- An academic medical centre (AMC), variously also known as academic health science centre, academic health science system, or academic health science partnership, is an educational and healthcare institute formed by the grouping of a health professional school (such as a medical school) with an affiliated teaching hospital or hospital network. AMCs are intended to ensure that medical research breakthroughs lead to direct clinical benefits for patients. The organisational structures that comprise an AMCs can take a variety of forms, ranging from simple partnerships to, less frequently, fully integrated organisations with a single management board. There are AMCs operating in a number of countries including Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Qatar, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. (en)
- 醫療科學學術中心(又稱:醫療科學合作夥伴聯盟、醫學學術中心)指由大學與醫療機構合作所組成的學術聯盟,旨在進行生物醫學研究、提供臨床教學訓練及醫療服務。類似合作夥伴常見於美國、英國、加拿大、荷蘭、瑞典及新加坡。 (zh)