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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tiru macam hana....Lapis Roti Berdaging

Roti2 yg hmpir expired n dah ada pun yg expired.. ada 4 bks dlm frigde.. plan asal nak buat puding roti.. blik skool terus ronda rumah dik ina jepun yg rajin tu.. waduh..waduhh.. mcm terbau2 jerk n dgn fenin2 stat ler projek tiru meniru ni..

Ini ler hasilnyer.. TQ dik ina..sumber inspirasiku... buh cedar cheese..mozarella ku dah berkulat rupanyer.. nak rspi?? ada di dapur hana TQ dik ina n tuan punya rspi asal umi e di MYR..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Puding Susu Koktel

Dah jadi favorite k'ga.. rspi junjs di MYR... buat lagik masa adikbradik HB beraya..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fruits Cake

Fruits cake.. hasil merayau di rmh JO.. mmg mudah menyediakannya.. TQ my dear Jo.. tak tau le silap kat mana.. tekturnya agak kering ..yg pastinya kismis kuning bersaiz XL tu yg mybbkan kek ni susah nak potong..hancur u.. lepas ni nak try sekali lagi.. anywy kek ni mmg sedapp... ni rspi copypaste dr rmh JO@mekarmewangi.. n di MYR oleh junjs11 TQ again Jo n Jun..

380g susu pekat manis*
400gm mixed fruits*
250gm butter*
1 cwn air*(250ml)
2 biji kuning telur
3 cwn tepung gandum (+-380gm)**
1 sk baking soda (+-5g)** ( **ayak bersama)
1/2 cwn orange juice - dari 2/3 biji orange/ guna sunquik..

1.Masukkan bahan * dalam periuk, masak atas api sederhana,sambil dikacau hingga larut.

2.Sejuk dalam fridge 3-4jam.
3.Campurkan dengan telur kuning. kacau serata
4.Masukkan tepung sedikit2 n kemudian masukkan orange juice. Kacau serata mengunakan spatula.
5.Panaskan oven 170dC. Bakar lebih kurang 1jam .

Syawal 26..

Bila ada tetamu yg nak dtg.. disini lah tempatku trmenung..nak masak apa yek.. tgok stok cam nak msk speggeti..tpi bile HB komen nnti ada org yg tak reti mkn.. so kene le buat menu HB.. sebenornya HB yg tak brapa gemo mkn western food ni.. saja jer tu helah bela diri..tekak maintain jawa.. susah nak ubah..

Ni HB yg tolong kemas..cuti2 ni bab membsuh,mgemas,mgelap,mgemop..n apa2 jer house keeping mmg tabik springgg..

Hidangan sempoi yg sempat ku sediakan untuk adik beradik HB.. fruits cake rspi dr dapur Jo n TQ ..puding buah..

Menu HB.. lasty buat mee kari.. rspi mudah persediaannya n cepat...

Kuah..mee kari

Biskut2 raya yg last...

Pic yg sempt diambil.. buzy mlyan tetamu..lupa nak snap pic..

Friday, October 24, 2008

Kek Marble

Buat masa di kg.. guna marjerin planta n sukatan cawan..

1 ½ cwn marjerin
1 cwn gula halus
4 biji telor A
1 ½ cwn tepung naik sendiri
4 sudu makan koko
Sedikit esen vanilla

1. Pukulkan marjerin dan gula sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu n esen vanilla
3. Masukkan tepung dan kacau rata
4. Bahagikan adunan pada 2 mangkuk,1 bahagian dibiarkan warna asal dan 1 bahagian dicampurkan koko
5. Masukkan adunan dalam acuan berselang seli warna asal dan coklat.
6. Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 45 minit (hingga masak)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Be carefull....

Siapa tu.. bapak mertua vs anak menantu...

KIDS who sleep with the light on could risk leukaemia, parents were warned yesterday.Scientists have found the body needs darkness to produce a chemical that fights cancer.Even switching the light on for the toilet, staying up late, travelling across time zones, or the light from street lamps can stop enough melatonin being made, they say.The body needs the chemical to prevent damage to DNA and its absence stops fatty acids reaching tumours and preventing them growing. Texas University Prof Russell Reiter, who led the research, said: 'Once you go to bed you should not even switch the light on for a minute.'Your brain immediately recognises the light as day and melatoninlevels drop.'Rates of childhood leukaemia have doubled in the past 40 years.About 500 youngsters under 15 are diagnosed with the disease each year and around 100 die. A conference on childhood leukaemia in London yesterday heard that people were being subjected to more light at night than ever..This suppressed the production of melatonin which normally happens between 9pm and 8am.Past research has shown those most affected, like shift workers, had higher levels of breast cancer.Blind people, who are not vulnerable to fluctuations of melatonin, have lower rates of cancer, it was found.Parents are advised to use dim red or yellow bulbs if their youngsters are scared of the dark.
Sumber: Blogger Ariston Shah (Institut Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Slice Cheese Cake

