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About: Astereognosis

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Astereognosis (or tactile agnosia if only one hand is affected) is the inability to identify an object by active touch of the hands without other sensory input, such as visual or sensory information. An individual with astereognosis is unable to identify objects by handling them, despite intact elementary tactile, proprioceptive, and thermal sensation. With the absence of vision (i.e. eyes closed), an individual with astereognosis is unable to identify what is placed in their hand based on cues such as texture, size, spatial properties, and temperature. As opposed to agnosia, when the object is observed visually, one should be able to successfully identify the object.

Property Value
  • عمه التجسيم هو عدم القدرة على التعرف على الأشياء بلمسها فحسب دون رؤيتها. وهو شكل من أشكال العمه اللمسي الذي لا يستطيع الفرد المصاب به التمييز بين الأشياء من خلال الإمساك بها، على الرغم من سلامة الإحساس. ومع غياب الرؤية (في حالة غلق العينين على سبيل المثال) لا يتمكن الإنسان المصاب بعمه التجسيم من التعرف على ما يضعه في يده. وعلى خلاف العمه، عندما يتمكن الفرد المصاب من رؤية الشيء يستطيع أيضًا التعرف عليه بنجاح. ويرتبط عمه التجسيم بآفات تصيب الفص الجداري أو عمود الظهر أو الفص الجداري الصدغي القذالي (مناطق الارتباط الخلفية) لنصف كرة القشرة المخية الأيمن أو الأيسر. (ar)
  • Astereognosis (or tactile agnosia if only one hand is affected) is the inability to identify an object by active touch of the hands without other sensory input, such as visual or sensory information. An individual with astereognosis is unable to identify objects by handling them, despite intact elementary tactile, proprioceptive, and thermal sensation. With the absence of vision (i.e. eyes closed), an individual with astereognosis is unable to identify what is placed in their hand based on cues such as texture, size, spatial properties, and temperature. As opposed to agnosia, when the object is observed visually, one should be able to successfully identify the object. Individuals with tactile agnosia may be able to identify the name, purpose, or origin of an object with their left hand but not their right, or vice versa, or both hands. Astereognosis refers specifically to those who lack tactile recognition in both hands. In the affected hand(s) they may be able to identify basic shapes such as pyramids and spheres (with abnormally high difficulty) but still not tactilely recognize common objects by easily recognizable and unique features such as a fork by its prongs (though the individual may report feeling a long, metal rod with multiple, pointy rods stemming off in uniform direction). These symptoms suggest that a very specific part of the brain is responsible for making the connections between tactile stimuli and functions/relationships of those stimuli, which, along with the relatively low impact this disorder has on a person's quality of life, helps explain the rarity of reports and research of individuals with tactile agnosia. However in some cases, those persons with tactile agnosia may have many challenges in daily life and occupation. An example is a task that requires typing quickly, as this agnosia type prevents the recognition of keys without looking at a keyboard. Astereognosis is associated with lesions of the parietal lobe or dorsal column or parieto-temporo-occipital lobe (posterior association areas) of either the right or left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. Despite cross-talk between the dorsal and ventral cortices, fMRI results suggest that those with ventral cortex damage are less sensitive to object 3D structure than those with dorsal cortex damage. Unlike the ventral cortex, the dorsal cortex can compute object representations. Thus, those with object recognition impairments are more likely to have acquired damage to the dorsal cortex. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease show a reduction in stereognosis, the ability to perceive and recognize the form of an object in the absence of visual and auditory information. This supports the notion that astereognosis appears to be an associative disorder in which the connections between tactile information and memory is disturbed. While astereognosis is characterized by the lack of tactile recognition in both hands, it seems to be closely related to tactile agnosia (impairment connected to one hand). Tactile agnosia observations are rare and case-specific. Josef Gerstmann recounts his experience with patient JH, a 34-year-old infantryman who suffered a lesion to the posterior parietal lobe due to a gunshot. Following the injury, JH was unable to recognize