Friday, April 30, 2010
penyediaan stok makanan bayi
Dibebaskan kerana menyusu anak
IBU 17 TAHUN DIBEBAS, ANAK ENGGAN MENYUSUKUCHING: Polis terpaksa membebaskan seorang wanita berusia 17 tahun yang ditahan bersama suaminya kerana disyaki terlibat dalam kegiatan pengedaran pil khayal Ahad lalu, selepas anak mereka berusia 18 bulan enggan minum susu tepung sejak dua hari lalu.Berikutan itu, keluarga suspek yang menetap di Beladin, pusa, terpaksa berulang alik sejauh hampir 200km bagi membolehkan bayi berkenaan disusukan oleh suspek yang ditahan di IPD Betong.Ketua Polis Daerah Betong, Deputi Superintendan Mohd Bukhori Saffari, berkata sebelum ini pihaknya mendapat perintah reman dua suspek itu selama 4 hari bagi membolehkan siasatan lanjut ke atas mereka dilakukan."Atas dasar kemanusiaan kita melepaskan suspek yang disyaki terbabit dengan kegiatan mengidar pil nospan bersama suaminya dengan jaminan RM1000 yang dibayar ahli keluarganya" katanya.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yup! Mother’s Day Giveaway sponsored by is back!!
It’s the time of the year to reward the most special woman in our life! would like to organize a special contest for the well-deserved and incredible mums out there by giving out FREE goodies!
- Grand Prize Winner x 1 – FREE Designer Inspired bag of the winner’s choice (any bag available on the website)
- Consolation Prizes (Unlimited) – All submissions gets 15% Mother’s Day Cash Voucher To Shop At
- Make a new post on your blog, titled THE FIRST CRY and share your first baby birth experience.
- Must link and MomBloggersPlanet’s contest giveaway post
- Must put the contest banner and link back to this contest page.
- Leave the URL to your entry in the comment box below.
Here are the URL to be included in your blog post and banner for the sidebar.
Motherhood is a journey of discovery, tears, fears, smiles and happiness. All these are truly felt when you held your bundle of joy for the first time, when you heard him/her cry for the first time.
All pleasant experiences are worth sharing and your first baby birth experience is definitely a pleasant one that you would remember all your life.
So, let’s share your first baby birth experience and stand a chance to win a gorgeous bag!!
- This contest is opened to Malaysian only.
- Contest starts from 26th April and ends on 7th May 09. HURRY!!
- By participating, you expressly consent for your particulars to be posted on and
- will select the winners
- will handle the prizes delivery.
- Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- Winners will be announced on and also will be contacted via email.
- and reserves the rights to change, amend, delete or add on to these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to you and shall become effective on such date as determine by us. You agree to be bound by such amendments.
- and Alice reserves the right to cancel the contest at any stage, if deemed necessary in our opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of our control.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Breastfeeding- Masalah ibu bekerja
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Resepi si manja 6 bulan
Hari 1-3: bubur nasi
Hari 4-7 : bubur nasi + kentang
Hari 8- 11 : bubur nasi + carrot
Hari 12-15: bubur nasi +bayam
Hari 16- 19: bubur nasi + bilis
Hari 20-23: bubur nasi+kentang+ carrot
Hari 24-27: bubur nasi+kentang+carrot+bilis
Time 6 bulan ni, saya tapis semua makanan. Ada org suka blender, tpi saya prefer tapis dengan penapis.
Ikan bilis tu kalau boleh cari yg warna putih (less salt). Kalau takde pun ikan bilis biasa tu, rendam lama skit, biar hilang masinnya. Goreng sangai (tanpa minyak), then blend kering sampai halus. Simpan buat stok.
Beras pun blend kering dulu. Bila masak tu senang dia hancur, tak susah sangat nak tapis.
Ingat.. No sugar, no salt for baby below 1year.
Award dari Hazu
1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
Terima kasih, Hazu.
2. Pass this award onto 7 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
rasanya ramai yang dah dapat. Kepada mana yang belum dapat, silalah ambil award ni
Bagi saya semua blogs adalah cantheq
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
Siapa yang terima award ni.. silalah ambil
4. State 7 things about yourself.
- Seorang isteri kepada seorang suami yang penyayang
Menyusu perlukan ilmu
Friday, April 23, 2010
Firas 1st Solid Food
Macam Farish, ibu janji ibu akan sediakan makanan dari hasil tangan ibu semdiri. Sepertimana ibu hanya bagi susu ibu, makan pun camtu instant punyer. Nestum... sorry..