- هاري ر. لويس (بالإنجليزية: Harry R. Lewis) هو عالم حاسوب أمريكي، ولد في 19 أبريل 1947 في بوسطن في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Harry Roy Lewis (born 1947) is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and university administrator known for his research in computational logic, textbooks in theoretical computer science, and writings on computing, higher education, and technology. He is Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University, and was Dean of Harvard College from 1995 to 2003. Lewis has been honored for his "particularly distinguished contributions to undergraduate teaching"; his students have included future entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, and numerous future faculty members at Harvard and other schools.The website "Six Degrees to Harry Lewis", created by Zuckerberg while at Harvard, was a precursor to Facebook. A new professorship in Engineering and Applied Sciences, endowed by a former student, will be named for Lewis and his wife upon their retirements. (en)
- Harry Roy Lewis (lahir 19 April 1947) adalah Profesor Gordon McKay Ilmu Komputer dan Direktur Studi S1 Ilmu Komputer di Universitas Harvard. Ia juga merupakan Pembantu Fakultas di Harvard. Ia menulis beberapa buku, termasuk (2006), dan membantu menulis (bersama Hal Abelson dan Ken Ledeen) Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion, sebuah buku yang memaparkan asal usul dan akibat umum ledakan informasi digital. Ia adalah dekan Harvard College sejak 1995 sampai 2003. Ia juga merupakan di dan di . Harry Lewis lahir di Boston, Massachusetts. Ia mendapatkan gelar S1 dan S2-nya di Harvard dalam bidang matematika terapan — summa cum laude tahun 1968, gelar Master tahun 1973 dan PhD tahun 1974. Tesis PhD-nya, dibimbing , berjuduk " Expansions and Reductions of the Decision Problem". He has been a member of the Harvard faculty since 1974. Bill Gates dan Mark Zuckerberg merupakan mahasiswanya dulu, yang membuat situs web "Six Degrees to Harry Lewis" sebelum merancang Facebook. (in)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- Also translated into Chinese and Russian. (en)
- Trans. Chinese, Korean. (en)
- A preliminary version was presented at the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, 1980. (en)
- A preliminary version, "Complexity of solvable cases of the decision problem for the predicate calculus", was presented at the Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1978. (en)
- هاري ر. لويس (بالإنجليزية: Harry R. Lewis) هو عالم حاسوب أمريكي، ولد في 19 أبريل 1947 في بوسطن في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
- Harry Roy Lewis (born 1947) is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and university administrator known for his research in computational logic, textbooks in theoretical computer science, and writings on computing, higher education, and technology. He is Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University, and was Dean of Harvard College from 1995 to 2003. A new professorship in Engineering and Applied Sciences, endowed by a former student, will be named for Lewis and his wife upon their retirements. (en)
- Harry Roy Lewis (lahir 19 April 1947) adalah Profesor Gordon McKay Ilmu Komputer dan Direktur Studi S1 Ilmu Komputer di Universitas Harvard. Ia juga merupakan Pembantu Fakultas di Harvard. Ia menulis beberapa buku, termasuk (2006), dan membantu menulis (bersama Hal Abelson dan Ken Ledeen) Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion, sebuah buku yang memaparkan asal usul dan akibat umum ledakan informasi digital. Ia adalah dekan Harvard College sejak 1995 sampai 2003. Ia juga merupakan di dan di . (in)