Loppem Castle - a pearl of neo-Gothic architecture
This impressive building was built in the 1858-1863s, just a few kilometres from Bruges. The original architecture and interior design have been preserved to this day. The estate served as a summer residence for the Caloen family, whose members gathered an impressive collection of works of art here, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The beginning of this magnificent collection gave the head of the family, Baron Charles van Caloen. However, the greatest collector in the family was his grandson Jan. The works of art he collected are mainly displayed in the rooms on the first floor of the castle.
Prezentowane tu zbiory to dziesiątki obrazów, szczególnie autorstwa flamandzkich malarzy, wspaniałe średniowieczne rzeźby, rękopisy, grafiki i inkunabuły. Do najcenniejszych atrakcji kolekcji należą niewątpliwie rzeźbiona figura biskupa-świętego z około 1520 roku, autorstwa Jana Bormana, oraz witraż z Pietą z około 1460 roku, zaprojektowany przez Vrancke van der Stockta. Syn Jana Roland również był zapalonym kolekcjonerem, szczególnie sztuki azjatyckiej i afrykańskiej. W 1974 roku uczynił on park należący do posiadłości ogólnodostępnym, a w roku 1975 otworzył zamek dla zwiedzających.
King Albert I and Queen Elizabeth - guests at Loppem Castle
Initially, the main designer of Loppem Castle was the English architect Edward Welby Pugin. Three years later, he was replaced by Jan Bethune, the main promoter of neo-Gothic architecture in Flanders. Pugin designed the furniture, while the stained glass windows, chandeliers, staircases and fireplaces are the work of Bethune. The interiors are designed in perfect harmony with neo-Gothic architecture. In addition to the magnificent salons, visitors will also see the family chapel and kitchen. Many will certainly be delighted by the impressive, seventeen-meter-high hall. Loppem Castle is an extraordinary example of the development of neo-Gothic architecture in Flanders.
In 1918 the castle was visited by King Albert I and Queen Elizabeth. The so-called Loppem Government was also established here, which introduced three revolutionary edicts: universal male suffrage, transformed the University of Ghent into a Dutch-speaking institution, and recognized trade union rights. The castle is surrounded by a romantic English garden, with ancient trees, ponds, and even a labyrinth measuring 65 by 25 meters. The total length of the hedge forming the labyrinth is about one and a half kilometers. In 1985 the Loppem Castle, together with the garden, was declared a protected monument.
Steenbrugsestraat 26 8210 Zedelgem-Loppem |
Opening hours:
poniedziałek-sobota: 13.00-17.30 |
Ticket price:
9 Euro |