- Aggregate planning is a marketing activity that does an aggregate plan for the production process, in advance of 6 to 18 months, to give an idea to management as to what quantity of materials and other resources are to be procured and when, so that the total cost of operations of the organization is kept to the minimum over that period. The quantity of outsourcing, subcontracting of items, overtime of labour, numbers to be hired and fired in each period and the amount of inventory to be held in stock and to be backlogged for each period are decided. All of these activities are done within the framework of the company ethics, policies, and long term commitment to the society, community and the country of operation. Aggregate planning has certain pre-required inputs which are inevitable. They include:
* Information about the resources and the facilities available.
* Demand forecast for the period for which the planning has to be done.
* Cost of various alternatives and resources. This includes cost of holding inventory, ordering cost, cost of production through various production alternatives like subcontracting, backordering and overtime.
* Organizational policies regarding the usage of above alternatives. "Aggregate Planning is concerned with matching supply and demand of output over the medium time range, up to approximately 12 months into the future. The term aggregate implies that the planning is done for a single overall measure of output or, at the most, a few aggregated product categories. The aim of aggregate planning is to set overall output levels in the near to medium future in the face of fluctuating or uncertain demands. Aggregate planning might seek to influence demand as well as supply. (en)
- Perencanaan agregat adalah suatu perencanaan kapasitas yang mengintegrasikan kebutuhan tingkat produksi, tingkat tenaga kerja, dan kebutuhan tingkat persediaan dalam manajemen operasi produksi pada masa yang akan datang yang mencerminkan strategi perusahaan dalam mencapai sasaran. Pada umumnya, perencanaan agregat memiliki jangka waktu 3 hingga 12 bulan, atau paling lama 18 bulan untuk kasus pada beberapa perusahaan tertentu yang menghadapi pengalaman musiman atau fluktuasi lain dalam permintaan kapasitas. Perencanaan agregat merupakan jantung dari perencanaan jangka menengah. Perencanaan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu rencana produksi secara menyeluruh yang fisibel dan optimal, dalam artian dapat memenuhi permintaan pasar yang sesuai dengan kapasitas yang ada serta menggunkan sumber daya sebijaksana mungkin dengan pengeluaran biaya serendah mungkin. Kegunaan perencanaan agregat adalah untuk mencapai suatu rencana produksi, supaya mampu memanfaatkan sumber-sumber daya organisasi secara efektif untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan yang diharapkan. Perencanaan agregat juga digunakan untuk menspesifikasikan kombinasi yang optimal dari tingkat operasi produksi, tingkat kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan tingkat persediaan yang ada di tangan. Faktor tingkat produksi menunjukkan jumlah unit output yang lengkap dalam suatu unit waktu, sementara faktor tingkat tenaga kerja menunjukkan jumlah pekerja yang dibutuhkan untuk operasi produksi, yang mana kedua faktor tersebut menjadi faktor pengali untuk memperoleh hasil produksi. (in)