or identify everyday objects by their meaning, origin, purpose and use with his left hand using tactile sensation alone. His motility performance, elementary sensitivity, and speech were intact, and he lacked abnormalities in brain nerves. The majority of all objects JH touched with his left hand went unrecognized, but very simple objects (i.e. globes, pyramids, cube, etc.) were regularly recognized based on form alone. For more complex objects, his behavior and recognition varied daily based on his tactile resources that changed over time and depended on his fatigue. That is, JH’s ability to recognize depended on his concentration and ability to recognize simple forms and single qualities like size, shape, etc. With further interrogation and greater effort, he was able to correctly identify more specific features of an object (i.e. softness, rounded or cornered, broad or narrow) and could even draw a copy of it, but he was often left unable to identify the object by name, use, or origin. This behavioral deficit occurred even if JH had handled the object in his fully intact right hand. Interventions tend to focus on helping these patients and their family and caregivers cope and adapt to the condition, and furthermore, to help patients function independently within their context. (en)
  • Als Astereognosie oder taktile Agnosie bezeichnet man eine neuropsychologische Störung aus der Gruppe der Agnosien, die es unmöglich macht, Gegenstände durch Ertasten zu erkennen. Die visuelle Erkennung ist in der Regel nicht beeinträchtigt. Zur Diagnosestellung müssen einfache Sensibilitätsstörungen und kognitive Einschränkungen ausgeschlossen werden. Astereognosie kommt selten isoliert, sondern meist bei Schäden des parietalen Assoziationscortex der nicht sprachdominanten Großhirnhemisphäre, beispielsweise im Rahmen eines Schlaganfalls, vor. Dieser Artikel behandelt ein Gesundheitsthema. Er dient nicht der Selbstdiagnose und ersetzt nicht eine Diagnose durch einen Arzt. Bitte hierzu den Hinweis zu Gesundheitsthemen beachten! (de)
  • L'astéréognosie du grec στερεός, stéréos, (solide) et γιγνώσκω, gignosko (je reconnais), est littéralement le fait de ne pouvoir reconnaître par le toucher la forme et le volume d'un objet placé dans la main. Ainsi, si on lui donne une pomme, le sujet pourra dire que l'objet est rond, lisse avec un trou à son sommet, mais ne pourra pas l'associer au fruit. L'astéréognosie relève le plus souvent d'une atteinte du cortex pariétal au niveau de l'aire somesthésique associative (gyrus pariétal supérieur, soit les aires 5 et 7 de Brodmann). La stéréognosie, ou « sens stéréognostique », a été décrite par Hoffmann en 1885. Plus que d'un « sens », il s'agit de l'association de divers modes de sensibilité élémentaire, provenant de la sensibilité superficielle et de la sensibilité profonde. (fr)
  • Astereognosie is de vorm van agnosie waarbij de patiënt het vermogen heeft verloren om voorwerpen te herkennen door middel van het zintuig tast. De patiënt is soms wel in staat het voorwerp verbaal te omschrijven, of om eenzelfde soort voorwerp te herkennen van plaatjes, of om er een tekening van te maken. Van deze aandoening wordt gedacht dat deze mogelijkerwijs verband houdt met een hersenbeschadiging, of littekenweefsel dat is ontstaan door letsel. (nl)
  • L'astereognosìa, composto di stereo, usato in medicina in relazione al tatto, e agnosia dal greco a-gnosis, "non conoscere", chiamata anche stereoagnosìa o agnosia tattile, è l'incapacità di riconoscere un oggetto utilizzando esclusivamente il tatto. Deriva da una lesione focale localizzata nell'area 2 di Brodmann, dove avviene l'integrazione dei segnali sensoriali che permettono il riconoscimento di un oggetto, sebbene si ritenga possibile inquadrare l'astereognosìa in un quadro più ampio, dal momento che molti pazienti dimostrano spesso carenze nell'organizzazione spaziale. (it)
  • Astereognozja (ang. astereognosis) – zaburzenie polegające na niemożności rozpoznania przedmiotów za pomocą dotyku, mimo braku zaburzeń czucia. Jest formą agnozji czuciowej. Termin "astereognozja" bywa używany zamiennie z terminem "agnozja dotykowa". Niektórzy proponują jednak, aby termin "agnozja dotykowa" zarezerwować dla niewielkich zaburzeń, w których nie występują istotne deficyty somatosensoryczne, natomiast terminem "astereognozja" określać deficyty somatosensoryczne "niższego rzędu", to znaczy spowodowane uszkodzeniami kory mózgowej, rdzenia kręgowego albo nerwów obwodowych. Chory posiada czucie i potrafi opisać wrażenia czuciowe, formę trzymanego w ręce przedmiotu, ale nie jest w stanie scalić wrażeń i zidentyfikować go, jeśli go nie widzi. Choroba może dotyczyć tylko jednej ręki – oznacza to, że uszkodzenie powstało przeciwnej półkuli mózgowej (odpowiednio lewa ręka – prawa półkula). Jest spowodowane uszkodzeniem pierwszych trzech pól Brodmanna znajdujących się w korowym ośrodku czucia i pierwszorzędowej korze czuciowej. Stanowi jedną z manifestacji wielu chorób centralnego układu nerwowego. (pl)
