- Walter Spence (Linden, 3 de març de 1901 - White Plains, 16 d'octubre de 1958) va ser un nedador de la que va competir sota bandera canadenca als Jocs Olímpics de 1928 i 1932. Era germà del també nedador . Spence va néixer a , , i era el més gran de vuit germans. El seu pare era escocès i treballava de caçador i guia, mentre que la seva mare era índia. Va aprendre a nedar al , com els seus germans. Després de convertir-se en el millor nedador de la Guaiana Britànica marxà a Trinitat per continuar competint. El 1923 es traslladà als Estats Units, on competí amb l'equip Brooklyn Central YMCA. El 1925 havia millorat deu rècords mundials. Posteriorment va competir amb el Penn Athletic Club de Filadèlfia, Pennsilvània. El 1928 va disputar amb el Canadà els Jocs Olímpics d'Amsterdam, on disputà tres proves del programa de natació. Va guanyar la medalla de bronze en els 4x200 metres lliures, formant equip amb Garnet Ault, Frederick Bourne i James Thompson, mentre en els 100 metres lliures i 200 metres braça fou sisè. Quatre anys més tard, als Jocs de Los Angeles, disputà quatre proves del programa de natació, en què destaca la quarta posició en els , mentre en les altre proves quedà eliminat en semifinals. Representat la Guaiana Britànica guanyà la medalla de plata en les 220 iardes braça als Jocs de l'Imperi Britànic de . El 1930 es va matricular a la Universitat Rutgers, on es va llicenciar en periodisme el 9 de juny de 1934. Després de retirar-se de la natació va treballar com a venedor d'assegurances a Nova York. Va morir en un accident el 16 d'octubre de 1958 a White Plains, Nova York, mentre intentava accedir a un tren. Nou anys després de la seva mort, el 1967, fou incorporat a l', juntament amb els seus germans Wallace i Leonard. (ca)
- والتر سبينس (بالإنجليزية: Walter Spence) هو سباح أمريكي وكندي وغياني، ولد في 3 مارس 1901 في ليندن في غيانا، وتوفي في 16 أكتوبر 1958 في وايت بلينس في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Walter Spence (Guyana, 3 de marzo de 1901-16 de octubre de 1958) fue un nadador canadiense de origen guyanés especializado en pruebas de estilo libre, donde consiguió ser medallista de bronce olímpico en 1928 en los 4x200 metros. (es)
- Walter Spence (né le 3 mars 1901 à Linden (Guyana) et mort le 16 octobre 1958 à White Plains (New York)) est un nageur canadien spécialiste des épreuves de nage libre. (fr)
- Walter Percy Spence (March 3, 1901 – October 16, 1958) was a swimmer from British Guiana (present-day Guyana) who competed for Canada in the 1928 Summer Olympics and 1932 Summer Olympics. He immigrated to the United States and held several national swimming titles there. Spence was born in Christianburg, British Guiana, the oldest of eight children—four brothers and four sisters. His father was Scottish and worked as a big game hunter and guide, while his mother was Indian. The Spences would swim in the Demerara River; six family members bore scars from piranha bites suffered while swimming there. Walter and two of his younger brothers, Wallace and Leonard, became champion swimmers. Two of the four Spence sisters also swam competitively, although not at the level of their brothers. The youngest Spence brother, Harold, showed great promise but was killed in action in World War II before his swimming career could take off. After becoming the top swimmer in British Guiana, Walter Spence moved to Trinidad and began competing there. After losing a freestyle race to a swimmer from Chicago, his first-ever loss in that type of competition, Spence decided to pursue training in the United States. He arrived in the United States in 1923, and would eventually gain U.S. citizenship. He began his U.S. career with the Brooklyn YMCA team, swimming the breaststroke and three-stroke individual medley. By 1925 he had broken ten world records and was the top point scorer at the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) national championships that year. He later competed with the Penn Athletic Club in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He competed for Canada in the 1928 Olympics and won a bronze medal in the 4x200-metre freestyle relay event. He was also sixth in the 100-metre freestyle event and sixth in the 200-metre breaststroke event. Four years later he was fourth in the 4x200-metre freestyle relay event. He was also fourth in his semifinal of the 100-metre freestyle event and fourth in his semifinal of the 200-metre breaststroke event and did not advance in both occasions. He later represented British Guiana at the 1938 British Empire Games. He won the silver medal in the 220-yard breaststroke contest and finished fourth in the 110-yard freestyle competition. In 1930, Spence enrolled as a freshman at Rutgers University. He set the collegiate record in the 100 yard freestyle and earned the highest point score at the 1934 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships. In 1934 he also broke the world record in the 300-yard three-stroke individual medley. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in journalism on June 9, 1934. After leaving Rutgers, Spence swam with the New York Athletic Club (NYAC). His two younger brothers, Wallace and Leonard, joined him in the United States in 1926 and 1928, respectively. The brothers competed for the NYAC in the three-stroke medley relay, with Wallace swimming the backstroke, Leonard the breaststroke, and Walter the front crawl. Together, they won the 1933 AAU championship title in the event and later set the world record during an exhibition at Rutgers. Joining with Peter Fick, they won the four-man 400 yard freestyle relay at the 1935 AAU championships. After retiring from swimming, Spence worked as an insurance salesman for the Security Mutual Life Insurance Company in New York City. He married Sheila O'Connor and had five children: David (born c. 1942), Harold (born c. 1947), Donald (born c. 1950), Sheila (born c. 1952), and Wendy (born c. 1953). Spence was killed in an accident on October 16, 1958 in White Plains, New York, while trying to board a train at the North White Plains station. He was on his way from New York City to his home in Hawthorne and had stepped off the train to call his wife during a stop at White Plains. When the train began to debark, he ran to catch it and attempted to re-board, but slipped and fell onto the tracks. He suffered severe injuries to his legs and died at White Plains Hospital an hour and a half later. Nine years after his death, in 1967, Walter, Wallace, and Leonard Spence were inducted together into the International Swimming Hall of Fame. (en)
- Walter Spence (Christianburg, 3 marzo 1901 – 16 ottobre 1958) è stato un nuotatore guyanese. Specializzato nello stile libero ha vinto la medaglia di bronzo per il Canada nella staffetta 4x200 m sl Olimpiadi di Amsterdam 1928. È diventato uno dei Membri dell'International Swimming Hall of Fame. È stato primatista mondiale dei 100 m rana. (it)
- Волтер Спенс (3 березня 1901 — 16 жовтня 1958) — гаянський плавець.Призер Олімпійських Ігор 1928 року, учасник 1932 року.Призер Ігор Співдружності року. (uk)
- والتر سبينس (بالإنجليزية: Walter Spence) هو سباح أمريكي وكندي وغياني، ولد في 3 مارس 1901 في ليندن في غيانا، وتوفي في 16 أكتوبر 1958 في وايت بلينس في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Walter Spence (Guyana, 3 de marzo de 1901-16 de octubre de 1958) fue un nadador canadiense de origen guyanés especializado en pruebas de estilo libre, donde consiguió ser medallista de bronce olímpico en 1928 en los 4x200 metros. (es)
- Walter Spence (né le 3 mars 1901 à Linden (Guyana) et mort le 16 octobre 1958 à White Plains (New York)) est un nageur canadien spécialiste des épreuves de nage libre. (fr)
- Walter Spence (Christianburg, 3 marzo 1901 – 16 ottobre 1958) è stato un nuotatore guyanese. Specializzato nello stile libero ha vinto la medaglia di bronzo per il Canada nella staffetta 4x200 m sl Olimpiadi di Amsterdam 1928. È diventato uno dei Membri dell'International Swimming Hall of Fame. È stato primatista mondiale dei 100 m rana. (it)
- Волтер Спенс (3 березня 1901 — 16 жовтня 1958) — гаянський плавець.Призер Олімпійських Ігор 1928 року, учасник 1932 року.Призер Ігор Співдружності року. (uk)
- Walter Spence (Linden, 3 de març de 1901 - White Plains, 16 d'octubre de 1958) va ser un nedador de la que va competir sota bandera canadenca als Jocs Olímpics de 1928 i 1932. Era germà del també nedador . El 1930 es va matricular a la Universitat Rutgers, on es va llicenciar en periodisme el 9 de juny de 1934. Després de retirar-se de la natació va treballar com a venedor d'assegurances a Nova York. Va morir en un accident el 16 d'octubre de 1958 a White Plains, Nova York, mentre intentava accedir a un tren. (ca)
- Walter Percy Spence (March 3, 1901 – October 16, 1958) was a swimmer from British Guiana (present-day Guyana) who competed for Canada in the 1928 Summer Olympics and 1932 Summer Olympics. He immigrated to the United States and held several national swimming titles there. After retiring from swimming, Spence worked as an insurance salesman for the Security Mutual Life Insurance Company in New York City. He married Sheila O'Connor and had five children: David (born c. 1942), Harold (born c. 1947), Donald (born c. 1950), Sheila (born c. 1952), and Wendy (born c. 1953). (en)