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Over a three-day period from June 22 to 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and living in Fayetteville, Georgia, murdered his wife Nancy and their 7-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first as she was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22. On June 25, Nancy was found wrapped in a towel with blood under her head, although Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard reported no other signs of a struggle.

Property Value
  • Over a three-day period from June 22 to 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and living in Fayetteville, Georgia, murdered his wife Nancy and their 7-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first as she was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22. On June 25, Nancy was found wrapped in a towel with blood under her head, although Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard reported no other signs of a struggle. The couple's son, Daniel Christopher Benoit, who also died of asphyxia, was killed as he was lying sedated in his bed on the morning of June 23. Then, on the evening of June 24, Benoit killed himself in his weight room, when he used his lat pulldown machine to hang himself. He placed Bibles near the bodies of his wife and son. Since Benoit's suicide, numerous explanations for his actions have been proposed, including severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), steroid and alcohol abuse, leading to a failing marriage and other personal problems. The incident led to numerous media accounts, and a federal investigation into steroid abuse in professional wrestling. (en)
  • El doble homicidio-suicidio de Chris Benoit tuvo lugar durante tres días que terminó el 24 de junio de 2007. El luchador profesional de la WWE Chris Benoit asesinó a su esposa Nancy, estranguló a su hijo de siete años, Daniel, y posteriormente se suicidó por ahorcamiento. Los resultados de la autopsia mostraron que Benoit asesinó primero a su esposa. Tenía los pies y las muñecas atadas y murió de asfixia en algún momento el viernes, según el fiscal del condado de Fayette, Scott Ballard, en una rueda de prensa. Estaba envuelta en una toalla y había sangre debajo de su cabeza, pero Ballard dijo que no había otras señales de lucha. El hijo de la pareja, que también murió de asfixia, al parecer fue asesinado mientras yacía en la cama durante la mañana del sábado, horas antes de que Benoit se suicidara en su sala de pesas. Chris Benoit colocó copias de la Biblia junto a los cuerpos de su esposa y su hijo, así como un tercio de la Biblia en su máquina de levantamiento de pesas.​ Desde el suicidio de Benoit, se han propuesto numerosas explicaciones de sus actos, incluyendo el daño cerebral, el abuso de esteroides y un matrimonio fracasado con su esposa.​​ El asesinato dio lugar a numerosas versiones de los medios de comunicación y una investigación por parte del gobierno federal en el consumo de esteroides en la lucha libre profesional. (es)
  • Pembunuhan ganda dan bunuh diri Chris Benoit merupakan sebuah peristiwa tragis yang terjadi selama tiga hari berakhir pada tanggal 24 Juni 2007. Seorang pegulat profesional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) bernama Chris Benoit membunuh istrinya, Nancy Benoit serta mencekik anaknya yang berusia tujuh tahun, Daniel. Setelah itu, ia kemudian gantung diri. Hasil otopsi menunjukkan bahwa Benoit pertama-tama membunuh istrinya dengan kaki dan pergelangan tangan terikat serta meninggal karena sesak napas pada hari Jumat. Fayette County Jaksa Scott Ballard mengatakan pada konferensi pers bahwa ia dibungkus dengan handuk dan darah ditemukan di bawah kepala namun tidak ada tanda-tanda perlawanan lain. Anak dari pasangan itu yang juga meninggal karena kekerasan fisik yang rupanya tewas saat ia berbaring di tempat tidur pada hari Sabtu pagi beberapa jam sebelum Benoit menggantungkan diri di kamar berat badannya. Benoit menempatkan salinan Alkitab di samping tubuh istri dan anaknya serta di mesin berat badannya. Sejak saat itu, banyak dugaan atas penyebab perbuatannya yang diantaranya adalah gegar otak, penyalahgunaan steroid, dan perkawinan gagal dengan istrinya. Pembunuhan tersebut menjadikan catatan di berbagai media serta penyelidikan federal ke penyalahgunaan steroid pada gulat profesional. (in)