  • 599122 (xsd:integer)
  • 6960 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1109490002 (xsd:integer)
  • Astereognosis (en)
  • عمه التجسيم هو عدم القدرة على التعرف على الأشياء بلمسها فحسب دون رؤيتها. وهو شكل من أشكال العمه اللمسي الذي لا يستطيع الفرد المصاب به التمييز بين الأشياء من خلال الإمساك بها، على الرغم من سلامة الإحساس. ومع غياب الرؤية (في حالة غلق العينين على سبيل المثال) لا يتمكن الإنسان المصاب بعمه التجسيم من التعرف على ما يضعه في يده. وعلى خلاف العمه، عندما يتمكن الفرد المصاب من رؤية الشيء يستطيع أيضًا التعرف عليه بنجاح. ويرتبط عمه التجسيم بآفات تصيب الفص الجداري أو عمود الظهر أو الفص الجداري الصدغي القذالي (مناطق الارتباط الخلفية) لنصف كرة القشرة المخية الأيمن أو الأيسر. (ar)
  • Astereognosie is de vorm van agnosie waarbij de patiënt het vermogen heeft verloren om voorwerpen te herkennen door middel van het zintuig tast. De patiënt is soms wel in staat het voorwerp verbaal te omschrijven, of om eenzelfde soort voorwerp te herkennen van plaatjes, of om er een tekening van te maken. Van deze aandoening wordt gedacht dat deze mogelijkerwijs verband houdt met een hersenbeschadiging, of littekenweefsel dat is ontstaan door letsel. (nl)
  • L'astereognosìa, composto di stereo, usato in medicina in relazione al tatto, e agnosia dal greco a-gnosis, "non conoscere", chiamata anche stereoagnosìa o agnosia tattile, è l'incapacità di riconoscere un oggetto utilizzando esclusivamente il tatto. Deriva da una lesione focale localizzata nell'area 2 di Brodmann, dove avviene l'integrazione dei segnali sensoriali che permettono il riconoscimento di un oggetto, sebbene si ritenga possibile inquadrare l'astereognosìa in un quadro più ampio, dal momento che molti pazienti dimostrano spesso carenze nell'organizzazione spaziale. (it)
  • Astereognosis (or tactile agnosia if only one hand is affected) is the inability to identify an object by active touch of the hands without other sensory input, such as visual or sensory information. An individual with astereognosis is unable to identify objects by handling them, despite intact elementary tactile, proprioceptive, and thermal sensation. With the absence of vision (i.e. eyes closed), an individual with astereognosis is unable to identify what is placed in their hand based on cues such as texture, size, spatial properties, and temperature. As opposed to agnosia, when the object is observed visually, one should be able to successfully identify the object. (en)
  • Als Astereognosie oder taktile Agnosie bezeichnet man eine neuropsychologische Störung aus der Gruppe der Agnosien, die es unmöglich macht, Gegenstände durch Ertasten zu erkennen. Die visuelle Erkennung ist in der Regel nicht beeinträchtigt. Zur Diagnosestellung müssen einfache Sensibilitätsstörungen und kognitive Einschränkungen ausgeschlossen werden. Astereognosie kommt selten isoliert, sondern meist bei Schäden des parietalen Assoziationscortex der nicht sprachdominanten Großhirnhemisphäre, beispielsweise im Rahmen eines Schlaganfalls, vor. (de)
  • L'astéréognosie du grec στερεός, stéréos, (solide) et γιγνώσκω, gignosko (je reconnais), est littéralement le fait de ne pouvoir reconnaître par le toucher la forme et le volume d'un objet placé dans la main. Ainsi, si on lui donne une pomme, le sujet pourra dire que l'objet est rond, lisse avec un trou à son sommet, mais ne pourra pas l'associer au fruit. L'astéréognosie relève le plus souvent d'une atteinte du cortex pariétal au niveau de l'aire somesthésique associative (gyrus pariétal supérieur, soit les aires 5 et 7 de Brodmann). (fr)
  • Astereognozja (ang. astereognosis) – zaburzenie polegające na niemożności rozpoznania przedmiotów za pomocą dotyku, mimo braku zaburzeń czucia. Jest formą agnozji czuciowej. Termin "astereognozja" bywa używany zamiennie z terminem "agnozja dotykowa". Niektórzy proponują jednak, aby termin "agnozja dotykowa" zarezerwować dla niewielkich zaburzeń, w których nie występują istotne deficyty somatosensoryczne, natomiast terminem "astereognozja" określać deficyty somatosensoryczne "niższego rzędu", to znaczy spowodowane uszkodzeniami kory mózgowej, rdzenia kręgowego albo nerwów obwodowych. (pl)
  • Astereognosis (en)
  • عمه التجسيم (ar)
  • Astereognosie (de)
  • Astéréognosie (fr)
  • Astereognosia (it)
  • Astereognosie (nl)
  • Astereognozja (pl)
  • Astereognosis (en)
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