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About: George Formby

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George Formby, OBE (born George Hoy Booth; 26 May 1904 – 6 March 1961) was an English actor, singer-songwriter and comedian who became known to a worldwide audience through his films of the 1930s and 1940s. On stage, screen and record he sang light, comical songs, usually playing the ukulele or banjolele, and became the United Kingdom's highest-paid entertainer.

Property Value
  • George Formby, OBE (vlastním jménem George Hoy Booth, 26. května 1904 Wigan, Velká Británie – 6. března 1961 Preston, Velká Británie), byl anglický herec, zpěvák, skladatel písní a komik, kterého proslavily zejména jeho filmy z třicátých a čtyřicátých let 20. století. Při zpěvu svých komických písní se doprovázel na ukulele nebo banjo ukulele. Ve své době se stal nejlépe placeným entertainerem ve Velké Británii. Formby ve Francii během druhé světové války Narodil se ve městě Wigan v hrabství Lancashire jako syn George Formbyho Sr, po němž převzal umělecký pseudonym. Po otcově předčasné smrti v roce 1921 nastoupil jeho dráhu a zprvu převzal i jeho repertoár písní, vtipů a postav. Později se od něj odlišil, když si v roce 1923 pořídili ukulele a zapojil ho do svých vystoupení; také začal vystupovat ve společenském obleku. Obojí učinil na radu zpěvačky Beryl Inghamové, se kterou se roku 1923 oženil a která poté působila jako jeho manažerka. Od roku 1926 jeho písně pravidelně vycházely na gramofonových deskách a po roce 1934 se postupně prosazoval ve filmu. Koncem třicátých let a po celá čtyřicátá léta 20. století pak byl nejoblíbenějším bavičem ve Velké Británii. Během druhé světové války Formby pracoval pro organizaci ENSA, která zajišťovala zábavu pro vojáky a civilní službu. Odhaduje se, že během roku 1946 vystoupil pro tři miliony vojáků a armádních zaměstnanců. Po válce ho potkal ústup ze slávy, ale Formby nadále vystupoval a objížděl země Commonwealthu. Poslední televizní vystoupení absolvoval v prosinci 1960. Zemřel v Prestonu ve věku 56 let. Pohřben byl ve Warringtonu vedle svého otce. Formbyův životopisec Jeffrey Richards napsal, že jako herec Formby „dokázal ztělesnit současně Lancashire, dělnickou třídu, lid i národ.“ Formby byl považován za prvního skutečně domácího, britského filmového komika. Měl tak značný vliv na budoucí komiky – zvláště Charlieho Draka a Normana Wisdoma – i na širší kulturní scénu. Například The Beatles na něj odkazovali občasným využitím ukulele ve svých aranžích a George Harrison byl i členem Společnosti George Formbyho, založené krátce po komikově smrti. V českém prostředí se na něj jako na jeden ze svých vzorů opakovaně odvolává Jiří Suchý, který také převedl do češtiny řadu jeho písní a pod jeho vlivem se naučil hrát na banjo: Od Formbyho smrti o něm vzniklo pět biografií a dva televizní pořady a v Británii má také dvě sochy, na ostrově Man a v rodném Wiganu. (cs)
  • George Formby jr., seit 1946 OBE, (* 26. Mai 1904 als George Hoy Booth in Wigan; † 6. März 1961 in Preston, Grafschaft Lancashire) war ein britischer Schauspieler, Filmproduzent und Ukulele-Spieler, in den 1930er und frühen 1940er Jahren einer der beliebtesten Komiker der Britischen Inseln. (de)
