- Jochem Dobber (* 8. Juli 1997) ist ein niederländischer Leichtathlet, der in den Sprintdisziplinen an den Start geht. (de)
- Jochem Dobber es un deportista neerlandés que compite en atletismo. Ganó una medalla de oro en el Campeonato Europeo de Atletismo en Pista Cubierta de 2021, en la prueba de 4 x 400 m. (es)
- Jochem Dobber (1997ko uztailaren 8) 400 metroko proban aditua den atleta holandarra da. Dobberrek bere lehen titulu nazionala irabazi zuen 2020ko Holandako Atletismo Txapelketan. Gainera, bere denbora onena 45,64 segundora hobetu zuen, irteera horretan laugarren postuan kokatuz Urrezko Galan 2020 Diamante Ligako ekitaldian. 2021eko Europako Atletismoko Indoor Txapelketan Herbehereetako kontingente indartsu baten barruan, bosgarren sailkatu zen 400 proban. 4 × 400 metroko erreleboko finalean Van Diepen, Bonevacia eta Ramsey Angelarekin urrezko dominak lortu zuen, 3:06,06 minutuko errekor nazional berri batekin. 2020ko Udako Olinpiar Jokoetan zilarrezko domina lortu zuen proba berean. (eu)
- Jochem Dobber (born 8 July 1997) is a Dutch track and field sprint athlete who specialises in the 400 metres. He was a gold medallist in the 4 × 400 metres relay with the Dutch team at the 2021 European Athletics Indoor Championships, setting a Dutch record. From Santpoort-Zuid, Dobber made his international debut at the 2013 European Youth Olympic Festival, finishing seventh in the 200 metres and taking bronze in the 4 × 100 metres relay alongside Joris van Gool, , and . In 2014, he was a finalist at the Dutch under-18 championships in 2014 in 60 metres, 100 metres and 200 m, and repeated that feat at under-20 level the following year. Dobber won Dutch under-20 titles in 200 m indoor and 400 m outdoor disciplines in 2016. These results earned him selection for the 2016 IAAF World U20 Championships, where he reached the semi-finals. A member of club in Velsen training under Laurent Meuwly, Dobber competed at his first senior national event at the and placed fourth in the 400 m. His first national podium finish came at the 2018 Dutch Athletics Championships, where he was runner-up to Tony van Diepen. He improved his personal best time to 46.45 seconds that year. Dobber managed third in the 400 m at the 2019 Dutch Indoor Athletics Championships, which brought him a place on the Dutch team for the 2019 IAAF World Relays. In his senior international debut he placed fifth in the B-final with the Netherlands 4 × 400 metres relay quartet, alongside Terrence Agard, Liemarvin Bonevacia, and van Diepen. He also placed second at the 2019 European Team Championships First League with the Dutch relay team. Dobber won his first national title at the 2020 Dutch Athletics Championships. He also improved his best time to 45.64 seconds, placing fourth at the Golden Gala 2020 Diamond League meeting on that outing. As part of a strong Dutch contingent at the 2021 European Athletics Indoor Championships, he placed fifth in the 400 m final while his teammates van Diepen and Bonevacia won medals. The three combined for the 4 × 400 metres relay final with Ramsey Angela to take the gold medals with a new Dutch national record of the 3:06.06 minutes. (en)
- Jochem Dobber (né le 8 juillet 1997) est un athlète néerlandais spécialiste du 400 mètres. (fr)
- Jochem Dobber (8 luglio 1997) è un velocista olandese. (it)
- Jochem Dobber (8 juli 1997) is een Nederlands atleet, die gespecialiseerd is in de 400 m sprint. Hij won goud op de 4 x 400 m tijdens de Europese indoorkampioenschappen 2021 en de World Athletics Relays 2021. (nl)
