Andreas Salcher (born 18 December 1960 in Vienna) is a former Austrian politician of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), co-founder of the Sir Karl Popper School, consultant and author.
Andreas Salcher (* 18. Dezember 1960 in Wien) ist ehemaliger Politiker der ÖVP, Mitbegründer der Sir-Karl-Popper-Schule, Berater und Buchautor. (de)
Andreas Salcher (born 18 December 1960 in Vienna) is a former Austrian politician of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), co-founder of the Sir Karl Popper School, consultant and author. (en)
Andreas Salcher (* 18. Dezember 1960 in Wien) ist ehemaliger Politiker der ÖVP, Mitbegründer der Sir-Karl-Popper-Schule, Berater und Buchautor. (de)
Andreas Salcher (born 18 December 1960 in Vienna) is a former Austrian politician of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), co-founder of the Sir Karl Popper School, consultant and author. (en)