- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (nascuda el 1930 a Fort Thompson, Dakota del Sud) és una editora, assagista, poeta, novel·lista i acadèmica lakota Crow Creek. Els seus punts de vista mordaços sobre la política dels amerindis dels Estats Units, particularment la sobirania tribal, han causat controvèrsia. Cook-Lynn cofundà Wíčazo Ša Review ("Llapis Roig"), una revista acadèmica dedicada al desenvolupament dels estudis amerindis com a disciplina acadèmica. Es va retirar de la seva llarga carrera acadèmica a la el 1993, tornant a casa a Rapid City, Dakota del Sud. Ha exercit de professora visitant a diverses universitats des de la seva jubilació. El 2009, va rebre el Premi a la Trajectòria de Cercle d'Escriptors Nadius d'Amèrica. (ca)
- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (* 17. November 1930 in Fort Thompson, South Dakota) ist eine indigene nordamerikanische Autorin und Professorin. (de)
- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (born "Elizabeth Irving", Crow Creek Sioux, in 1930) is an editor, essayist, poet, and novelist. She is considered to be outspoken in her views about Native American politics, particularly in regards to tribal sovereignty. She has criticized those who make tenuous claims to Native/Indigenous ancestry with the purpose of advancing their own careers, and described such claimants with no community connections as "tribeless". She believes they damage the development of economic and social life of Native nations.[1] (en)
- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (* 17. November 1930 in Fort Thompson, South Dakota) ist eine indigene nordamerikanische Autorin und Professorin. (de)
- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (born "Elizabeth Irving", Crow Creek Sioux, in 1930) is an editor, essayist, poet, and novelist. She is considered to be outspoken in her views about Native American politics, particularly in regards to tribal sovereignty. She has criticized those who make tenuous claims to Native/Indigenous ancestry with the purpose of advancing their own careers, and described such claimants with no community connections as "tribeless". She believes they damage the development of economic and social life of Native nations.[1] (en)
- Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (nascuda el 1930 a Fort Thompson, Dakota del Sud) és una editora, assagista, poeta, novel·lista i acadèmica lakota Crow Creek. Els seus punts de vista mordaços sobre la política dels amerindis dels Estats Units, particularment la sobirania tribal, han causat controvèrsia. (ca)