  • George Formby, OBE (born George Hoy Booth; 26 May 1904 – 6 March 1961) was an English actor, singer-songwriter and comedian who became known to a worldwide audience through his films of the 1930s and 1940s. On stage, screen and record he sang light, comical songs, usually playing the ukulele or banjolele, and became the United Kingdom's highest-paid entertainer. Born in Wigan, Lancashire, he was the son of George Formby Sr, from whom he later took his stage name. After an early career as a stable boy and jockey, Formby took to the music hall stage after the early death of his father in 1921. His early performances were taken exclusively from his father's act, including the same songs, jokes and characters. In 1923 he made two career-changing decisions – he purchased a ukulele, and married Beryl Ingham, a fellow performer who became his manager and transformed his act. She insisted that he appear on stage formally dressed, and introduced the ukulele to his performance. He started his recording career in 1926 and, from 1934, he increasingly worked in film to develop into a major star by the late 1930s and 1940s, and became the UK's most popular entertainer during those decades. The media historian Brian McFarlane writes that on film, Formby portrayed gormless Lancastrian innocents who would win through against some form of villainy, gaining the affection of an attractive middle-class girl in the process. During the Second World War Formby worked extensively for the Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA), and entertained civilians and troops, and by 1946 it was estimated that he had performed in front of three million service personnel. After the war his career declined, although he toured the Commonwealth, and continued to appear in variety and pantomime. His last television appearance was in December 1960, two weeks before the death of Beryl. He surprised people by announcing his engagement to a school teacher, Pat Howson, seven weeks after Beryl's funeral, but died in Preston three weeks later, at the age of 56; he was buried in Warrington, alongside his father. Formby's biographer, Jeffrey Richards, considers that the actor "had been able to embody simultaneously Lancashire, the working classes, the people, and the nation". Formby was considered Britain's first properly home-grown screen comedian. He was an influence on future comedians—particularly Charlie Drake and Norman Wisdom—and, culturally, on entertainers such as the Beatles, who referred to him in their music. Since his death Formby has been the subject of five biographies, two television specials and two works of public sculpture. (en)
  • George Formby, Jr. (26 de mayo de 1904 – 6 de marzo de 1961) fue un cantante y comediante británico, famoso por tocar el banjo ukulele o banjolele e interpretar canciones cómicas, y que llegó a convertirse en una estrella teatral y cinematográfica. (es)
  • B'aisteoir Sasanach é George Formby (26 Bealtaine 1904 – 6 Márta 1961). (ga)
  • George Formby de son vrai nom George Hoy Booth, né le 26 mai 1904 à Wigan en Grande Bretagne et mort le 6 mars 1961 à Preston, est un chanteur et comédien britannique qui devient une vedette au cinéma et au music-hall. Il est notamment connu pour ses performances à l'ukulélé. (fr)
  • George Formby (Wigan, 26 maggio 1904 – Preston, 6 marzo 1961) è stato un attore, cantautore e suonatore di ukulele e di banjo inglese. (it)
  • 조지 폼비(영어: George Formby, OBE, 1904년 5월 26일 ~ 1961년 3월 6일)는 영국의 배우이자 싱어송라이터이다. 1930년에서 1940년대까지 국제적으로 활동한 폼비는 우쿨렐레와 를 연주하면서 가볍고 우스꽝스런 노래(Novelty song)를 불렀고, 영국에서 가장 많은 돈을 받는 엔터테이너가 되었다. 폼비는 랭커셔주 위건에서 조지 호이 부스(George Hoy Booth)라는 이름으로 태어났고, 후에 아버지 조지 폼비(George Formby Sr)의 이름을 따 무대 이름을 지었다. 어릴 적 마부와 기수로 일한 폼비는 1921년 아버지를 일찍 여의고 뮤직홀 무대에 서게 되었다. 그가 이 시절에 한 공연은 아버지의 행동, 노래, 농담, 캐릭터를 차용해 꾸려졌다. 1923년 폼비는 우쿨렐레를 구입하고, 동료 연기자 베릴 잉엄(Beryl Ingham)과 결혼했다. 잉엄은 후에 폼비의 매니저가 되어 공연 방식을 바꾸어 놓는다. 그녀는 폼비에게 무대에서 정복을 입고, 우쿨렐레를 들고 공연에 나서라고 강하게 독려했다. 