Dah selalu buat cheese cake ni.. mudah n yummy... TQ onigiri @myresepi ..lepas ni nak cuba marble'kan cheese cake ni mcm di dapur Alongroz tu..

4-5 keping slice cheese
200 ml susu segar
70 gram butter
70 gram tepung gandum (diayak dahulu)
70 gram gula
4 biji telur saiz M
beberapa titik esen vanila

1. Potong slice cheese kecil-kecil dan campurkan dengan susu segar dlm periuk, gunakan api perlahan dan biarkan slice cheese tadi cair. kacau sentiasa.
2. Masukkan butter dan kacau hingga larut, tutup api dan sejukkan sebentar.

3. Asingkan putih telur dan kuning telur, pukul putih telur bersama gula hingga menjadi meringue.
4. Dalam bekas lain pukul kuning telur hingga kembang dan masukkan kedalam adunan cheese tadi, masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul lagi, pastikan adunan tidak berketul
5. Campurkan merigue ke dalam adunan tadi dan berberapa titik esen vanila, gunakan cara kaup balik supaya adunan rata.
6. Glis acuan kek dan alaskan dengan kertas dan masukkan adunan kek.
7. Bakar pada suhu 170C- 20 minit dan turunkan suhu 140 C - 40 minit,

(letakkan sedikit air di bawah dulang pembakar, cara bain marie)

Hadiah lagi.. Dik Ina Hana

Hari ni kerja angkut mengangkut jer..kali ni dari Dik Ina @ Hana yg berada nun jauh di Jepun...coolest blog..tak tau le.. TQ dik ina yg coolest tu... untuk sesiapa yang singgah di sini..silalah ambik yer..ikhlas..

Hadiah dari AlongRoz

TQ Along.. nice to be your friend.. Sesiapa yang lalu disini..ambilah hadiah ini..ikhlas..

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Habis Kursus.......

Tropical Inn JB..view dr 1718 n dinner..
Dah 8 hr berkursus.. setelah melalui pelbagai fasa yg mencabar..18 Okt penilaian bertulis.. dah lama tak study.. baca rasa mcm tak baca..bermula ptg 17 Okt, petang,mlm hingga ke pagi..bertungkus lumus study..hasrat untuk further study "master" terus off record.. semua 'daya' dah berkurangan.. ujian bertulis tamat pada 1130 am, check out, lunch n terus balik BP.. perghh.. panas membakar diluar..8 hr tak kena sunlingt.. flu sepjg jalan.. sory mus my friend..

Sebahagian dpd peserta kursus...maaf pic tanpa izin..Semoga apa yang diusahakan berbaloi dan mendapat keberkatan.. AMIN.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Biru Mata Itam Ku...

Saat yg paling ngeri spjg kursus ni.. penilaian individu.. public speaking.. bab2 nak berckp omputih mmg meremangg.. maklumlah bila org nak tgok org yg tak pernah ber"speaking" .. siang mlm menghafal skrip..dah tua2 ni semuanye jadi lembab.. black wed yg ditunggu pun smpi.. public speaking pun menjadi public reading..hahaha..Jutaan terima kasih pada my best friend.. LILI ..yg edit n email skrip ni.. TQ..TQ..TQ... balik kursus I belanja mkn yer...n Mr Puran n Mr Diva.. TQ

Very good morning to evaluaters and my fellow friends. Allow me to present my personal views on what makes a good leader.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, a leader is described as a person who takes charge and leads his team. However, you're considered a leader if you can empower your subordinates and rely on their own ability to make decisions for the team. Every leader must have some essential qualities and that he/she can become a good role model for the followers, his movement will be keenly watched by others. Therefore a leader must be careful in doing things.
Leaders are not born , leaders are made through hard work. Hence hard work and intelligence are the important leadership characteristics. A leader must make decisions after analyzing each and every aspect of the situation and must be able to use common sense in accomplishing complex tasks.

