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On the federal level, there are two main elections in Austria: presidential elections and elections to determine the composition of the National Council (Nationalrat), the lower house of Austria's bicameral Parliament. The upper house, the Federal Council consists of delegates from the states and is not directly elected. These elections are governed by federal law, which also applies to . In some cases, a national referendum can be called by the Austrian Parliament.

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  • Volby v Rakousku jsou svobodné. Volí se do parlamentu, Evropského parlamentu a každých šest let probíhají přímé prezidentské volby. Parlament je dvoukomorový, dělí se na Spolkovou radu a Národní radu, ty dávají dohromady Spolkové shromáždění. Do Národní rady je voleno 183 poslanců na čtyřleté volební období, do Spolkové rady je voleno 64 členů. (cs)
  • Στην Αυστρία διεξάγονται εκλογές για πρόεδρο και για . Ο πρόεδρος εκλέγεται για μη ανανεώσιμη εξαετή θητεία από το λαό. Το κοινοβούλιο είναι διθάλαμο. Αποτελείται από το Εθνικό Συμβούλιο (Nationalrat) , με 183 έδρες και το Ομοσπονδιακό Συμβούλιο (Bundesrat, αντιστοιχεί στη Γερουσία) με 61 έδρες, που εκπροσωπεί τα 9 κρατίδια της χώρας σε ομοσπονδιακό επίπεδο. (el)
  • Wahlen in Österreich finden auf drei Ebenen statt: auf der Bundesebene, der Landesebene sowie der Gemeindeebene. Grundlage ist auf allen Ebenen das Prinzip der Verhältniswahl. Alle österreichischen Staatsbürger, die spätestens am Wahltag das 16. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, besitzen ein allgemeines, freies, gleiches, unmittelbares, geheimes und persönliches Wahlrecht. Ein Ausschluss aus diesem ist nur durch Gerichtsbeschluss möglich. (de)
  • On the federal level, there are two main elections in Austria: presidential elections and elections to determine the composition of the National Council (Nationalrat), the lower house of Austria's bicameral Parliament. The upper house, the Federal Council consists of delegates from the states and is not directly elected. These elections are governed by federal law, which also applies to . Austria's federal president (Bundespraesident) is elected for a six-year term, most recently in 2022 Austrian presidential election. The election takes place under the two-round system to ensure that the president is supported by a majority of the voters. Under this system, a first round of voting is held, and unless one candidate gets a majority there, a second round is held where only the two highest-ranking candidates from the first round are included. The National Council is elected by proportional representation. Elections takes place every five years, except that a snap election may be called if the chancellor wants early elections or loses the support of a majority in the National Council, as happened in 2017 and again in 2019. Austria has a multi-party system. From 1945 to 1986, Austrian politics had a two-party system, where two main parties, the SPÖ on the center-left and the ÖVP on the center-right, generally dominated politics. However, a third party would sometimes also win seats in the National Council. From 1986 onward a multi-party system has evolved, with no one party having enough support to hold a majority of seats in parliament, and the resultant need for alliances and power-sharing in a series of coalition governments. The two most recent coalition governments --- ÖVP & SPÖ and ÖVP & FPÖ—both failed. Following the 2019 National Council elections, in which its former coalition partners suffered heavy losses, the victorious ÖVP is now negotiating with the Green Party to form a third variant of a two-party coalition government; one for which examples so far only exists at the state level. For a party to be represented in the National Council, it must either pass the threshold of at least 4% of all valid votes cast nationwide, or win one mandate (seat) in one of the regional electoral districts. If a party doesn't satisfy either requirement, it does not participate in the allocation of seats. This threshold exists to discourage parties from splintering and producing an unmanageably large number of small parties in parliament. In some cases, a national referendum can be called by the Austrian Parliament. In 2007, the voting age was lowered from 18 to 16 in all federal elections. Some states had already lowered the voting age for state and local election before 2007. (en)