폼비는 1926년 음반을 발표하기 시작했고, 1934년부터 영화 작업을 시작하여 주요 스타로 발돋움했다. 그리고 1930년대 말에서 1940년까지 명성을 이어갔다. 그는 당시부터 10년간 영국에서 가장 유명한 언터테이너가 되었다. 매체 역사학자 브라이언 맥팔레인(Brian McFarlane)은 폼비가 출연한 영화에는 폼비가 연기하는 '생각없는 랭커셔 주민'이 있으며, 그가 특정한 악당에 맞서 승리하며 매력적인 중산층 여성의 애정을 얻게 된다고 기술했다. 제2차 세계 대전 동안, 폼비는 전선 위문 공연단에 참여하여 민간인과 군대를 위한 광범위한 공연을 펼쳤다. 1946년까지 300만 명에 달하는 군인 앞에서 선보인 것으로 추정된다. 전후 그의 인기는 점차 떨어졌지만, 영국 연방을 돌아다니며 버라이어티 쇼와 팬터마임을 공연했다. 그의 마지막 TV 출연은 부인 베릴 잉엄이 죽기 2주 전인 1960년 12월이었다. 그는 베릴 잉엄의 장례식이 있은 지 7주 후 학교 교사와의 약혼을 발표하면서 대중에 충격을 주었지만, 3주 후 56세로 프레스턴에서 사망했다. 그는 자신의 아버지와 함께 워링턴 묘지(Warrington Cemetery)에 묻혔다. 폼비의 전기 작가 제프리 리처즈(Jeffrey Richards)는 폼비가 "랭커셔, 노동 계급, 국민, 그리고 국가에 희망을 줄 수 있었다"고 평가했다. 폼비는 영국에서 최초로 잘 성장한 스크린 코미디언으로 여겨졌다. 폼비는 미래의 코미디언, 특히 과 (Charlie Drake)에게 영향을 주었으며, 문화적으로는 비틀즈와 같은 연예인에게 영향을 주었다. 사후 폼비를 기리는 5편의 전기, 2편의 TV 스페셜 및 2개의 공공 기념물이 만들어졌다. (ko)
  • George Formby, geboren als George Hoy Booth (Wigan, 26 mei 1904 – Preston, 6 maart 1961), was een Engelse komiek, die door zijn films en muziek ook internationaal faam verwierf in de jaren dertig en veertig van de twintigste eeuw. (nl)
  • George Formby, właśc. George Hoy Booth (ur. 26 maja 1904 w Wigan, zm. 6 marca 1961 w Preston) – brytyjski piosenkarz i aktor komediowy. (pl)
  • George Formby, egentligen George Hoy Booth, född 26 maj 1904 i Wigan, Lancashire, död 6 mars 1961 i Preston, Lancashire, var en brittisk sångare, musiker, skådespelare och komiker. (sv)
  • 391415 (xsd:integer)
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  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • Formby's house, Lytham St Anne's (en)
  • Blue plaque at Formby's house Beryldene, Inner Promenade, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire (en)
  • center (en)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • vertical (en)
  • left (en)
  • center (en)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 450806 (xsd:integer)
  • George Formby's house - Geograph 3380229.jpg (en)
  • George Formby - Blue Plaque, Inner Promenade, Lytham St Annes.jpg (en)
  • George Formby (en)
  • "To overcrowded flats I've been, (en)
  • "With my little stick of Blackpool rock (en)
  • When I'm cleaning windows! Now lots of girls I've had to jilt, (en)
  • Along the promenade I stroll; (en)
  • For they admire the way I'm built, (en)
  • In my pocket it got stuck I could tell, (en)
  • It's a good job I don't wear a kilt, (en)
  • My little stick of Blackpool rock" (en)
  • Sixteen in one bed I've seen, (en)
  • When I'm cleaning windows!" (en)
  • With the lodger tucked up in between, (en)
  • A girl while bathing clung to me—my wits I had to use— (en)
  • Every day, wherever I stray, the kids around me flock; (en)
  • She cried I'm drowning and to save me you won't refuse; (en)
  • I said well if you're drowning I don't want to lose (en)
  • "I'm just a clown without the make-up, the circus clown who magnifies the reactions of ordinary people to the things that happen around them". (en)
  • "Standing with his back to a tree or a wall of sandbags, with men squatting on the ground in front of him, he sang song after song, screwing up his face into comical expressions of fright whenever shells exploded in the near distance, and making little cracks when the firing drowned the point lines in his songs". (en)
  • "You know, some of the songs are a bit near. But they'll take them from me in evening dress; they wouldn't take them if I wore baggy pants and rednose". (en)
  • 'Cos when I pulled it out I pulled my shirt up as well. (en)
  • right (en)
  • banned by the BBC? (en)
  • – Basil Dean, the head of ENSA, on some of Formby's work with the organisation. (en)
