My Cousin Sang Bradby was nominated by Viv at the Stepping Stone Project for the Chairman of Norfolk County Council Councillor Rex Parkinson-Hare Award on the 18th March 2016. Sang's achievements were giving blood 50 times in 26 years only missing one donation due to having a cold. Sang attends the Stepping Stone Project twice a week when he is not working in Cafe's. He is part of the allotment and gardening group and have recently been helping with Tapping House garden in Kings Lynn. The Stepping Stone Project also has art and crafts and many activities.
Viv, Sang and his Mum Rachel in the photo next to the Marble Map of Norfolk at County Hall, with the Lion carpet.
Sang was allowed to bring two people with him to the Awards he asked me along and his Mum Rachel.
Every Mayor in Norfolk attended and MP for Norwich South Clive Lewis on the left side of the photo popped in. Everyone is watching D 4 Dance perform.
This nice chap was there to support his sister who has been an advocate for people with learning disabilities for over 50 years.
The Mayor of Norwich called Brenda Arthur is standing left of Sang and other High roller Civic dudes also with Sang on this prestigious day.
Here is Council Leader Councillor Rex Parkinson-Hare who created the Award ceremony giving a speech. Rex has a daughter with learning difficulties and understands that with all the support in the world it is still a hard for people with learning difficulties to get by. He said all the winners had overcome there learning disabilities, some complicated further by medical conditions to gain life skills, confidence and some sort of independence, the majority of us take for granted everyday.
We all sat in a big room and some of the seats were reserved for the Mayors and the Winners, but we all wanted to seat where we wanted. Sang and I are hard of hearing so right up the front was the best place to sit.
The awards were County council mugs with their logo on and the other side with the name of the winner as well as a certificate. Sang will have his mug on display at the Stepping stone project. 18 people in Norfolk gained an award from all the different support groups in Norfolk that nominated them.
Attleborough Mayor Tony Perkins shaking hands with Sang.
Leader of the County Council Rex Parkinson-Hare handing Sang Bradby his major Award for his Achievements in Norfolk and to his 50 donations to the blood bank. It was a wonderful celebration we had refreshments and met lots of amazing people.