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About: Leidrad

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Leidrad (or Leidrat, as he spelled it) was the bishop of Lyon from 797 and its first archbishop from 804 until 814. He was a courtier of Charlemagne before he was a bishop. As bishop, he helped resolve the adoptionist controversy. He also began a programme of building and renovation in his diocese, turning Lyon into a centre of learning. Of his writings, two letters and a treatise on baptism survive.

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  • Leidrat (francès Leidrade, llatí Laidradus o Leidradus) (Francònia vers 743/745-després del 821) fou bisbe de Lió del 798 al 814 i bisbe d'Urgell en funcions (799 - 806) després que, Fèlix d'Urgell, fos titllat d'adopcionista pels teòlegs carolingis i, per aquesta causa, deposat i confinat a Lió. Fou diaca de l'església de i després esdevingué un dels lletrats de Carlemany; fou agregat a l'escola de palau el 782 on fou deixeble d'Alcuí de York i segurament bibliotecari del rei. Després fou degà del capítol de Zuric durant 11 anys. El 798 a la mort d'Adó, bisbe de Lió, fou nomenat al seu lloc per imposició de Carlemany (ratificada després ple clergat i el poble) i juntament amb Teodulf d'Orléans fou enviat com a missi dominici a Septimània i als comtats al sud dels Pirineus per fer abjurar al bisbe Fèlix d'Urgell que seguia defensant l'adopcionisme. Fèlix fou enviat a defensar la seva posició al (Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen) que es va celebrar el 800 i Leidrat es va ocupar de l'administració del bisbat uns mesos. Va retornar a França a finals del 799 i fou llavors quan es va fer càrrec efectiu del seu bisbat que interinament havia exercit Eldoí durant prop de dos anys. Els primers anys es va ocupar de la uniformització de les pràctiques religioses suprimint les tradicions locals i difonent els textos canònics, desenvolupant també les noves còpies de llibres per monjos de l'arxidiòcesi. El 807 va iniciar un programa de restauració d'establiments religiosos de Lió i rodalia com a l' i Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey que havien estat malmesos per les incursions dels sarraïns. El 811 fou cridat a Aquisgrà i fou un dels signataris del testament de Carlemany. El 813, ja malalt, va nomenar coadjutor Agobard de Lió (el que ell mateix havia ordenat sacerdot el 804) i a la mort de l'emperador el 814 va renunciar al bisbat i va proposar a Agobard (després sant) com a successor. El 816 es va retirar per acabar els seus dies a l', on va morir un 28 de desembre d'any desconegut però no abans del 821, en què encara una carta de l'abat Teodemir a Claudi de Torí el dona per viu. Va deixar una carta a Carlemany i un tractat sobre el rei anomenat De sacramento baptismi. (ca)
  • Leidrad von Lyon (auch Leidrat, latinisiert Leidradus oder Laidradus; * um 745 in Franken; † 28. Dezember 821 oder bald danach) war von 799 bis 813 oder bald danach Bischof von Lyon. Leidrad stammte aus Baiern, erhielt seine Ausbildung in Freising und war unter Aribo von Freising Diakon im Bistum Freising. Nach 782 schrieb er eine Urkunde für Herzog Tassilo. Er kam an den Hof von Karl dem Großen, der ihn zum Bischof von Lyon machte und als Boten 797 bis 799 nach Narbonne, Arles und Marseille in Septimanien und nach Spanien schickte. 799 trat er sein Bischofsamt in Lyon an. In Lyon gründete er Schulen und eine Bibliothek. Im Alter zog er sich (um 814) in das Kloster Saint-Médard in Soissons zurück. Sein Nachfolger wurde sein Schüler Agobard, den er 813 zum Koadjutor machte. Nach einem Brief von Théodemir an Claudius von Turin aus der Zeit um 821 lebte er damals noch. Seine Werke wurden von Ernst Dümmler in der Patrologia Latina 99 herausgegeben. Sein von ihm um 810 errichteter Anbau (Manécanterie) an die Kathedrale Saint-Jean in Lyon existiert noch. (de)
