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Friday, September 20, 2013

Bloom And Rebloom

It always amazes me this time of year that some plants  have just begun to bloom after a long spring and summer.  We need to seek them out to make our gardens span three seasons.

Actaea Black Negligee
Obedient Plant Vivid
Anemone Robustissima

Hydrangeas blooming late really add to the late summer and fall garden.

Unique Hydrangea
Limelight Hydrangea
I left most of the blooms on this year until they turn that wonderful white with pink hues.
Little Lime
The grasses are wonderful especially the late season varieties that are just beginning to open up.  They are late coming up in the spring which means that bulbs and earlier perennials can be planted with them.
Miscanthus Udine
Late season reddish plumes
Miscanthus Little Kitten
Pennesitum Hameln, Ruby Ribbons
Newly Planted Fothergilla
Amsonia Hubrechtii Northwind (trimmed down to eight inches after flowering), Pennesitum Piglet, Gerald Darby Iris With Ninebark Summer Wine
Plant for late season color not just flowers!
Sedum Matrona With Sedum Angelina
This sedum blooms in the summer with great dried flowers through the fall and winter.
Reblooming only happens with most plants if you deadhead consistently, not really a difficult task if you walk your garden to see what's happening.
Phlox Candy Store Bubblegum
What more could you ask for with this display of September blooms?
Franz Schubert
Blue Paradise
There are many more reblooming phlox in my garden but this just gives you an idea of the color you can have in the fall.
Dicentra Exima
Rainbow Knockout
Planted between Max Frei Geraniums and Plumbago
Carefree Beauty
One of the roses that keeps going until frost
Pink Knockout
Many clematis rebloom is you give them a little trim after the main bloom.  I cut down all my type II's to get rebloom in late summer and fall, lightly trim type III's to get some late summer blooms.  I do not trim type II's again until after flowering in the spring.
Fireworks Type II In Late Summer
Henryi Type II
Bees Jubilee Type II

I have never done well replanting for fall in the veggie garden.  It seems everything gets eaten as soon as it sprouts!  I had some wonderful peppers again this year with Mariachi (medium hot) and with a grafted tomato I am trialing.  Improved Whopper was tasty but very inconsistent fruit size.  I love that Golden Jubilee, lower acid tomato!
Heirloom Purple Tomato, Fanfare Cucumber, Golden Jubilee Tomato, Deuce Determinate Tomato, Mariachi Pepper