  • – Banned by the BBC: "The Window Cleaner", second recorded version (en)
  • – "With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock": (en)
  • – Formby on his stage persona. (en)
  • – Formby on his suggestive lyrics. (en)
  • 225 (xsd:integer)
  • 310 (xsd:integer)
  • George Formby jr., seit 1946 OBE, (* 26. Mai 1904 als George Hoy Booth in Wigan; † 6. März 1961 in Preston, Grafschaft Lancashire) war ein britischer Schauspieler, Filmproduzent und Ukulele-Spieler, in den 1930er und frühen 1940er Jahren einer der beliebtesten Komiker der Britischen Inseln. (de)
  • George Formby, Jr. (26 de mayo de 1904 – 6 de marzo de 1961) fue un cantante y comediante británico, famoso por tocar el banjo ukulele o banjolele e interpretar canciones cómicas, y que llegó a convertirse en una estrella teatral y cinematográfica. (es)
  • B'aisteoir Sasanach é George Formby (26 Bealtaine 1904 – 6 Márta 1961). (ga)
  • George Formby de son vrai nom George Hoy Booth, né le 26 mai 1904 à Wigan en Grande Bretagne et mort le 6 mars 1961 à Preston, est un chanteur et comédien britannique qui devient une vedette au cinéma et au music-hall. Il est notamment connu pour ses performances à l'ukulélé. (fr)
  • George Formby (Wigan, 26 maggio 1904 – Preston, 6 marzo 1961) è stato un attore, cantautore e suonatore di ukulele e di banjo inglese. (it)
  • George Formby, geboren als George Hoy Booth (Wigan, 26 mei 1904 – Preston, 6 maart 1961), was een Engelse komiek, die door zijn films en muziek ook internationaal faam verwierf in de jaren dertig en veertig van de twintigste eeuw. (nl)
  • George Formby, właśc. George Hoy Booth (ur. 26 maja 1904 w Wigan, zm. 6 marca 1961 w Preston) – brytyjski piosenkarz i aktor komediowy. (pl)
  • George Formby, egentligen George Hoy Booth, född 26 maj 1904 i Wigan, Lancashire, död 6 mars 1961 i Preston, Lancashire, var en brittisk sångare, musiker, skådespelare och komiker. (sv)
  • George Formby, OBE (vlastním jménem George Hoy Booth, 26. května 1904 Wigan, Velká Británie – 6. března 1961 Preston, Velká Británie), byl anglický herec, zpěvák, skladatel písní a komik, kterého proslavily zejména jeho filmy z třicátých a čtyřicátých let 20. století. Při zpěvu svých komických písní se doprovázel na ukulele nebo banjo ukulele. Ve své době se stal nejlépe placeným entertainerem ve Velké Británii. Formby ve Francii během druhé světové války Od Formbyho smrti o něm vzniklo pět biografií a dva televizní pořady a v Británii má také dvě sochy, na ostrově Man a v rodném Wiganu. (cs)
  • George Formby, OBE (born George Hoy Booth; 26 May 1904 – 6 March 1961) was an English actor, singer-songwriter and comedian who became known to a worldwide audience through his films of the 1930s and 1940s. On stage, screen and record he sang light, comical songs, usually playing the ukulele or banjolele, and became the United Kingdom's highest-paid entertainer. (en)
  • 조지 폼비(영어: George Formby, OBE, 1904년 5월 26일 ~ 1961년 3월 6일)는 영국의 배우이자 싱어송라이터이다. 1930년에서 1940년대까지 국제적으로 활동한 폼비는 우쿨렐레와 를 연주하면서 가볍고 우스꽝스런 노래(Novelty song)를 불렀고, 영국에서 가장 많은 돈을 받는 엔터테이너가 되었다. 폼비는 랭커셔주 위건에서 조지 호이 부스(George Hoy Booth)라는 이름으로 태어났고, 후에 아버지 조지 폼비(George Formby Sr)의 이름을 따 무대 이름을 지었다. 어릴 적 마부와 기수로 일한 폼비는 1921년 아버지를 일찍 여의고 뮤직홀 무대에 서게 되었다. 그가 이 시절에 한 공연은 아버지의 행동, 노래, 농담, 캐릭터를 차용해 꾸려졌다. (ko)
  • George Formby (cs)
  • George Formby (en)
  • George Formby jr. (de)
  • George Formby, Jr. (es)
  • George Formby (ga)
  • George Formby (fr)
  • George Formby (it)
  • 조지 폼비 (ko)
  • George Formby (nl)
  • George Formby (pl)
  • George Formby (sv)
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