  • Leidrad (or Leidrat, as he spelled it) was the bishop of Lyon from 797 and its first archbishop from 804 until 814. He was a courtier of Charlemagne before he was a bishop. As bishop, he helped resolve the adoptionist controversy. He also began a programme of building and renovation in his diocese, turning Lyon into a centre of learning. Of his writings, two letters and a treatise on baptism survive. Leidrad was a native of Noricum (that is, the Duchy of Bavaria). He received his primary education at Freising Cathedral, where one of his colleague was Arn, future bishop of Salzburg. He became a deacon of Freising under Bishop Aribo (764–783). He joined Charlemagne's court shortly after 782. It has sometimes been asserted that he was Charlemagne's librarian. At court, he befriended Alcuin of York, who speaks highly of him in his letters. After an illness, Leidrad convalesced for a year at church of Saint Martin at Tours, where Alcuin was abbot. Leidrad was appointed to the diocese of Lyon by Charlemagne in 797. In a letter he wrote to the emperor years later, between 809 and 812, he recalled how he had been appointed "to remedy the sins of carelessness in the past" that had left the church of Lyon "destitute ... with regard to its buildings as well as its liturgical offices". In 798, he completed a circuit as missus dominicus (royal envoy) in the Rhône valley and Septimania. Accompanied by Theodulf of Orléans, he visited Avignon, Nîmes, Maguelonne, Agde, Béziers, Narbonne and Carcassonne. Theodulf describes the court they held at Narbonne in his treatise Ad iudices ("To Judges"). Leidrad did not finally take up his episcopal duties until 799. Two letters of Alcuin refer to him as bishop elect before this. In 799, he was appointed along with Archbishop and Abbot Benedict of Aniane to investigate the charge against Bishop Felix of Urgell that he was an adoptionist. The commission went to Urgell, where they convinced Felix to attend a synod at Aachen. Alcuin defeated Felix in a debate before the synod and the latter recanted. He was, however, deposed from his bishopric and consigned to the custody of Leidrad in Lyon for life. He is mentioned in a letter Felix wrote that year. Alcuin in a letter asks Leidrad to send him a copy of Felix's treatise Against the Saracen if indeed he has a copy. In 804, Lyon was raised to an archbishopric. Under Leidrad, Lyon emerged as a centre of learning in the Carolingian Empire. He paid special attention to the education of his clergy, the regulation of the liturgy and the building up of his library. At least five manuscripts bear his ex voto, having been donated by him to the church: Rufinus of Aquileia's translation of Gregory of Nazianzus; Augustine of Hippo's Opuscula; Augustine's Contra Faustum; a miscellany of logic and creeds; and Jerome's commentary on Isaiah. According to his aforementioned report to Charlemagne, he established a schools of cantors and lectors, ensuring that the latter were capable of biblical exegesis. For his reformed chant, he instituted "the usage of the sacred palace", i.e., Charlemagne's palace chapel at Aachen. He also looked to Chrodegang of Metz for guidance. His reform of the liturgy appears to have been limited to the chant and the readings at Mass. Leidrad renovated churches, including Lyon Cathedral, and restored farm buildings. He built a cloister for his cantors on the pattern of Metz. This cloister is probably the building today known as the Vielle Manécanterie. He re-founded many monasteries and expanded a house near the episcopal palace so that if Charlemagne ever visited there would be lodgings for him. In 811, Leidrad was one of the witnesses to Charlemagne's will. In 814, Charlemagne's successor, Louis the Pious, ordered him to resolve a dispute at Mâcon. Later that year he resigned his bishopric and went into retirement at the Abbey of Saint-Médard de Soissons. His choice of successor, Agobard, his chorbishop for several years, was confirmed immediately by election, but not by Emperor Louis for another two years. Leidrad died in 816. Alcuin praised his integrity and benevolence, while Ado of Vienne praised his usefulness to the state. Besides his letter to Charlemagne, a letter Leidrad wrote to his sister on the death of her son also survives. At Charlemagne's request in 812, he also composed a theological treatise, Liber de sacramento baptismi ("Book on the Sacrament of Baptism"). The text presents "a skein of Biblical references" woven together. In one 10th-century manuscript from Girona, the text is erroneously attributed to Jerome. (en)
  • Leidrade (en latin Laidradus ou Leidradus, ou, selon son autographe, Leidrat), né vers 743-745 dans la région de Nuremberg, dans l'ancien Norique, et mort un 28 décembre, en 821 ou peu après, à l'abbaye Saint-Médard de Soissons. Il est un lettré et homme d'Église du temps de Charlemagne, essentiellement connu pour avoir été évêque de Lyon (de 798-799 à 816). (fr)
