal, 1999, 109 (Conference Supplement), 111-125.
- "Mutual Insurance,
Individual Savings and Limited Commitment" (with Ethan Ligon and Tim Worrall), Review of Economic Dynamics,
April 2000, 3 (2), 216-246.
- "Cooperation and
Punishment" (with Bob Evans), Econometrica, July 2001, 69 (4),
- "An analysis of
labour adjustment costs in unionized economies" (with L. Modesto),
Labour Economics, 2001, 8, 475-501.
- "Informal Insurance
Arrangements in Village Economies" (with Ethan Ligon
and Tim Worrall), Review of Economic Studies, January 2002, 69, 209-244.
- "Gift-giving,
Quasi-Credit and Reciprocity" (with Tim Worrall), Rationality and
Society, 2002, 14(3), 308-352.
- "Gradualism and
Irreversibility" (with Ben Lockwood), Review of Economic Studies,
2002, 69(2), 339-356.
- "Some Asymptotic
Results in Discounted Repeated Games of One-Sided Incomplete
Information" (with Martin Cripps), Mathematics of Operations
Research, 2003, 28(3), 433-462.
- "Bankruptcy
Proceedings for Sovereign State Insolvency and their Effect on Capital
Flows", International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 13, Issue
3 , 2004, Pages 341-361.
- "Default Costs,
Willingness to Pay, and Sovereign Debt Buybacks," Journal of
Restructuring Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2004, 35-47.
- "Bankruptcy
Proceedings for Sovereign State Insolvency," The World Economy, vol.
27, no. 2, February 2004, pp. 265-279 (15).
- "Fair pay and a Wagebill Argument for Wage Rigidity and Excessive
Employment Variability", Economic Journal, Vol. 115, October 2005,
- "Wage Dynamics,
Cohort Effects and Limited Commitment Models" (with Pedro Martins and
Andy Snell), Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 3(2-3),
April-May 2005, 350-359.
- "Unemployment Insurance under Moral Hazard and
Limited Commitment: Public versus Private Provision" (with Tim
Worrall), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 9 (1), 2007, pp. 151-181.
- "Limited
Commitment Models of the Labour Market," (with Tim Worrall), Scottish
Journal of Political Economy, 54 (5), November 2007, pp. 750-773.
- "Labor Contracts,
Equal Treatment, and Wage-Unemployment Dynamics" (with
Andy Snell), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2(3), 2010,
98127. DOI:10.1257/mac.2.3.98.
- Downward
Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal Treatment Contracting (with Pedro
Martins and Andy Snell), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Special Issue:
Price and Wage Dynamics, Volume 112, Issue 4, December 2010, pages
841863, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9442.2010.01628.x
- "Measuring
What Employers Do about Entry Wages over the Business Cycle: A New
Approach (with Pedro Martins and Gary Solon), American Economic
Journal: Macroeconomics, 4 (4),
36-55, October 2012.
- Optimal Punishment in Contests with Endogenous Entry
(with Zhewei Wang) Journal of Economic Behavior
& Organization, Volume 91, July 2013, Pages 3450.
- A
competitive model of worker replacement and wage rigidity (with Andy
Snell and Zhewei Wang), Economic Inquiry, 53, 1, Jan 2015 pp. 419-430.
- Marginal
Subsidies in Tullock Contests (with Zhewei
Wang), Journal
of Public Economic Theory, Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 511526, April 2017
[DOI: 10.1111/jpet.12203].
- Bias in Returns
to Tenure When Firm Wages and Employment Comove: A Quantitative Assessment and Solution (with Andy
Snell, Pedro Martins and Heiko Stόber), Journal of Labor Economics 2018, 36:1, 47-74.
- Stochastic
Stability of Monotone Economies in Regenerative Environments (with Sergey
Foss, Vsevolod Shneer and Tim Worrall), Journal of Economic Theory, January, 2018, Volume 173, pages 334-360.
[ doi:10.1016/j.jet.2017.11.004 ]
- Dynamic Relational Contracts under Complete Information
(with Tim Worrall), Journal of Economic Theory, May 2018, Volume 175, pages 624-651.
[ doi:10.1016/j.jet.2018.02.004 ]
- "Downward real wage rigidity and equal treatment wage contracts:
theory and evidence, (with Andy Snell and Heiko Stueber),
Review of Economic Dynamics, October 2018, Volume 30, pages 265-284.
[doi:10.1016/j.red.2018.06.001 ]
Recent Unpublished
- "Employer Collusion
and Employee Training, (with Pedro Martins) mimeo, latest version December 2022.
- "Job security, asymmetric information,
and wage rigidity, (with Heiko Stueber and Andy Snell), June 2019. Previous version.
- "A simple model
of extensions of collective contracts, mimeo, September 2019.
- "Dynamic
Relational Contracts with Credit Constraints, The School of Economics
Discussion Paper Series 1009, University of Manchester (with Tim Worrall), March 2010.
- Are Departures from Rational Expectations a
Contributory Cause of Business Cycle Volatility? (with
Andy Snell), 2013.
Other Publications
- "Some micro and macro implications of
inventories," in F.H.Hahn (ed.), The
Economics of Games, Information and Missing Markets, (1989), Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
- "Learning and reputation in repeated games of
incomplete information" (with Martin Cripps), in Rationality and
Learning in Economics, edited A.Kirman and M.Salmon, Oxford: Basil Blackwell (1995), pp.276-307.
- "Pareto efficiency", in A. Kuper and J. Kuper (eds.),
The Social Science Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition,
- Comment on "A Theory of the Onset of Currency
Crises", in The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and
Consequences, edited P.R. Agenor, M.Miller, D. Vines, A. Weber, CUP 1999.
- "Discussion of Incomplete contracts, the port of
Gaza, and the case for economic sovereignty," forthcoming in The
Economics of Palestine: Economic Policy and Institutional Reform for a
Viable Palestinian State, edited by David Cobham and Numan
Other Recent
- Royal Economic Society Council member, 2007-2012.
- Member of the British Academy Economics Section
Standing Committee, 2008-2013.
- 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, Economics and
Econometrics Sub-Panel Member.
- 2014 Research Excellence Framework Economics and
Econometrics sub-panel member.