- Subramaniya Bharati (eigentlich C. Subramaniya Aiyar; Tamil: சுப்ரமணிய பாரதி, Cupramaṇiya Pārati; * 11. Dezember 1882 in Ettayapuram; † 11. September 1921 in Madras) war ein tamilischer Lyriker, Essayist, Journalist, Herausgeber, Freiheitskämpfer und Reformer. Er brachte in einfacher, volksnaher Poesie sein Nationalgefühl zum Ausdruck und erhielt den Beinamen Mahakavi Bharathiyar (Mahakavi bedeutet „Großer Poet“). (de)
- Subramanya Bharathi (tamoul : சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி, çuppiramaṇiya pārati) (11 décembre 1882 - 11 septembre 1921) était un poète indien de langue tamoule. Connu sous le nom de Mahakavi Bharathi (l'épithète laudative Maha Kavi veut dire « Grand Poète » en tamoul), il est célébré comme l'un des plus grands poètes de l'Inde. Son nom est profondément lié à Pondichéry, alors territoire français, où il passa 10 ans, de 26 à 36 ans, de sa courte existence. Bharathi fut très prolifique, tant sous forme de prose que sous forme de poèmes et chansons. Il donna également un nouveau souffle à la littérature tamoule, à la fois dans son style que dans les sujets abordés. Ses œuvres aidèrent à rassembler les masses pour soutenir le mouvement pour l'indépendance de l'Inde en Inde du Sud. Bharathi vécut durant une période mouvementée de l'histoire de l'Inde, et ses contemporains comptent des hommes comme le Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Shuddhananda Bharati and . (fr)
- C. Subramania Bharathi (IPA: /ˌsuˈbrəˌmənˈjʌ ˈbɑːˌrʌθi/; born C. Subramaniyan 11 December 1882 – 11 September 1921) was a Tamil writer, poet, journalist, Indian independence activist, social reformer and polyglot. He was bestowed the title "Bharathi" for his excellence in poetry. He was a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry and is considered one of the greatest Tamil literary figures of all time. He is popularly known by his mononymous title "Bharathi/ Bharathiyaar," and also by the other title "Mahakavi Bharathi" ("the great poet Bharathi"). His numerous works included fiery songs kindling patriotism during the Indian Independence movement. He fought for the emancipation of women, against child marriage, vehemently opposed the caste system, and stood for reforming society and religion. He was also in solidarity with Dalits and Muslims. Born in Ettayapuram of Tirunelveli district (present-day Thoothukudi) in 1882, Bharathi had his early education in Tirunelveli and Varanasi and worked as a journalist with many newspapers, including The Hindu, Bala Bharata, Vijaya, Chakravarthini, the Swadesamitran and India. In 1908, an arrest warrant was issued against Bharathi by the government of British India caused him to move to Pondicherry where he lived until 1918. His influence on Tamil literature is phenomenal, although it is said that he was proficient in around 32, including 3 non-Indian foreign languages. His favorite language was Tamil. He was prolific in his output. He covered political, social and spiritual themes. The songs and poems composed by Bharathi are very often used in Tamil cinema and have become staples in the literary and musical repertoire of Tamil artistes throughout the world. He paved the way for modern blank verse. He wrote many books and poems on how Tamil is beautiful in nature. (en)
- Chinnaswami Subramania Bharati (ur. 11 grudnia 1882 w w dystrykcie Tuticorin w stanie Tamilnadu, zm. 12 września 1921 w Madrasie (obecnie Ćennaj) – indyjski poeta tamilski. (pl)
- Субраманья Баради (там. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி; 11 декабря 1882, Эттаяпурам[d], Британская Индия — 12 сентября 1921, Мадрас, Британская Индия) — индийский поэт, заложивший основы тамильской поэзии новейшего времени, которого в Индии называют махакави («великий поэт»). (ru)
- Субраман'я Бхараті (*சுப்பிரமணிய பாரத, 11 грудня 1882 —11 вересня 1921) — індійський поет, фундатор сучасної тамільської поезії, письменник, журналіст, соціальний реформатор. (uk)
- Subramaniya Bharati (eigentlich C. Subramaniya Aiyar; Tamil: சுப்ரமணிய பாரதி, Cupramaṇiya Pārati; * 11. Dezember 1882 in Ettayapuram; † 11. September 1921 in Madras) war ein tamilischer Lyriker, Essayist, Journalist, Herausgeber, Freiheitskämpfer und Reformer. Er brachte in einfacher, volksnaher Poesie sein Nationalgefühl zum Ausdruck und erhielt den Beinamen Mahakavi Bharathiyar (Mahakavi bedeutet „Großer Poet“). (de)
- Chinnaswami Subramania Bharati (ur. 11 grudnia 1882 w w dystrykcie Tuticorin w stanie Tamilnadu, zm. 12 września 1921 w Madrasie (obecnie Ćennaj) – indyjski poeta tamilski. (pl)
- Субраманья Баради (там. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி; 11 декабря 1882, Эттаяпурам[d], Британская Индия — 12 сентября 1921, Мадрас, Британская Индия) — индийский поэт, заложивший основы тамильской поэзии новейшего времени, которого в Индии называют махакави («великий поэт»). (ru)
- Субраман'я Бхараті (*சுப்பிரமணிய பாரத, 11 грудня 1882 —11 вересня 1921) — індійський поет, фундатор сучасної тамільської поезії, письменник, журналіст, соціальний реформатор. (uk)
- Subramanya Bharathi (tamoul : சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி, çuppiramaṇiya pārati) (11 décembre 1882 - 11 septembre 1921) était un poète indien de langue tamoule. Connu sous le nom de Mahakavi Bharathi (l'épithète laudative Maha Kavi veut dire « Grand Poète » en tamoul), il est célébré comme l'un des plus grands poètes de l'Inde. Son nom est profondément lié à Pondichéry, alors territoire français, où il passa 10 ans, de 26 à 36 ans, de sa courte existence. Bharathi fut très prolifique, tant sous forme de prose que sous forme de poèmes et chansons. Il donna également un nouveau souffle à la littérature tamoule, à la fois dans son style que dans les sujets abordés. Ses œuvres aidèrent à rassembler les masses pour soutenir le mouvement pour l'indépendance de l'Inde en Inde du Sud. Bharathi vécut durant (fr)
- C. Subramania Bharathi (IPA: /ˌsuˈbrəˌmənˈjʌ ˈbɑːˌrʌθi/; born C. Subramaniyan 11 December 1882 – 11 September 1921) was a Tamil writer, poet, journalist, Indian independence activist, social reformer and polyglot. He was bestowed the title "Bharathi" for his excellence in poetry. He was a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry and is considered one of the greatest Tamil literary figures of all time. He is popularly known by his mononymous title "Bharathi/ Bharathiyaar," and also by the other title "Mahakavi Bharathi" ("the great poet Bharathi"). His numerous works included fiery songs kindling patriotism during the Indian Independence movement. He fought for the emancipation of women, against child marriage, vehemently opposed the caste system, and stood for reforming society and religion. He was (en)