- Wei Zheng (魏徵, Wèi Zhēng; * 580; † 643) war ein chinesischer Politiker und Berater chinesischer Kaiser. (de)
- Wei Zheng (魏徵,580-643) était un chancelier de la dynastie Tang. (fr)
- Wei Zheng (Hanzi: 魏征 atau kadang ditulis 魏徵, 580-643) adalah seorang negarawan Tiongkok pada masa awal Dinasti Tang. Ia menjabat sebagai perdana mentri Tiongkok di bawah pemerintahan Kaisar Tang Taizong (Li Shimin) selama 13 tahun lamanya. (in)
- ( 같은 이름을 가진 다른 사람에 대해서는 위징 (스피드스케이팅 선수) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 위징(魏徵, 580년 - 643년)은 당나라의 정치가이다. 자(字)는 현성(玄成)이며, 당 태종을 섬겨 간의대부(諫議大夫) ・ 좌광록대부(左光綠大夫)에 임명되고 정국공(鄭國公)에 봉해졌다. 직간(直諫)으로 이름이 높았고 당 태종과의 문답은 대부분 《정관정요》에 실려 있으며, 〈간태종십사소〉(諫太宗十思疏)는 그 중 가장 유명한 글이다. (ko)
- Wei Zheng (580–643), courtesy name Xuancheng, posthumously known as Duke Wenzhen of Zheng, was a Chinese politician and historian. He served as a chancellor of the Tang dynasty for about 13 years during the reign of Emperor Taizong. He was also the lead editor of the official history of the Sui dynasty, the Book of Sui, which was composed in 636. Wei Zheng was born to a poor family in modern Hebei, and joined Li Mi's rebellion against the Sui dynasty in his youth. After Li Mi's submission to the Tang Empire, Wei Zheng became a Tang official and eventually served on the staff of Li Jiancheng, the Crown Prince and eldest son of Emperor Gaozu, the Tang dynasty's founding emperor. As such, he served against the interests of Li Jiancheng's younger brother, Li Shimin (the Prince of Qin), with whom Li Jiancheng was locked in an intense rivalry. In 626, Li Shimin ambushed and killed Li Jiancheng, and then effectively forced Emperor Gaozu to yield the throne to him. Rather than punishing Wei Zheng, however, he was impressed with Wei's faithfulness to Li Jiancheng, and he made Wei an important official, eventually a chancellor. Wei Zheng's promotion to this position gave him far broader freedom to criticise others, particularly the emperor, than other officers of the court. He emphasized propriety and opposed overextending the state. His advice and criticism were not always accepted, but in accordance with Confucian etiquette, the emperor would concede to his suggestions with some regularity. After Wei Zheng's death in 643, the emperor commented that he was a mirror to show the mistakes of the court, and built an elaborate tomb for him near his own imperial tomb and betrothed one of his daughters, Princess Hengshan, to Wei Shuyu (魏叔玉), Wei Zheng's son. Subsequently, as a result of false accusations made by others in the court, the stone monument that Emperor Taizong had built for Wei Zheng was destroyed, and Emperor Taizong cancelled the planned marriage between Princess Hengshan and Wei Shuyu. However, after the failure of the campaign against Goguryeo in 646, Emperor Taizong, believing that Wei Zheng would have stopped him from going on the campaign had he lived longer, restored the stone monument. Wei Zheng's effect and influence has been examined by many historians long after his death. Wei Zheng is also revered as a minor god of doorways in parts of Taiwan. (en)
