The following is a list of characters from Kinnikuman, a manga/anime series written by Yudetamago. The majority of the cast of Kinnikuman are Choujin (超人 Chōjin; "superhuman"), superpowered individuals who comes in all shapes and sizes, though for the most part adhering to a humanoid form. As the series shifts from being a superhero pastiche to be more wrestling focused, The Choujins's role also evolves from being superheroes to being superhuman wrestlers. They are initially introduced as a force of good, but as the series progresses, it introduces more morally gray Choujin, such as the Brutal Choujin, or even malicious factions such as the Devil Choujins. The upstanding Choujins would soon be described as Justice Choujins, who typically assume the role of the conventional superhero. The m