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WSC '78: Proceedings of the 10th conference on Winter simulation - Volume 1
1978 Proceeding
  • IEEE Press
Miami Beach FL December 4 - 6, 1978
01 January 1978

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No abstract available.

Introduction to simulation modeling
Pages 3–12

Since World War II system modeling has played an increasingly important role in the analysis of complex systems in both the private and public sectors. In the broadest sense, a model may be considered to be a representation of reality without the ...

Introduction to simulation languages
Pages 15–17

The purpose of this paper is to give a brief introduction to simulation languages. The paper contains a discussion on the hierarchy of computer languages and their relation to simulation, the advantages and disadvantages of using simulation languages, ...

Simulation modeling workshop
Pages 19–23

This paper reviews the fundamentals of computer simulation modeling. Simulation is viewed here as a technique for the experimental manipulation of a model of a real-world system, drawing heavily upon computer science, mathematics, probability and ...

Introduction to GPSS
Page 25

GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System) is a simulation programming language who use greatly eases the task of building computer models for discrete-event simulations. (A discrete-event simulation is one in which the state of the system being simulated ...

SLAM tutorial
Pages 27–31

SLAM is a simulation language that allows for alternative modeling approaches. It allows systems to be viewed from a process, event, or state variable perspective. These alternate modeling world views are combined in SLAM to provide a unified systems ...

Applications of corporate financial models
Pages 33–36

Executives are searching for more effective ways to simultaneously face both inflation and recession—and to better cope with mounting financial problems. There are many sweeping changes that affect business and industry today. Executives are now able to ...

Guidelines for selecting a financial modeling language
Pages 39–43

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, to describe some of the different types of computer software which can be used to develop financial models, and to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Second, to suggest a set of ...

A comparative analysis of financial modeling languages
Pages 45–53

The increasing popularity of financial reporting and modeling systems, along with the myriad of opportunities in this field, has left many a prospective user asking the question: “Where do I begin?” The user needs guidelines for a selection process and ...

Design and analysis of simulation experiments
Pages 55–61

We define simulation as the process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose either of understanding the behavior of the system or of evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system [...

Managing simulation projects
Pages 63–68

This tutorial presents a framework for decision making about simulations before committing resources. The viewpoint is that of a manager who must decide whether to solve a problem by simulation or by some other means. A decision-analysis type model is ...

Computer aided simulation for computer system studies
Pages 71–86

This paper introduces a simulation system, CAPS, which interacts with an analyst via an on-line dialog and produces a simulation program that is logically consistent and executes on first submittal. CAPS is based upon the use of activity cycles for ...

PERT and simulation
Pages 89–98

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is a network planning technique used to plan, schedule, and control projects. Unlike the CPM (Critical Path Method) which assumes actual project activity times are deterministic, PERT views the actual ...

Introduction to the software design and documentation language
Page 101

Software design and program documentation, the neglected facets of the software development process, are finally receiving the attention they need and deserve. Software design used to be something that merely happened while a program was being written, ...

Financial modeling...simulating your way to planned objectives
Pages 105–116

The objective of this report is to relate our experience in developing, implementing and maintaining a financial model in a capital goods manufacturing enterprise. Particular attention will be given to the practical aspects of financial modeling, and to ...

Financial modeling: Practical applications in hospital management
Pages 119–126

A key requirement for success in the practical application of any management sciences technique is a good match-up between the salient features of the technique itself and the demands of the environment in which the technique is used. This is ...

Empirical testing of multiplicative congruential generators with modulus 231−1
Page 129

This paper presents the results of empirically testing alternative multipliers for a multiplicative congruential generator with modulus 231−1. The LLRANDOM random number package (1973) uses one of the multipliers, the simulation programming language ...

A survey of methods for sampling from the gamma distribution
Pages 131–134

Considerable attention has recently been directed at developing ever faster algorithms for generating gamma random variates on digital computers. This paper surveys the current state of the art including the leading algorithms of Ahrens and Dieter, ...

The generation of order statistics in digital computer simulation: A survey
Pages 137–140

Order statistics are often needed in computer simulation. Common examples are quantile estimation and censored data test statistics. Methods for generating order statistics in various contexts are surveyed. Sorting and the use of histograms, the most ...

The bivariate beta distribution: Comparison of Monte Carlo generators and evaluation of parameter estimates
Pages 143–152

The bivariate and multivariate beta distributions may provide appropriate stochastic models for a number of processes, particularly those involving random proportions. Researchers may therefore find it necessary to estimate the parameters of such ...

Simulation methods for Poisson processes in nonstationary systems
Pages 155–163

The nonhomogeneous Poisson process is a widely used model for a series of events (stochastic point process) in which the “rate” or “intensity” of occurrence of points varies, usually with time. The process has the characteristic properties that the ...

Validation of simulation models
Page 165

One of the most difficult problems facing a real-world simulator is that of trying to determine whether a simulation model is an accurate representation of the actual system which is being studied. In this paper we present the results of a two-phase ...

Variance reduction techniques
Pages 167–170

This talk is concerned with statistical techniques, known as variance reduction techniques, for increasing simulation efficiency. The emphasis will be on critically assessing the practical applicability of variance reduction techniques in discrete event ...

Superimposing direct search methods for parameter optimization onto dynamic simulation models
Pages 173–181

An integrated modular software package has been developed by the Programme Group of Systems Analysis and Technological Development (STE) of the Nuclear Research Centre at Jülich (KFA) to provide automatic optimization of a set of user defined decision ...

Simulation optimization using response surfaces based on spline approximations
Pages 183–193

This paper presents an approach designed to increase the efficiency and utility of search for optima of simulation models. Specifically, spline functions (odd-order polynomials fitted between simulation run outputs that match curvature at the end points)...

Use of both optimization and simulation models to analyze complex systems
Pages 195–201

Recent work dealing with planning of complex facilities has proposed use of a recursive optimization-simulation approach. This technique takes advantage of the best features of both methods while minimizing the disadvantages of each method used alone. ...

Designing simulation experiments to completely rank alternatives
Pages 203–205

Many of the problems of selecting the t-best of k populations with respect to a given parameter have been successfully solved for some time. Important applications, including applications to the design and analysis of simulation experiments, have been ...

Multivariate ranking and selection without reduction to a univariate problem
Pages 207–210

“Ranking and selection” procedures are statistical procedures appropriate for use in situations where the experimenter's goal is to “select the best” (selection) or to “rank competing alternatives” (ranking). These goals are often present in simulation ...

Some considerations for improving federal modeling
Pages 213–218

A recent issue of SPECTRUM (IEEE) has an editorial(1) concerning “systems thinking.” In alluding to the state of mind of a “systems thinker” it denotes the shortcomings of systems science and engineering in terms of the specific area of modeling. The ...

Communication needs in computer modeling
Pages 219–228

With the development of computer-based group communication media, the computer may play an increasing role in managing the complexities of the modeling process. Large-scale policy models are usually developed by groups of five to seven people. ...

Management of the model development process
Pages 231–240

The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for managing the development and implementation of decision models. Some of the more critical behavioral factors involved and organizational determinants of model value are discussed. The ...

  • SRI International
  • State University of New York System

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  1. Proceedings of the 10th conference on Winter simulation - Volume 1
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