- Jorund, auch Jorundr oder Eorund, schwed. Jörund, (* 5. Jahrhundert; † 5. Jahrhundert in Jütland), war ein Sagenkönig in Schweden im 5. Jahrhundert. (de)
- Jorund or Jörundr (5th century) was a Swedish king of the House of Yngling. He was the son of Yngvi, and he had reclaimed the throne of Sweden for his dynasty from Haki (the brother of Hagbard, the hero of the legend of Hagbard and Signy. Snorri cites two kennings from this legend, Sigar's steed and Hagard's fell noose, when telling of Jorund). Snorri Sturluson relates that when Jorund was young he used to travel the seas and plunder with his brother Erik, and they were great warriors. One summer they plundered in Denmark where they met another pillager, King Gudlög of Hålogaland (a province in Norway) with whom they fought. They took him prisoner and carried him ashore at Stromones where they hanged him. Gudlaug's surviving companions raised a mound over him there. Snorri then cites the poem Háleygjatal by a Norwegian skald named Eyvindr skáldaspillir: This act rendered the Swedish princes, Eric and Jorund, even more famous and they were thought of as even greater men. When they learnt that King Haki no longer had his forces around him, they decided to take care of their enemy. They assembled a large force that was joined by Swedes as they approached. They entered Mälaren (a bay at the time) and steered towards Uppsala. They left their ships at the Fyris Wolds and were met by Haki who had fewer men. Haki was a brutal fighter and managed to turn the tide of the battle. He slew Erik who held the banner and Jorund retreated with his men. Haki had been seriously wounded and died. Jorund then ruled Sweden at Uppsala, but he usually spent the summers pillaging. One summer, he plundered in Jutland and entered Limfjorden, where he continued the pillaging. They anchored in Oddesund (before a storm in 1825, it was near the innermost part of the fjord and almost 200 km from its mouth) but were discovered by the Norwegian pirate Gylaug of Hålogaland, the son of Gudlaug. Gylaug and his men attacked them and were joined by local forces who wanted revenge. As Jorund was vastly outnumbered (and had to run an almost 200 km long gauntlet to get out of the fjord), he lost the battle, and Gylaug had him hanged. Snorri illustrates this event with the stanza from Ynglingatal: The Historia Norwegiæ presents a Latin summary of Ynglingatal, older than Snorri's quotation, continuing after Yngvi (called Ingialdr): The even earlier source Íslendingabók also cites the line of descent in Ynglingatal and it gives the same line of succession: xiiii Yngvi. xv Jörundr. xvi Aun inn gamli. The Skjöldunga saga and the Bjarkarímur tell that Jorund was defeated by the Danish king Fróði (corresponds to the Heaðobard Froda in Beowulf), who made him a tributary and took his daughter. The daughter gave birth to Halfdan, but another woman became Fróði's legitimate wife and gave him an heir named Ingjaldr (corresponds to the Heaðobard Ingeld in Beowulf). Together with one of his earls, Swerting, Jorund conspired against Fróði and killed him during the blót. (en)
- Jorund (nórdico antiguo: Jörundr, n. 487) fue un caudillo vikingo, rey de Svealand, Suecia; pertenecía a la dinastía de los Ynglings en la Era de Vendel (siglo V). Su figura protohistórica aparece en diversas fuentes escandinavas y sagas nórdicas como Ynglingatal, saga Ynglinga, Historia Norvegiæ, saga Skjöldunga y Bjarkarímur. Era hijo del rey Yngvi, y pretendiente al trono de Suecia cuando reclamó su derecho al rey del mar Haki que había usurpado el trono y matado al rey Hugleik y sus hijos en el campo de batalla de Fyrisvellir, gobernando durante tres años a los suiones sin prácticamente oposición. Jorund era un afamado guerrero y amigo de las expediciones vikingas de saqueo estivales. En una de esas expediciones en Dinamarca, acompañado de su hermano Eirík, se enfrentó a otro contingente de vikingos de Noruega, encabezados por el rey Gudlög de Hålogaland (Noruega), a quien derrotaron y ejecutaron en la horca. Esta historia aparece en el poema Háleygjatal del escaldo Eyvindr skáldaspillir. (es)
- Jörund (en vieux norrois : Jörundr), également connu sous le nom de Jorund ou encore Eorund (né vers 487 à Gamla Uppsala en Suède et mort vers 548 à au Danemark), est un roi légendaire de Suède du VIe siècle appartenant à la dynastie des Ynglingar. Il est le fils d'Yngvi et le père d'Aun le Vieux. (fr)
- Jörundr, o Jorund (Gamla Uppsala, V secolo – Gamla Uppsala, V secolo), della casata dei Yngling, si distinse per le sue scorribande quale re del mare assieme a suo fratello Eiríkr, durante una delle quali uccise re Gylaug di Hålogaland. In seguito riconquistò il trono di Uppsala, sottratto alla sua dinastia da Haki, anch'egli re del mare. (it)
- Ёрунд (Jorund или Jörundr) — легендарный конунг свеев из династии Инглингов. (ru)