  • Il duplice omicidio e suicidio di Chris Benoit avvenne in un lasso di tempo compreso tra venerdì 22 giugno e domenica 24 giugno 2007 e fu compiuto dal wrestler canadese Chris Benoit nella sua abitazione di Fayetteville (Georgia). Benoit, sotto contratto con la World Wrestling Entertainment, uccise la moglie Nancy, di quarantatré anni, e il figlio Daniel, di sette anni, prima di impiccarsi nella sua palestra di casa. I risultati delle autopsie stabilirono che Nancy fu la prima delle tre vittime a perdere la vita, poiché morì per asfissia nel pomeriggio di venerdì 22 giugno 2007 mentre era legata a piedi e mani; la donna fu trovata avvolta in un asciugamano e con del sangue sotto la testa, sebbene Scott Ballard, il procuratore distrettuale della contea di Fayette, dichiarò che non erano mai stati rilevati segni di lotta. Il figlio della coppia, Daniel, morì anch'egli per asfissia, apparentemente soffocato nel sonno mentre si trovava a letto la mattina di sabato 23 giugno. Infine, la sera di domenica 24 giugno, Benoit si suicidò nella sua palestra di casa impiccandosi ad un macchinario per i pesi; egli posizionò una Sacra Bibbia accanto ai corpi della moglie e del figlio. Fin dal suicidio di Chris Benoit furono avanzate numerose ipotesi riguardanti il motivo del suo gesto, inclusi una forma di encefalopatia traumatica cronica (CTE) che ne avrebbe ottenebrato le facoltà mentali, nonché l'abuso di steroidi e problemi matrimoniali di varia natura. L'incidente suscitò molto scalpore nei media nazionali ed internazionali; un'indagine federale riguardante l'abuso di steroidi e sostanze dopanti nel mondo del wrestling professionistico fu avviata proprio in seguito a questo evento. (it)
  • Tussen vrijdag 22 juni en zondag 24 juni 2007 vermoordde Canadees showworstelaar Chris Benoit, die optrad voor de organisatie WWE, zijn vrouw Nancy Toffoloni en hun zevenjarig zoontje Daniel in een dubbele moordaanslag, na eerder huiselijk geweld te hebben gepleegd. Benoit doodde zijn gezin bij wijze van verhanging, waarna hij op dezelfde wijze zelfmoord pleegde. Op 25 juni 2007 werden de drie lichamen gevonden in hun huis in Fayetteville, Georgia. (nl)
  • 크리스 벤와 살인 사건은 2007년 6월 22일 (추정)부터 6월 24일까지 3일 동안 벌어진, WWE의 프로 레슬러 크리스 벤와가 자신의 아내인 와 아들을 목 졸라 살해하고 그 뒤 자신 또한 목을 매 자살한 사건이다. 부검 결과 벤와는 우선 그의 아내를 살해하였다고 밝혀졌다. 페이에트 카운티의 변호사 는 기자 회견장에서 "그녀는 발과 손목이 묶여 있었고, 금요일 쯤에 질식사하였다."고 하였다. 그녀는 수건을 싸고 있었고, 그녀의 머리 밑에서 피를 흘린 흔적이 발견되었지만, 밸러드는 현장에 몸싸움을 벌인 흔적이 없다고 말하였다. 질식사로 사망한 벤와의 아들 또한 벤와가 자살하기 몇 시간 전인 토요일 아침에 침대 위에 누운 채로 살해된 것처럼 보인다고 하였다. 벤와는 어떠한 유서도 남기지 않았지만, 그의 아내와 아들의 시체 근처에서 그의 역기 위에 있는 것과 같은 성경 조각이 발견되었다. 벤와가 자살한 이후로, 그기 그런 행동을 한 원인으로 뇌진탕, 스테로이드 남용, 그의 아내와의 결혼 생활 실패 등을 포함한 많은 이유들이 제기되었다. 이 사건은 프로레슬링의 스테로이드 남용에 대한 많은 언론 매체와 연방 정부의 조사로 이어졌다. (ko)
  • 12144557 (xsd:integer)
  • 89674 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124634554 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • Chris Benoit in February 2006 (en)
  • y (en)
  • 0001-06-22 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • May 2017 (en)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • Fayetteville, Georgia, U.S. (en)
  • Unknown (en)
  • Christopher Michael Benoit, aged 40 (en)
  • Good evening. Tonight, this arena here in Corpus Christi, TX, was to have been filled to capacity with enthusiastic WWE fans. Tonight's storyline was to have been the alleged demise of my character, Mr. McMahon. However, in reality, WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their son Daniel, are dead. Their bodies were discovered this afternoon in their new, suburban Atlanta home. The authorities are undergoing an investigation. We here in the WWE can only offer our condolences to the extended family of Chris Benoit, and the only other thing we can do at this moment is, tonight, pay tribute to Chris Benoit. We will offer you some of the most memorable moments in Chris' professional life, and you will hear, tonight, comments from his peers; those here – his fellow performers – those here who loved Chris and admired him so much. So tonight will be a three-hour tribute to one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. Tonight will be a tribute to Chris Benoit. (en)
  • —Vince McMahon opening Raw in Corpus Christi to inform the viewers of the Benoit family tragedy (en)
  • On a recent edition of Raw, the WWE presented a special tribute show, recognizing the career of Chris Benoit. However, the facts of this horrific tragedy involving Chris Benoit were not known at the time. Therefore, other than my comments, there will be no mention of Mr. Benoit's name in this program. On the contrary, this show is dedicated to everyone who has been affected by this terrible incident. This marks the first step of the healing process whereby WWE performers will now do what they do better than anyone else in the world: entertain you. (en)