  • L'Autriche est une république fédérale dont les institutions politiques sont régies par la Constitution fédérale (Bundesverfassungsgesetz). Cinq types d'élections ont lieu en Autriche : * les ; * les élections législatives ; * l' ; * les ; * les . (fr)
  • Er worden verkiezingen in Oostenrijk gehouden voor de Bondspresident, voor het parlement, voor de deelstaten en de gemeenteraad. Het algemeen kiesrecht voor mannen werd in 1907 in Oostenrijk-Hongarije ingevoerd. Vrouwen in Oostenrijk kregen in 1919 na de ondergang van de monarchie algemeen kiesrecht. De kiesgerechtigde leeftijd werd in 2007 van 18 naar 16 jaar verlaagd. (nl)
  • A República da Áustria é uma democracia representativa. A nível federal, há duas eleições principais: eleições presidenciais e eleições legislativas para determinar a composição do Conselho Nacional, a câmara baixa do Parlamento bicameral da Áustria. A câmara alta consiste em delegados dos estados e não é eleita diretamente. Essas eleições são regidas pela lei federal, que também se aplica às eleições para o Parlamento Europeu na Áustria. O presidente federal da Áustria (Bundespraesident) é eleito para um mandato de seis anos pela maioria dos eleitores, em vez de com base no maior número de votos, um sistema conhecido como sistema majoritário. A regra da maioria pode exigir um segundo turno quando nenhum candidato receber mais de 50% dos votos expressos, como aconteceu em 2016. As eleições para o Conselho Nacional devem ser realizadas a cada cinco anos por representação proporcional. Essas eleições podem ser convocadas antecipadamente se o Conselho Nacional for dissolvido prematuramente, como aconteceu em 2017 e novamente em 2019. A Áustria tem um sistema multipartidário. De 1945 a 1986, as eleições austríacas e a política em geral foram dominadas por dois partidos principais, um de centro-esquerda e outro de centro-direita, com um terceiro partido também ganhando assentos no Conselho Nacional. De 1986 em diante, desenvolveu-se um sistema multipartidário, sem que nenhum partido tivesse apoio suficiente para deter a maioria dos assentos no parlamento, e a necessidade resultante de alianças e divisão de poder em uma série de governos de coligação. Os dois governos de coligação mais recentes - ÖVP & SPÖ e ÖVP & FPÖ - ambos falharam. Após as eleições do Conselho Nacional de 2019, nas quais os seus ex-parceiros de coligação sofreram pesadas perdas, o vitorioso ÖVP negociou com o Partido Verde para formar uma terceira variante de um governo de coligação de dois partidos; um para o qual exemplos até agora só existem em nível estadual. Para que um partido político seja representado no Conselho Nacional, deve receber pelo menos 4% de todos os votos válidos em todo o país ou obter um mandato num dos distritos eleitorais regionais. Se um partido deixar de cumprir qualquer um dos requisitos, não terá o direito de participar da distribuição proporcional de assentos com base na participação do partido nos votos. Essa restrição tem o objetivo de desencorajar os partidos políticos de se fragmentarem e produzirem uma proliferação incontrolável de pequenos partidos no parlamento. Em alguns casos, um referendo nacional pode ser convocado pelo Parlamento austríaco. Em 2007, a idade para votar foi reduzida de 18 para 16 em todas as eleições federais. Alguns estados já haviam reduzido a idade de voto para as eleições estaduais e locais antes de 2007. (pt)
  • На федеральном уровне проводятся два основных вида выборов: главы государства (федерального президента) каждые шесть лет, а также 183 места Национального совета (Nationalrat) каждые пять лет по пропорциональной избирательной системе. Австрия имеет многопартийную систему. С 1945 по 1986 год в Австрии были две основные партии, но третья партия также занимала места в Национальном совете. С 1986 года, как правило, четыре партии были представлены в Совете, в течение нескольких лет даже пять. Для представительства в Национальном совете требуется не менее 4 % голосов избирателей, или место в парламенте в одном из региональных избирательных округов. В некоторых случаях референдум может быть созван австрийским парламентом. В 2007 году возраст голосования был снижен с 18 до 16 лет на всех федеральных выборах, после того, как некоторые земли понизили его для государственных и местных выборов. (ru)
