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Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Summer of Gaming, Part 2

Living History

I created this camp because Kansas City has a lot of great military history. The camp features a trip to an American Civil War (ACW) and the WWI memorial museums, with wargaming sandwiched in between.

This year, I focused on the Battle of Westport (Brush Creek) from the ACW and we always end our week with WWI aerial combat. If you haven't been to the Battle of Westport museum, it's a nice visit. The Docents really know their stuff and they'll tailor their presentation to your needs.

For those not familiar with the Battle of Westport, it was the largest ACW battle west of the Mississippi and spelled the formal end of Confederate presence in Missouri.

The campers enjoyed the museum visit and were excited to wargame the battle. I used Junior General rules, but created the scenario myself. Ironically, history did not repeat itself, as Union infantry forces were eliminated by the Confederates. However, Union artillery chose not to retreat and used grapeshot to devastating effect. At the end of the day, it was acknowledged that the artillery would have withdrawn and the Rebs would have won the day.

The forces around Brush Creek

The Rebs thwart the Yanks from crossing the creek

The following day, we journeyed to the WWI memorial and museum. Always a great time. Always informative. Always shocking how similar conditions were then when compared to now.

The final day was WWI dogfighting. I made my own planes and map, as I'm too cheap to spring for the "real" toys. Again, I used Junior General rules, but added a lot of pilot information to the pilot cards. 

The opening pass, guns blazing!

The Flying Circus in the house!

A great camp! Next year, I want to try to head to the Battle of Lone Jack museum and fight that fight.

Strategic Gaming
I ran this camp twice this summer. Every time I run it, it's different. I give the kids free choice as to what we play. This year, Pirate Dice and Stratego were the big winners. 

Having said that, I made a point of exposing the kids to an upcoming game, Dice Legions. This little gem of a game will be released by Modiphius Games later this year. Until then, a special edition was released to earn money for "frontline aid efforts" in Ukraine. I can get behind that.

For those not familiar with the game, here's the official blurb:

Dice Legions is a fantasy style tabletop top battle game, where vast armies of every day gaming dice, are transformed by its lightning fast rule set, into vast legions of fantasy battle units. Dice Legions is designed by Australian writer and game designer Adam L Dobbyns and published by UK based Modiphius Entertainment. The game is part of the “dice as models” genre of hobby play whereby brightly coloured everyday dice from 4 sided, right up to 20 sided dice, are used to represent various combative game Units, in both solo and oppositional play.

I can't wait for the full game's release! I've included pics of the four maps I made for the game. Most are 1v1, but the largest (A Bridge Too Far) accommodates 2v2. The actual game features terrain cards that you can put on literally any flat surface, so your games fit your needs.

A Bridge Too Far

The Crossroads

Swamp of Death

You Shall Not Pass!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

AAR: Rangers of Shadow Deep, Scenario 2

The Hook
Our crew of Rangers and companions followed the trail of large spiders deeper into the woods. After about an hour, they ran across the foul creatures' nests. The goal? To eradicate this blight from the woods, thereby denying the Shadow Deep even this small foothold.

The Set-Up
Small table for this scenario. Dryer sheets over the affected trees, web cocoon tokens, and Bob's your uncle.

The infected woods

On a side note, I had the chance to paint Gypsy, the companion Bloodhound of Aksel Klein (Tim's Ranger).

The Game
Our intrepid adventurers entered the woods directly by a cocooned person and a spider. 

The fight ensued! Stanley Barret and his faithful war hound, Blue Dog, dispatched the vile creature with impunity.

Stanley checking a cocoon

Aksel brought up the left flank, while Gregarin and Yelena anchored the right. Aksel immediately got into a scuffle with a spider...then a zombie...then another spider. He did not actually move very far the entire evening, sustaining wounds and losing his faithful Gypsy in the fray. Eventually, even the Ranger's stamina was bested and Aksel fell.

Aksel and Gypsy tag-teaming a spider

J'herry, aiding Stanley in the center, was webbed early in the contest. He easily managed to fight his way out of the sticky stuff, only to be confronted by an entire wave of arachnids. Indeed, things did not look great for Ranger Re'eed.

Webbed (NOT on fire)!

Uh, guys? Some help?

On the right, Gregarin and Yelena had their own spider troubles. Checking a cocoon, they discovered a zombified villager. The zombie dispatched Yelena after a lengthy brawl. Gregarin managed to eliminate the enemy and proceed to shoot (poorly) at both arachnids and undead for the rest of the evening.

Eventually, the woods were cleared of most of the infested trees. a random one was discovered too late in the game to deal with it, although the spider was dispatched. 

The final spider...or was it?!

At the scenario's conclusion, the group saw Aksel, Gypsy, and Yelena fall. They all recovered, although Yelena took a rather severe wound to her leg that will bother her the rest of her life. The woods were cleansed, with a great many spiders and zombies killed. No villagers were found alive to rescue. The gang headed back to civilization with the knowledge that they had helped fight off the Shadow Deep for one more day.

Nobody got enough experience to gain second level. We look forward to the next mission!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

AAR: Rangers of Shadow Deep - Scenario 1

The Beginning
This was the first time my gaming group played Rangers of Shadow Deep, so we were all new to the system. We had a full complement: Ken, Terry, Tim, and me. 