- O Planeamento Agregado é considerado por Monks (1987, p. 230) como "uma decisão negociada de alto nível que coordena as atividades de marketing, finanças e outras funções". O Planeamento Agregado é o processo de planeamento das quantidades a produzir a médio prazo, através do ajuste da velocidade de produção, mão-de-obra disponível, estoques e outros, sendo seu objetivo atender às demandas irregulares, empregando os recursos disponíveis na empresa (ibidem). Os administradores têm à sua disposição algumas estratégias para a tomada de decisão no Planeamento Agregado, sendo relacionadas por Monks (1987): Variação de tamanho de equipe de trabalho;Tempo extra e tempo ocioso;Variação de níveis de estoque;Aceite de pedidos para atendimento futuro;Subcontratação;Utilização da capacidade. 2.5.2 Plano Mestre "O Plano Mestre representa uma das contribuições mais importantes da manufatura ao processo de planeamento global da organização" (Giannesi & Correia, 1993, p.118). Segundo Monks (1987) a programação da produção se concretiza com a elaboração do Plano Mestre), o qual comanda todo o Sistema de Produção, determinando as metas específicas de produção. O Plano Mestre pode ser entendido como a formalização da programação da produção, expressa em necessidades específicas de material e capacidade. Assim, o desenvolvimento do Plano Mestre exige uma avaliação das necessidades de mão-de-obra, equipamentos e materiais para cada tarefa a realizar (ibidem). De acordo com Giannesi & Correia (1993), o Plano Mestre considera as limitações de capacidade e a conveniência de sua utilização, podendo determinar a produção prévia de itens ou até mesmo, não programar suas produções, ainda que o mercado pudesse consumi-los. (pt)
- 整体计划(英語:Aggregate planning),是一项流程管理行为,提前2-8个月为制定整体的计划,让人们可以对流程管理有整体了解,知道需要的物资数量和其他资源,于是,企业的整体就在流程过程中保持在最低状态。 进行外包、承包的项目数量,员工,每个阶段需要雇佣和开除的员工数量,以及需要储存和备份的库存数量,都需要在整体计划中确定。所有都需要符合公司的、政策和长期的社会、社区和运营所在国的责任。 整体计划需要包含一些数据包括:
* 可用的资源和设备的清单
* 流程进行阶段的需求预测
* 不同的替代资源及其成本,包括保有库存的成本,订单成本,不同生产模式,例如承包、延期未交订货和超时的生产成本等。
* 上述情况下,公司会涉及到的政策。 "整体计划包括匹配中长期未来(大约12个月内)产出供给和需求。其中整体这个词,表示这个计划是针对整体产出量化评测,至少是一系列的产品集合。整体计划的目的是制定整体产出级别,以便应对波动和不确定需求。整体计划必须可以影响到产出和供给。 (zh)
- 整体计划(英語:Aggregate planning),是一项流程管理行为,提前2-8个月为制定整体的计划,让人们可以对流程管理有整体了解,知道需要的物资数量和其他资源,于是,企业的整体就在流程过程中保持在最低状态。 进行外包、承包的项目数量,员工,每个阶段需要雇佣和开除的员工数量,以及需要储存和备份的库存数量,都需要在整体计划中确定。所有都需要符合公司的、政策和长期的社会、社区和运营所在国的责任。 整体计划需要包含一些数据包括:
* 可用的资源和设备的清单
* 流程进行阶段的需求预测
* 不同的替代资源及其成本,包括保有库存的成本,订单成本,不同生产模式,例如承包、延期未交订货和超时的生产成本等。
* 上述情况下,公司会涉及到的政策。 "整体计划包括匹配中长期未来(大约12个月内)产出供给和需求。其中整体这个词,表示这个计划是针对整体产出量化评测,至少是一系列的产品集合。整体计划的目的是制定整体产出级别,以便应对波动和不确定需求。整体计划必须可以影响到产出和供给。 (zh)
- Aggregate planning is a marketing activity that does an aggregate plan for the production process, in advance of 6 to 18 months, to give an idea to management as to what quantity of materials and other resources are to be procured and when, so that the total cost of operations of the organization is kept to the minimum over that period. Aggregate planning has certain pre-required inputs which are inevitable. They include: (en)
- Perencanaan agregat adalah suatu perencanaan kapasitas yang mengintegrasikan kebutuhan tingkat produksi, tingkat tenaga kerja, dan kebutuhan tingkat persediaan dalam manajemen operasi produksi pada masa yang akan datang yang mencerminkan strategi perusahaan dalam mencapai sasaran. Pada umumnya, perencanaan agregat memiliki jangka waktu 3 hingga 12 bulan, atau paling lama 18 bulan untuk kasus pada beberapa perusahaan tertentu yang menghadapi pengalaman musiman atau fluktuasi lain dalam permintaan kapasitas. (in)
- O Planeamento Agregado é considerado por Monks (1987, p. 230) como "uma decisão negociada de alto nível que coordena as atividades de marketing, finanças e outras funções". O Planeamento Agregado é o processo de planeamento das quantidades a produzir a médio prazo, através do ajuste da velocidade de produção, mão-de-obra disponível, estoques e outros, sendo seu objetivo atender às demandas irregulares, empregando os recursos disponíveis na empresa (ibidem). (pt)