- The Showroom és una galeria d'art sense ànim de lucre que es troba a Marylebone, Londres, especialitzada en mostrar el treball d'artisets emergents La galeria presenta quatre propostes cada any, tot permetent als creadors desenvolupar les seves propostes in situ. Entre 2018 i 2021 la seva directora ha sigut Elvira Dyangani Ose. Va obrir les portes el 1983 en un local a Bethnal Verd, a l'East End londinenc. El 2008 va traslladar la seu a un edifici a Marylebone, al carrer Penfold, remodelat pels arquitectes ifau + Jesko Fezer. La sala ha organitzat exposicions i projectes amb artistes com Mona Hatoum, Sam Taylor-Wood, Simon Starling, , , i Eva Rothschild, entre molts d'altres. El Showroom rep finançament de l'Arts Council d'Anglaterra. Ha tingut de directors a Dyangani Ose, Emily Pethick, Kirsty Ogg, Kim Sweet i David Thorp. (ca)
- The Showroom is a not-for-profit art gallery in Marylebone, London, which displays site-specific works by emerging artists. The gallery presents four shows each year, a schedule that allows artists the time to develop and realise their work on site. Established in 1983, the gallery was based at a site in Bethnal Green, East London. In 2008, the gallery relocated to a building in Marylebone, London, on Penfold Street, which was converted by Berlin-based architects . Solo shows at The Showroom in the former East End space included Mona Hatoum, Sam Taylor-Wood, Simon Starling, Christina Mackie, Jim Lambie, Claire Barclay, and Eva Rothschild. The Showroom receives fixed-term funding from Arts Council of England and other organisations and individuals. The director Elvira Dyangani Ose replaced Emily Pethick in 2017. Previous directors were Kirsty Ogg, Kim Sweet and David Thorp. (en)
- The Showroom és una galeria d'art sense ànim de lucre que es troba a Marylebone, Londres, especialitzada en mostrar el treball d'artisets emergents La galeria presenta quatre propostes cada any, tot permetent als creadors desenvolupar les seves propostes in situ. Entre 2018 i 2021 la seva directora ha sigut Elvira Dyangani Ose. Va obrir les portes el 1983 en un local a Bethnal Verd, a l'East End londinenc. El 2008 va traslladar la seu a un edifici a Marylebone, al carrer Penfold, remodelat pels arquitectes ifau + Jesko Fezer. (ca)
- The Showroom is a not-for-profit art gallery in Marylebone, London, which displays site-specific works by emerging artists. The gallery presents four shows each year, a schedule that allows artists the time to develop and realise their work on site. Established in 1983, the gallery was based at a site in Bethnal Green, East London. In 2008, the gallery relocated to a building in Marylebone, London, on Penfold Street, which was converted by Berlin-based architects . (en)