- Jörund, Jorund eller Eorund var enligt Heimskringla en sveakung av Ynglingaätten. Han var son till Yngve och hade sonen Ane. Medan deras kusin Hugleik satt som kung var han och hans bror Erik ute i viking, och var alltså inte i Uppsala när Hugleik föll för Hake. Istället fångade de tillsammans kung Gudlaug från Halogaland och hängde honom på . När de hörde att Hake sänt ifrån sig sina krigare drog de samman en här och for till Uppsala. I striden på fyrisvallarna dödade Hake Erik, varvid Jörund flydde till sina skepp. Hake var dock så svårt sårad att han valde att levande läggas på ett likbål, och Jörund blev kung. Jörund tillbringade somrarna med att plundra i grannländerna. En sommar befann han sig i Danmark och hade slagit läger i . Han blev dock angripen av Gylaug, son till Gudlaug. Under striden upptäckte danerna vad som var på gång och anslöt sig från alla håll. Jorund blev tillfångatagen och hängd av Gylaug. Jörund efterträddes av sonen Ane. (sv)
- Jorundo (em latim: Jorundus), também referido como Jörund, Jørund, Jorund, Eorund, Jörundr, foi um rei lendário dos Suíones no século V, estabelecido em Velha Upsália. Pertenceu à Dinastia dos Inglingos, sendo filho do rei Ínguino e pai do rei Aun. Jorundo e Érico eram filhos do rei co-regente Ínguino. Durante o reinado do primo e rei Hugleik, eles estavam ausentes, dedicando-se a expedições marítimas de pilhagem nos países vizinhos – no estilo dos viquingues. Ao saberem que Hake tinha usurpado o trono dos Suíones, Érico e Jorundo voltaram a Upsália e deram batalha a Hake. Érico foi morto na contenda e Hake ficou ferido de morte, morrendo depois. Jorundo assumiu então o cargo de rei dos Suíones. Um verão, Jorundo estava novamente em expedição de pilhagem na Dinamarca, quando foi atacado pelo rei Gylaug de Hålöga, feito prisioneiro e enforcado, no mesmo sítio em que ele próprio tinha enforcado Gudlaug, pai de Gylaug. Está mencionado na Lista dos Inglingos (do poeta norueguês Tiodolfo de Hvinir do século IX), na Saga dos Inglingos (do historiador islandês Snorri Sturluson do século XIII), e na História da Noruega (de anónimo do século XII). (pt)
- Йорунд (Jorund; ? — 440) — напвівлегендарний конунґ свеїв у 402—440 роках. (uk)
- Jorund, auch Jorundr oder Eorund, schwed. Jörund, (* 5. Jahrhundert; † 5. Jahrhundert in Jütland), war ein Sagenkönig in Schweden im 5. Jahrhundert. (de)
- Jörund (en vieux norrois : Jörundr), également connu sous le nom de Jorund ou encore Eorund (né vers 487 à Gamla Uppsala en Suède et mort vers 548 à au Danemark), est un roi légendaire de Suède du VIe siècle appartenant à la dynastie des Ynglingar. Il est le fils d'Yngvi et le père d'Aun le Vieux. (fr)
- Jörundr, o Jorund (Gamla Uppsala, V secolo – Gamla Uppsala, V secolo), della casata dei Yngling, si distinse per le sue scorribande quale re del mare assieme a suo fratello Eiríkr, durante una delle quali uccise re Gylaug di Hålogaland. In seguito riconquistò il trono di Uppsala, sottratto alla sua dinastia da Haki, anch'egli re del mare. (it)
- Ёрунд (Jorund или Jörundr) — легендарный конунг свеев из династии Инглингов. (ru)
- Йорунд (Jorund; ? — 440) — напвівлегендарний конунґ свеїв у 402—440 роках. (uk)
- Jorund (nórdico antiguo: Jörundr, n. 487) fue un caudillo vikingo, rey de Svealand, Suecia; pertenecía a la dinastía de los Ynglings en la Era de Vendel (siglo V). Su figura protohistórica aparece en diversas fuentes escandinavas y sagas nórdicas como Ynglingatal, saga Ynglinga, Historia Norvegiæ, saga Skjöldunga y Bjarkarímur. Era hijo del rey Yngvi, y pretendiente al trono de Suecia cuando reclamó su derecho al rey del mar Haki que había usurpado el trono y matado al rey Hugleik y sus hijos en el campo de batalla de Fyrisvellir, gobernando durante tres años a los suiones sin prácticamente oposición. (es)
- Jorund or Jörundr (5th century) was a Swedish king of the House of Yngling. He was the son of Yngvi, and he had reclaimed the throne of Sweden for his dynasty from Haki (the brother of Hagbard, the hero of the legend of Hagbard and Signy. Snorri cites two kennings from this legend, Sigar's steed and Hagard's fell noose, when telling of Jorund). Snorri then cites the poem Háleygjatal by a Norwegian skald named Eyvindr skáldaspillir: Snorri illustrates this event with the stanza from Ynglingatal: (en)
- Jorundo (em latim: Jorundus), também referido como Jörund, Jørund, Jorund, Eorund, Jörundr, foi um rei lendário dos Suíones no século V, estabelecido em Velha Upsália. Pertenceu à Dinastia dos Inglingos, sendo filho do rei Ínguino e pai do rei Aun. Está mencionado na Lista dos Inglingos (do poeta norueguês Tiodolfo de Hvinir do século IX), na Saga dos Inglingos (do historiador islandês Snorri Sturluson do século XIII), e na História da Noruega (de anónimo do século XII). (pt)
- Jörund, Jorund eller Eorund var enligt Heimskringla en sveakung av Ynglingaätten. Han var son till Yngve och hade sonen Ane. Medan deras kusin Hugleik satt som kung var han och hans bror Erik ute i viking, och var alltså inte i Uppsala när Hugleik föll för Hake. Istället fångade de tillsammans kung Gudlaug från Halogaland och hängde honom på . När de hörde att Hake sänt ifrån sig sina krigare drog de samman en här och for till Uppsala. I striden på fyrisvallarna dödade Hake Erik, varvid Jörund flydde till sina skepp. Hake var dock så svårt sårad att han valde att levande läggas på ett likbål, och Jörund blev kung. (sv)