I have one China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD position for September 2025 entrance. Check out the form (LINK) and fill out if you are interested!
(Aug. 2024) A paper on incremental learning for 6D object pose estimation was accepted to ICPR.
(Jun. 2024) A paper on reference-guided image filtering (de-raining) was accepted to ICIP.
(Mar. 2024) A paper on SNN-based tactile sensing for texture classification was accepted to IEEE Sensors Journal.
(Feb. 2024) A paper on test-time adaptation for 6D object pose tracking was accepted to Pattern Recognition.
(Feb. 2024) A paper on open-vocabulary based 6D object pose estimation was accepted to CVPR (Highlight).
(Feb. 2024) A paper on diffusion model-based image generation was accepted to CVPR.
(2024) Academic services: Area Chair @ BMVC 2024, Local Arrangement Chair @ CVMP 2024.
(Dec. 2023) A paper on transferable out-of-distribution detection was accepted to AAAI.
(Dec. 2022) 2022 Intelligent Sensing Winter School
(Jun. 2022) A paper on 6D object pose tracking was accepted to ICIP.
(Mar. 2022) A paper on video object segmentation was accepted to ICME.
(Jan. 2022) A paper on underwater image enhancement was accepted to ICASSP.
(Dec. 2021) 2021 Intelligent Sensing Winter School
(Oct. 2021) A paper on video prediction was accepted to BMVC.
(Sep. 2021) A paper on adversarial image filters was accepted to TIP.
(Jun. 2021) A paper on policy learning from a static image was accepted to IROS.
(Jun. 2021) A paper on safe human-to-robot handover was accepted to ROMAN.
(Jun. 2021) A paper on visual-tactile perception was accepted to CASE.
(Sep. 2020) Co-organised 2020 Intelligent Sensing Summer School
(Mar. 2020) A paper on mapless navigation was accepted to TCSVT.
(Jan. 2020) A paper on adversarial image enhancement filter was accepted to ICASSP.
(Jan. 2020) A paper on stereo dehazing was accepted to IJCV.
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