- 魏 徴(ぎ ちょう、大象2年(580年) - 貞観17年1月17日(643年2月11日))は、唐の政治家。字は玄成。本貫は鉅鹿郡下曲陽県。曾祖父の魏釗は北魏に仕え、祖父の魏彦は北斉・北周に仕え、父の魏長賢は隋に仕えた。子に魏叔玉・魏叔瑜・魏叔琬・魏叔璘、娘(霍王李元軌の妻)などがいる。 (ja)
- Wei Zheng (chiń. 魏徵; pinyin Wèi Zhēng; ur. 580, zm. 643) – chiński polityk, myśliciel i historyk epoki Tang, prezentowany jako wzór doradcy. (pl)
- Вэй Чжэн (魏征; 580 — 11 февраля 643) — китайский с 627 до 643 год, историк времён династии Тан. Имел прозвище «Человек-зеркало». (ru)
- 魏徵(580年-643年1月17日),字玄成,相州内黄县(今河南省安阳市内黄县)人,祖籍钜鹿郡下曲阳县(今河北省晋州市),隋唐政治家,思想家,文学家和史学家,曾任谏议大夫、左光禄大夫,封郑国公,谥文贞,以直谏敢言著称,是中國史上最負盛名的諫臣,辅佐唐太宗创建“贞观之治”的大业,被后人称为“一代名相”。著有《隋书》序论,《梁书》、《陈书》、《齐书》的总论等。其言论多见《贞观政要》。其中《諫太宗十思疏》為最著名並流傳下來的諫文表。 (zh)
- Вей Чжен (魏征, 580 — 11 лютого 643) — китайський канцлер з 627 до 643 року, історик часів династії Тан. Мав прізвисько «Людина-дзеркало». (uk)
- Wei Zheng (魏徵, Wèi Zhēng; * 580; † 643) war ein chinesischer Politiker und Berater chinesischer Kaiser. (de)
- Wei Zheng (魏徵,580-643) était un chancelier de la dynastie Tang. (fr)
- Wei Zheng (Hanzi: 魏征 atau kadang ditulis 魏徵, 580-643) adalah seorang negarawan Tiongkok pada masa awal Dinasti Tang. Ia menjabat sebagai perdana mentri Tiongkok di bawah pemerintahan Kaisar Tang Taizong (Li Shimin) selama 13 tahun lamanya. (in)
- ( 같은 이름을 가진 다른 사람에 대해서는 위징 (스피드스케이팅 선수) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 위징(魏徵, 580년 - 643년)은 당나라의 정치가이다. 자(字)는 현성(玄成)이며, 당 태종을 섬겨 간의대부(諫議大夫) ・ 좌광록대부(左光綠大夫)에 임명되고 정국공(鄭國公)에 봉해졌다. 직간(直諫)으로 이름이 높았고 당 태종과의 문답은 대부분 《정관정요》에 실려 있으며, 〈간태종십사소〉(諫太宗十思疏)는 그 중 가장 유명한 글이다. (ko)
- 魏 徴(ぎ ちょう、大象2年(580年) - 貞観17年1月17日(643年2月11日))は、唐の政治家。字は玄成。本貫は鉅鹿郡下曲陽県。曾祖父の魏釗は北魏に仕え、祖父の魏彦は北斉・北周に仕え、父の魏長賢は隋に仕えた。子に魏叔玉・魏叔瑜・魏叔琬・魏叔璘、娘(霍王李元軌の妻)などがいる。 (ja)
- Wei Zheng (chiń. 魏徵; pinyin Wèi Zhēng; ur. 580, zm. 643) – chiński polityk, myśliciel i historyk epoki Tang, prezentowany jako wzór doradcy. (pl)
- Вэй Чжэн (魏征; 580 — 11 февраля 643) — китайский с 627 до 643 год, историк времён династии Тан. Имел прозвище «Человек-зеркало». (ru)
- 魏徵(580年-643年1月17日),字玄成,相州内黄县(今河南省安阳市内黄县)人,祖籍钜鹿郡下曲阳县(今河北省晋州市),隋唐政治家,思想家,文学家和史学家,曾任谏议大夫、左光禄大夫,封郑国公,谥文贞,以直谏敢言著称,是中國史上最負盛名的諫臣,辅佐唐太宗创建“贞观之治”的大业,被后人称为“一代名相”。著有《隋书》序论,《梁书》、《陈书》、《齐书》的总论等。其言论多见《贞观政要》。其中《諫太宗十思疏》為最著名並流傳下來的諫文表。 (zh)
- Вей Чжен (魏征, 580 — 11 лютого 643) — китайський канцлер з 627 до 643 року, історик часів династії Тан. Мав прізвисько «Людина-дзеркало». (uk)
- Wei Zheng (580–643), courtesy name Xuancheng, posthumously known as Duke Wenzhen of Zheng, was a Chinese politician and historian. He served as a chancellor of the Tang dynasty for about 13 years during the reign of Emperor Taizong. He was also the lead editor of the official history of the Sui dynasty, the Book of Sui, which was composed in 636. (en)