My dear listeners, a good leader must be able to motivate her team members to get success.She must create task excitement and confidence in accomplishing a task. She must be easily approachable, friendly but not too easy-going; otherwise, she may jeopardize the project. A great leader is one who is a master in the art of communication. She must be ready to listen to her team members. A two-way communication is therefore essential in leadership.
Now, another trait of wonderful leadership is the capacity to use the full potentials of the members. The leader must give opportunities to the team members to prove their skills. Ladies and gentlemen, here lies the greatest test of a good leader. He must be confident enough to allow his members to show and use their potentials to the fullest.The trademark of a good leader is one who is able to raise up more good leaders.
A great leader is one who guides a team and not rules the team. Providing a trusting and open environment to the team members is one of the crucial leadership characteristics. I believe he should offer an environment to the team members where they can learn and grow.
Ladies and gentlemen, an excellent leader will have a strong sense of vision. Be forward-looking. Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. What this means is that, everyone in your organization must know the goal and realise their part in achieving that goal. That is why in school, our principal will have two major meetings with his staff, one before the beginning of a new school year and another before the school closes. The first is to motivate each member of the staff towards the same vision and later, an appraisal. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They must be goal-oriented and must be able to strive hard to achieve the goals.
The next quality of an excellent leader; that is courage. An outstanding leader is one who has courage to face challenges. Risk taking is a crucial characteristic of a leader. He must be able to make changes and to accept changes. One cannot hide in the closet and expect others to listen to him. A leader cannot afford to be weak or allow others to be weak.
Inspiring – A good leader must display this trait. A good leader should show confidence in all that he does. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary. Inspiration is not about the 'feel-good' words that you throw here and there at your team members, it is lived. You have to display it in your actions and behaviour. A leader needs to inspire others to move forward and take on difficulties as if they are just stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.
My next point is an effective leader must be an optimist. A person who can see light at the end of the tunnel. He/She does not give up, neither will he/she allow his team members to lose heart. A great leader always views an obstacle as a way to a new direction. You cannot say No to people like this. They just take your No as a big YES to another open door. If you close the door, they will just look for any window of opportunities. They are the do-or-die type of people, bigger than life.
Ladies n gentlemen, a good leader must be proactive too. This is a very familiar term. I'm sure my fellow participants have used it on their students. And it is a good reminder too. A leader must take charge and be in control of her environment, rather than letting it control her. Be proactive, don't be reactive.
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, many people claim that effective leaders are born naturally. However, as I have shown you, the characteristics of good leadership can be developed through constant practice. Constant practice leads to continuous improvement. The quest for continuous improvement is one secret of a reliable leader.
Thank you

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kursus 11 - 18 Okt...Tropical Inn JB

Bilik 2019... bilik deluxe.. best..pas tu dah kene pindahh le pulak....

Dah lama tak N3... La ni kite tgh melepak kat lobi.. sambil buat kerja.. mmg tension...yg bestnyer time makan.. sedap2 semuanya lupa bab2 kolesterol tu.... maintain..ubat ada... balik kene gi senam..

yang ni my friend.. Tiem.. buzy bebenor tu buat skrip ...esok nak present..

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Family ...1 Syawal 1429

Abah n Mak yg dikasihi...

Anak2, menantu2 n cucu2 mak n abah...

Anak mak yg cun2 n hensem....

Pic paling skema...he..he..

Yazid's family.. Pok De.. cam YB

My hubby.. ampun bah... bila nak nyawit bah...
Syamira n tok mummy..adik lapo la makk...
Ampun makk.. Pok De
Acara yg ditunggu2.. duit raya otehhhhh...

Ubat batuk cap bapak dan anak.. Pok de n Aina

Monday, October 6, 2008

Juadah raya...

Pic mak sedang buat lepat.. tak pasti sapa punya warisan ni.. melayu or jawa.. isi lepat ni ialah pulut, kelapa parut n sikit garam, rebus lbhkrg 3 jam.. enak dimakan bersama rendang

Lepat n Rendang Daging
Lontong sebelum direbus.. syamira kata cam pocong jer mak...
Ini ler rupa lontong yg siap utk dimkn.. rasanya mmg sedap coz direbus dgn daun pisang..semulajadi.. org jawa kot yg reti uat benda ni.. aku pandai tgok n makan jerr..

Sambal kacang,ayam msk merah, rendang daging n sayur lodeh.. yummy..yummy..
cucu2 mak atok sedang menjamu selera...

Sunday, October 5, 2008


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