- Jochem Dobber (8 de julho de 1997) é um atleta neerlandês, medalhista olímpico. Dobber conquistou seu primeiro título nacional no Campeonato Holandês de Atletismo de 2020. Ele também melhorou seu melhor tempo para 45.64 segundos, ficando em quarto lugar no Golden Gala 2020 Diamond League. Nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2020, conquistou a medalha de prata na prova de revezamento 4x400 metros masculino com o tempo de 2:57.18 minutos, ao lado de Liemarvin Bonevacia, Terrence Agard, Tony van Diepen e Ramsey Angela. (pt)
- Йохем Доббер (8 липня 1997 (uk)
- 約赫姆·多貝爾(荷蘭語:Jochem Dobber,1997年7月8日-),荷蘭田徑運動員,他代表荷蘭隊參加了日本舉行的2020年夏季奧林匹克運動會,並且在男子4×400米接力比賽上獲得銀牌。 (zh)
- Йохем Доббер (нидерл. Jochem Dobber; род. 8 июля 1997, Сантпорт Зёйд[d], Северная Голландия) − нидерландский легкоатлет, серебряный призёр летних Олимпийских игр 2020 в Токио в эстафете 4х400 метров. (ru)
- Jochem Dobber (* 8. Juli 1997) ist ein niederländischer Leichtathlet, der in den Sprintdisziplinen an den Start geht. (de)
- Jochem Dobber es un deportista neerlandés que compite en atletismo. Ganó una medalla de oro en el Campeonato Europeo de Atletismo en Pista Cubierta de 2021, en la prueba de 4 x 400 m. (es)
- Jochem Dobber (1997ko uztailaren 8) 400 metroko proban aditua den atleta holandarra da. Dobberrek bere lehen titulu nazionala irabazi zuen 2020ko Holandako Atletismo Txapelketan. Gainera, bere denbora onena 45,64 segundora hobetu zuen, irteera horretan laugarren postuan kokatuz Urrezko Galan 2020 Diamante Ligako ekitaldian. 2021eko Europako Atletismoko Indoor Txapelketan Herbehereetako kontingente indartsu baten barruan, bosgarren sailkatu zen 400 proban. 4 × 400 metroko erreleboko finalean Van Diepen, Bonevacia eta Ramsey Angelarekin urrezko dominak lortu zuen, 3:06,06 minutuko errekor nazional berri batekin. 2020ko Udako Olinpiar Jokoetan zilarrezko domina lortu zuen proba berean. (eu)
- Jochem Dobber (né le 8 juillet 1997) est un athlète néerlandais spécialiste du 400 mètres. (fr)
- Jochem Dobber (8 luglio 1997) è un velocista olandese. (it)
- Jochem Dobber (8 juli 1997) is een Nederlands atleet, die gespecialiseerd is in de 400 m sprint. Hij won goud op de 4 x 400 m tijdens de Europese indoorkampioenschappen 2021 en de World Athletics Relays 2021. (nl)
- Jochem Dobber (8 de julho de 1997) é um atleta neerlandês, medalhista olímpico. Dobber conquistou seu primeiro título nacional no Campeonato Holandês de Atletismo de 2020. Ele também melhorou seu melhor tempo para 45.64 segundos, ficando em quarto lugar no Golden Gala 2020 Diamond League. Nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2020, conquistou a medalha de prata na prova de revezamento 4x400 metros masculino com o tempo de 2:57.18 minutos, ao lado de Liemarvin Bonevacia, Terrence Agard, Tony van Diepen e Ramsey Angela. (pt)
- Йохем Доббер (8 липня 1997 (uk)
- 約赫姆·多貝爾(荷蘭語:Jochem Dobber,1997年7月8日-),荷蘭田徑運動員,他代表荷蘭隊參加了日本舉行的2020年夏季奧林匹克運動會,並且在男子4×400米接力比賽上獲得銀牌。 (zh)
- Йохем Доббер (нидерл. Jochem Dobber; род. 8 июля 1997, Сантпорт Зёйд[d], Северная Голландия) − нидерландский легкоатлет, серебряный призёр летних Олимпийских игр 2020 в Токио в эстафете 4х400 метров. (ru)
- Jochem Dobber (born 8 July 1997) is a Dutch track and field sprint athlete who specialises in the 400 metres. He was a gold medallist in the 4 × 400 metres relay with the Dutch team at the 2021 European Athletics Indoor Championships, setting a Dutch record. (en)