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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hooray! A Protester dies

A unrepentant Anti-War terrorist who’s bomb killed  researcher Robert E. Fassnacht and wounded 3 others in 1970 has died of lung cancer. (I hope it hurt) He only served a short 3 years in prison,  started making meth and spent more time for that (4 years) then for the murder he had done. He was 58, His victim was 33.


The Washington Post in their obit refers to this killer as a “Vietnam War Protester”!

Hey Dwight Armstrong you’re next…

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Music: Stay here Forever

By Jewel,

Her new CD Sweet and Wild is in stores now, I recommend you get the deluxe edition. It has acoustic (Sweet and Mild) versions of every song.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Least we forget

That before “global warming” became “climate change” it was “the coming ice age”


Different news stories to push the same agenda, they used to call it “propaganda” now it’s settled science.

 timecover2timecover_large  time

Note: One of the penguin covers must be photo shopped or Time has a sense of humor.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sammy My Cat

I adopted a new cat a couple of weeks ago, I just got around to taking some pictures of him. His name is Sam, I call him Sammy.

Sunday Music: Heartbreak

Sarah McLachlan

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunday Music: Yes I know It’s Friday

Jeremy Burk

I’m posting this weeks music early because this is your chance to be a part of it if you are in the Western Washington area.

Join Noise of the Needy, Lots of bands, lots of venues, one good cause.

“I was inspired after working at a homeless kitchen in Hart park near my campus. Most of the students had no idea that there was this problem of homelessness right down the street, I wanted to get these students’ attention so I came up with the idea to put together a benefit concert that would draw attention to the problem of homelessness, give local bands some exposure and create a event that would draw students together.”

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Target Open

The Red and Black Cafe is now a prime target for criminals because everyone in Portland knows no cop will do anything to stop them, and the Red and Black has only one person to blame.

StoryImage - It was early Tuesday afternoon, May 18th, Cornelia Seigneur was having lunch with her daughter at the Red and Black Cafe at Southeast 12th and Oak. 
Seigneur had struck up a conversation with
Portland Police officer James Crooker who had just picked up coffee to go. Then Seigneur said one of the cafe's owners approached and said something that stunned Seigneur.  
Seigneur blogged about the whole incident
"He looked at the policeman and said I'd like you to leave," she said.
The officer left without incident, but Seigneur says she was both shocked and disappointed that an officer was run out of a cafe simply because of his profession.


A message to the cafe and it’s customers The Police will do their jobs in spite of your arrogant ignorant selfish act, but they are people too, people who will remember how they were treated. This bit of human nature is ingrained in the criminal element in your city, they now know that your place is not going to get the fastest responses, they know that when they get there the police will likely have to deal more with you then with solving any crimes. So stay armed, announce that you are armed, keep your cash to a minimum and make sure strangers pay first. You used to be the first line of defense against crime, now you are the only line.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

D-Day 2010

If our media were there, could we have won?


This has been around for a few years, but its just as true today.

Sunday Music: Do You Sleep

By Lisa Loeb

And I Can’t do Lisa without Stay

Its like a law or something.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

You call that a peace rally?

I went to Seattle to stand with Israel after activist attacked Israeli commandos and nine for them lost their lives in the fight.

I saw no calls for peace other then the end of Israel.

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They met at Westlake then took a walk down to the convention center to meet with some Communist (you ever notice how Commies are always at the center of these thing?)

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After that they went on a tour of all the stores that sell Israeli goods.

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This was the most hateful group I’ve seen. They made it perfectly cleat that they will not be happy as long has there is a Israel in the Middle East

Here are some pictures I think are interesting…

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More on on my Flickr

In Seattle from noon till whenever

Anti-Israel protesters will be back at Westlake Center to protest Israel's self defense. I made a sign for the occasion.


A full report will be posted tonight or Sunday.

And She’s the smart one

It’s a nice birthday wish and it’s for one of the Greats,

"On this celebratory occasion, we pay tribute to the Queen's life and legacy and honour the special relationship between our two nations," Mrs Clinton said.

“The young princess Elizabeth helped rally her nation in the darkest days of that war, and she has remained a beacon of integrity and resolve ever since. The United States has always been grateful for her friendship and example.

There us just one thing,

An official statement from the US foreign policy chief paid tribute to the "Queen’s life and legacy,” despite the fact that the Monarch does not celebrate her official birthday until next weekend.

Ok so where is that “Smart Diplomacy”?

P.S. I heard she sent an iPod with all of Bill’s speeches on it.