  • 1351132 (xsd:integer)
  • 31211 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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  • 6363336 (xsd:integer)
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  • Ministry of the Interior (en)
  • 64411 (xsd:integer)
  • 85465 (xsd:integer)
  • 225942 (xsd:integer)
  • 327214 (xsd:integer)
  • 337010 (xsd:integer)
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  • 2299590 (xsd:integer)
  • Volby v Rakousku jsou svobodné. Volí se do parlamentu, Evropského parlamentu a každých šest let probíhají přímé prezidentské volby. Parlament je dvoukomorový, dělí se na Spolkovou radu a Národní radu, ty dávají dohromady Spolkové shromáždění. Do Národní rady je voleno 183 poslanců na čtyřleté volební období, do Spolkové rady je voleno 64 členů. (cs)
  • Στην Αυστρία διεξάγονται εκλογές για πρόεδρο και για . Ο πρόεδρος εκλέγεται για μη ανανεώσιμη εξαετή θητεία από το λαό. Το κοινοβούλιο είναι διθάλαμο. Αποτελείται από το Εθνικό Συμβούλιο (Nationalrat) , με 183 έδρες και το Ομοσπονδιακό Συμβούλιο (Bundesrat, αντιστοιχεί στη Γερουσία) με 61 έδρες, που εκπροσωπεί τα 9 κρατίδια της χώρας σε ομοσπονδιακό επίπεδο. (el)
  • Wahlen in Österreich finden auf drei Ebenen statt: auf der Bundesebene, der Landesebene sowie der Gemeindeebene. Grundlage ist auf allen Ebenen das Prinzip der Verhältniswahl. Alle österreichischen Staatsbürger, die spätestens am Wahltag das 16. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, besitzen ein allgemeines, freies, gleiches, unmittelbares, geheimes und persönliches Wahlrecht. Ein Ausschluss aus diesem ist nur durch Gerichtsbeschluss möglich. (de)
  • L'Autriche est une république fédérale dont les institutions politiques sont régies par la Constitution fédérale (Bundesverfassungsgesetz). Cinq types d'élections ont lieu en Autriche : * les ; * les élections législatives ; * l' ; * les ; * les . (fr)
  • Er worden verkiezingen in Oostenrijk gehouden voor de Bondspresident, voor het parlement, voor de deelstaten en de gemeenteraad. Het algemeen kiesrecht voor mannen werd in 1907 in Oostenrijk-Hongarije ingevoerd. Vrouwen in Oostenrijk kregen in 1919 na de ondergang van de monarchie algemeen kiesrecht. De kiesgerechtigde leeftijd werd in 2007 van 18 naar 16 jaar verlaagd. (nl)
  • On the federal level, there are two main elections in Austria: presidential elections and elections to determine the composition of the National Council (Nationalrat), the lower house of Austria's bicameral Parliament. The upper house, the Federal Council consists of delegates from the states and is not directly elected. These elections are governed by federal law, which also applies to . In some cases, a national referendum can be called by the Austrian Parliament. (en)
  • A República da Áustria é uma democracia representativa. A nível federal, há duas eleições principais: eleições presidenciais e eleições legislativas para determinar a composição do Conselho Nacional, a câmara baixa do Parlamento bicameral da Áustria. A câmara alta consiste em delegados dos estados e não é eleita diretamente. Essas eleições são regidas pela lei federal, que também se aplica às eleições para o Parlamento Europeu na Áustria. Em alguns casos, um referendo nacional pode ser convocado pelo Parlamento austríaco. (pt)
  • На федеральном уровне проводятся два основных вида выборов: главы государства (федерального президента) каждые шесть лет, а также 183 места Национального совета (Nationalrat) каждые пять лет по пропорциональной избирательной системе. В некоторых случаях референдум может быть созван австрийским парламентом. В 2007 году возраст голосования был снижен с 18 до 16 лет на всех федеральных выборах, после того, как некоторые земли понизили его для государственных и местных выборов. (ru)
  • Elections in Austria (en)
  • Volby v Rakousku (cs)
  • Wahlen in Österreich (de)
  • Εκλογές στην Αυστρία (el)
  • Élections en Autriche (fr)
  • Verkiezingen in Oostenrijk (nl)
  • Eleições na Áustria (pt)
  • Выборы в Австрии (ru)
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