  • Chris Benoit double-murder and suicide (en)
  • (en)
  • Daniel Christopher Benoit, aged 7 (en)
  • Nancy Elizabeth Benoit, aged 43 (en)
  • 35.0 (dbd:perCent)
  • 33.39345 -84.520699
  • Tussen vrijdag 22 juni en zondag 24 juni 2007 vermoordde Canadees showworstelaar Chris Benoit, die optrad voor de organisatie WWE, zijn vrouw Nancy Toffoloni en hun zevenjarig zoontje Daniel in een dubbele moordaanslag, na eerder huiselijk geweld te hebben gepleegd. Benoit doodde zijn gezin bij wijze van verhanging, waarna hij op dezelfde wijze zelfmoord pleegde. Op 25 juni 2007 werden de drie lichamen gevonden in hun huis in Fayetteville, Georgia. (nl)
  • 크리스 벤와 살인 사건은 2007년 6월 22일 (추정)부터 6월 24일까지 3일 동안 벌어진, WWE의 프로 레슬러 크리스 벤와가 자신의 아내인 와 아들을 목 졸라 살해하고 그 뒤 자신 또한 목을 매 자살한 사건이다. 부검 결과 벤와는 우선 그의 아내를 살해하였다고 밝혀졌다. 페이에트 카운티의 변호사 는 기자 회견장에서 "그녀는 발과 손목이 묶여 있었고, 금요일 쯤에 질식사하였다."고 하였다. 그녀는 수건을 싸고 있었고, 그녀의 머리 밑에서 피를 흘린 흔적이 발견되었지만, 밸러드는 현장에 몸싸움을 벌인 흔적이 없다고 말하였다. 질식사로 사망한 벤와의 아들 또한 벤와가 자살하기 몇 시간 전인 토요일 아침에 침대 위에 누운 채로 살해된 것처럼 보인다고 하였다. 벤와는 어떠한 유서도 남기지 않았지만, 그의 아내와 아들의 시체 근처에서 그의 역기 위에 있는 것과 같은 성경 조각이 발견되었다. 벤와가 자살한 이후로, 그기 그런 행동을 한 원인으로 뇌진탕, 스테로이드 남용, 그의 아내와의 결혼 생활 실패 등을 포함한 많은 이유들이 제기되었다. 이 사건은 프로레슬링의 스테로이드 남용에 대한 많은 언론 매체와 연방 정부의 조사로 이어졌다. (ko)
  • Over a three-day period from June 22 to 24, 2007, Chris Benoit, a 40-year-old Canadian professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and living in Fayetteville, Georgia, murdered his wife Nancy and their 7-year-old son, Daniel, before hanging himself. Autopsy results showed that Benoit's wife was murdered first as she was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation on the night of June 22. On June 25, Nancy was found wrapped in a towel with blood under her head, although Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard reported no other signs of a struggle. (en)
  • El doble homicidio-suicidio de Chris Benoit tuvo lugar durante tres días que terminó el 24 de junio de 2007. El luchador profesional de la WWE Chris Benoit asesinó a su esposa Nancy, estranguló a su hijo de siete años, Daniel, y posteriormente se suicidó por ahorcamiento. Los resultados de la autopsia mostraron que Benoit asesinó primero a su esposa. Tenía los pies y las muñecas atadas y murió de asfixia en algún momento el viernes, según el fiscal del condado de Fayette, Scott Ballard, en una rueda de prensa. Estaba envuelta en una toalla y había sangre debajo de su cabeza, pero Ballard dijo que no había otras señales de lucha. (es)
  • Pembunuhan ganda dan bunuh diri Chris Benoit merupakan sebuah peristiwa tragis yang terjadi selama tiga hari berakhir pada tanggal 24 Juni 2007. Seorang pegulat profesional World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) bernama Chris Benoit membunuh istrinya, Nancy Benoit serta mencekik anaknya yang berusia tujuh tahun, Daniel. Setelah itu, ia kemudian gantung diri. Hasil otopsi menunjukkan bahwa Benoit pertama-tama membunuh istrinya dengan kaki dan pergelangan tangan terikat serta meninggal karena sesak napas pada hari Jumat. Fayette County Jaksa Scott Ballard mengatakan pada konferensi pers bahwa ia dibungkus dengan handuk dan darah ditemukan di bawah kepala namun tidak ada tanda-tanda perlawanan lain. Anak dari pasangan itu yang juga meninggal karena kekerasan fisik yang rupanya tewas saat ia berb (in)
  • Il duplice omicidio e suicidio di Chris Benoit avvenne in un lasso di tempo compreso tra venerdì 22 giugno e domenica 24 giugno 2007 e fu compiuto dal wrestler canadese Chris Benoit nella sua abitazione di Fayetteville (Georgia). Benoit, sotto contratto con la World Wrestling Entertainment, uccise la moglie Nancy, di quarantatré anni, e il figlio Daniel, di sette anni, prima di impiccarsi nella sua palestra di casa. (it)
  • Chris Benoit double-murder and suicide (en)
  • Doble homicidio-suicidio de Chris Benoit (es)
  • Pembunuhan ganda dan bunuh diri Chris Benoit (in)
  • Duplice omicidio e suicidio di Chris Benoit (it)
  • 크리스 벤와 살인 사건 (ko)
  • Dubbele moord en zelfmoord van Chris Benoit (nl)
  • Двойное убийство и самоубийство Криса Бенуа (ru)
  • POINT(-84.520698547363 33.393451690674)
  • 33.393452 (xsd:float)
  • -84.520699 (xsd:float)
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