First, I want to thank everyone that entered, all the first time visitors, new readers and the new friends at the Mego Museum for coming by to enter. I hope everyone continues to come back for more toy goodness and hopefully we can do more of these contests. Also I want to recognize all the great "Dammit Jim" phrases in the comments, I really enjoyed them all, there were some gems in there I tell ya!
So with out further ado the winner is, drum roll please... Shawn Robare! Shawn I don't know if you have any Megos in your collection, but I do know you now have a Dr. McCoy coming your way! Shawn had also signed up to host Spock on his Spockcation earlier this year, so Shawn Dr. McCoy is getting put in the mail as we speak, I expect to see some team photos when Spock comes your way.
Thanks again everyone for entering, I think with the success of this contest I will most definitely be having more in the future! I hope everyone had a good time, well I know one of our staff members didn't, but I hope you did...