  • Leidrad z Lyonu (ur. 7?? – zm. 8??) – duchowny, biskup Lyonu od 797 lub 799 roku do 813 roku. Był zaufanym człowiekiem Karola Wielkiego, do którego dworu dołączył w 782 roku. Karol mianował go biskupem Lyonu (za czasów Leidrada Lyon został podniesiony do rangi arcybiskupstwa), a także wykorzystywał w misjach dyplomatycznych. Leidrad był jednym ze świadków testamentu Karola w 811 roku, a wcześniej, na jego życzenie, udzielał mu wyjaśnień dotyczących natury chrztu. Jako biskup Lyonu odbudowywał kościoły i klasztory, zaniedbane za czasów jego poprzedników, w Lyonie i okolicach; w swoim raporcie do cesarza szczególnie podkreślał rolę klasztorów, w których mnisi i mniszki odbywały regularne nabożeństwa (nie wspominał natomiast o kościołach parafialnych, służących lokalnym wspólnotom). Dbał też o prawidłowy sposób sprawowania tychże nabożeństw; by zapewnić właściwą oprawę rytualną, założył szkoły lektorów i kantorów. (pl)
  • Лейдра́д (Лейдрат; фр. Leidrade, лат. Laidradus или Leidradus, согласно его автографа, Leidrat; около 743—745, район Нюрнберга, Норик — 28 декабря 821 или чуть позже, Суасон, Каролингская империя) — книжник и церковный деятель из окружения Карла Великого, известен преимущественно как Лионский епископ (с 798/799 по 816). (ru)
  • 65481481 (xsd:integer)
  • 9632 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113716377 (xsd:integer)
  • Leidrade (en latin Laidradus ou Leidradus, ou, selon son autographe, Leidrat), né vers 743-745 dans la région de Nuremberg, dans l'ancien Norique, et mort un 28 décembre, en 821 ou peu après, à l'abbaye Saint-Médard de Soissons. Il est un lettré et homme d'Église du temps de Charlemagne, essentiellement connu pour avoir été évêque de Lyon (de 798-799 à 816). (fr)
  • Лейдра́д (Лейдрат; фр. Leidrade, лат. Laidradus или Leidradus, согласно его автографа, Leidrat; около 743—745, район Нюрнберга, Норик — 28 декабря 821 или чуть позже, Суасон, Каролингская империя) — книжник и церковный деятель из окружения Карла Великого, известен преимущественно как Лионский епископ (с 798/799 по 816). (ru)
  • Leidrat (francès Leidrade, llatí Laidradus o Leidradus) (Francònia vers 743/745-després del 821) fou bisbe de Lió del 798 al 814 i bisbe d'Urgell en funcions (799 - 806) després que, Fèlix d'Urgell, fos titllat d'adopcionista pels teòlegs carolingis i, per aquesta causa, deposat i confinat a Lió. Va deixar una carta a Carlemany i un tractat sobre el rei anomenat De sacramento baptismi. (ca)
  • Leidrad von Lyon (auch Leidrat, latinisiert Leidradus oder Laidradus; * um 745 in Franken; † 28. Dezember 821 oder bald danach) war von 799 bis 813 oder bald danach Bischof von Lyon. Leidrad stammte aus Baiern, erhielt seine Ausbildung in Freising und war unter Aribo von Freising Diakon im Bistum Freising. Nach 782 schrieb er eine Urkunde für Herzog Tassilo. Er kam an den Hof von Karl dem Großen, der ihn zum Bischof von Lyon machte und als Boten 797 bis 799 nach Narbonne, Arles und Marseille in Septimanien und nach Spanien schickte. 799 trat er sein Bischofsamt in Lyon an. In Lyon gründete er Schulen und eine Bibliothek. Im Alter zog er sich (um 814) in das Kloster Saint-Médard in Soissons zurück. Sein Nachfolger wurde sein Schüler Agobard, den er 813 zum Koadjutor machte. Nach einem Brief (de)
  • Leidrad (or Leidrat, as he spelled it) was the bishop of Lyon from 797 and its first archbishop from 804 until 814. He was a courtier of Charlemagne before he was a bishop. As bishop, he helped resolve the adoptionist controversy. He also began a programme of building and renovation in his diocese, turning Lyon into a centre of learning. Of his writings, two letters and a treatise on baptism survive. (en)
  • Leidrad z Lyonu (ur. 7?? – zm. 8??) – duchowny, biskup Lyonu od 797 lub 799 roku do 813 roku. Był zaufanym człowiekiem Karola Wielkiego, do którego dworu dołączył w 782 roku. Karol mianował go biskupem Lyonu (za czasów Leidrada Lyon został podniesiony do rangi arcybiskupstwa), a także wykorzystywał w misjach dyplomatycznych. Leidrad był jednym ze świadków testamentu Karola w 811 roku, a wcześniej, na jego życzenie, udzielał mu wyjaśnień dotyczących natury chrztu. (pl)
  • Leidrat de Lió (ca)
  • Leidrad von Lyon (de)
  • Leidrade (fr)
  • Leidrad (en)
  • Leidrad z Lyonu (pl)
  • Лейдрад (ru)
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