We went about polishing off creating our rangers and selecting companions for the mission. Terry chose a raptor. Ken chose a war hound, while Tim had a blood hound. I had a human recruit. The adventurers were as follows: 

Terry: Ranger J'herry Re'eed and his raven, Commander Reginald
Tim: Ranger Aksel Klein and his bloodhound, Gypsy
Ken: Ranger Stanley Barret and his war hound (wolf), Bluedog
Ted: Ranger Gregarin Testrell and is rather wild Northern recruit, Yelena Umsgärt

Notes: Yes, I know ravens aren't truly raptors. Deal with it. Terry wanted a rather irate goose as his bird companion. Compromises were made. Also, the dogs aren't painted. I didn't anticipate a run on non-human companions. Finally, I don't own any raptor miniatures, other than the dinosaur variety. I made some easy tokens for the birds.

Raptor tokens
The Hook
Rangers of Shadow Deep is a wargame wrapped around RPG-style gameplay. The core book has several missions included. This is the first one. Mission: The Missing. Scenario 1: The Deserted Village.

An unnamed village

In essence, our party goes to find a missing ranger, leading to this village. What happens next is our story.

The Set-Up
I bought a set of 3D printed buildings off Amazon and also made a building from a craft store model. Tree are typical hobby stuff and the rocks are from Pirates of the Caribbean: Life board game. The tokens are flat glass beads with icons Mod-Podged to the bottoms.

The Game
The unnamed village, nestled several hours from anywhere, is deserted. Careful perusal reveals evidence of violence. The group is in the center of town when fell zombies and giant rats start making their way toward our brave adventurers. 

Bow fire kept most of the vermin and undead at bay and out of the way, but one rat got the jump on Yelena and almost dropped her with one bite. She was not diseased, though. Silver lining?

Gregarin ran for the nearest building - locked. He tried a few times to unlock it before he was successful. In the meantime, Yelena found a terrified survivor and helped him along for the rest of the scenario. Much to Gregarin's surprise, there was a wayward zombie in the building! He cast Magic Bolt at the undead creature, blasting it into true eternal rest. He found tracks in the dust and rightly deduced that giant spiders are afoot.

Gregarin on overwatch while Yelena protects the villager

J'herry and Reginald killed several baddies and uncovered multiple clues, including finding the missing ranger as well as treasure. In the process, Commander Reginald was knocked out of action by a particularly nasty rat and was diseased in the process. J'herry almost succumbed to the same rodent before dispatching it. 

J'herry and Gypsy fight a rat after discovering a body

Stanley and Bluedog, like everyone else, dispatched several enemies and uncovered clues as to what happened in the village. Bluedog was seriously injured (1 remaining Health point) and stayed close to Stanley for most of the game. 

Stanley and Bluedog checking out a building while Aksel provides cover

Aksel and Gypsy were the unsung heroes of the tale. They cleared up dangerous fights by jumping in and finishing off foes as well as uncovering clues of their own. 

Those who remain...

The gang discovered the dead ranger, his magic sword, treasure, a potion, and most importantly, that it appears that giant spiders are to blame for the undead infestation. Following the tracks, the party headed deeper into the woods to clean the forest of the abominable arachnids - or die trying.

All the rangers leveled up to level 1. Commander Reginald is out for the second scenario, which we didn't have time to start.

All in all, we liked the game and look forward to continuing the adventure!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

AAR: Advanced Song of Blades & Heroes: Elves vs Orcs

It was a typical day on the fringes of Man's territory. A roving band of Orcs, hoping to pillage a nearby Human settlement, closes in. Word had spread of this, causing alarm among the Wood Elves. Their lands were being used by the foul Orcs and this would not stand. The Orc marauders met the forward elements of an Elven scouting party next to a crossroad.

Game 1:
Players: Ken (Orcs) vs Terry (Elves)

The Orc force: A leader, brutes, beast rider, Hobgoblin archers, and warriors.

Elven host: Archers, stud archer, spearmen, leader, and Satyr.

The Hobgoblin gets into range...
...and dies.

Add caption

The Orc war leader goes toe-to-toe with the Elves.

He's a mean one, he is!

The fight ended with the Orcs losing too many troops and fleeing the table. Evidently longbows, in the hands of skilled archers, are deadly. Who knew?!

Game 2: Terry (Goblins) vs Ted (Elves)

The Goblins were late to the party. They were sent to back-up the Orcs and help with the pillaging. The Elves had been delayed as well. Consisting of duelists, they were ready for a scrum.

I see them, Sir!

Sneaky lil' buggers!

A squad of duelists surround their leader.

The Dryad hid in the woods and didn't do a thing.
The game was over fairly quickly. The Goblins lost their leader, making it hard for them to consistently activate. The Sneak Goblins wound up getting stuck in the woods and were thus ineffective. They eventually all ran to fight another day.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Creating something from nothing...

It has been a long while since I last blogged. Real Life has a way of derailing playing time. I've been gaming, just haven't been posting.

I'd bought a Skylanders: Trap Team portal for the kids, but it was a dud.  Since I'd only spent a couple of dollars on it used, I wasn't too upset.

Looking at it, I really liked the icy surface and immediately thought "I can use that". I decided I'd see how much terrain I could build with what would otherwise go in the trash.

I spent the time taking the portal apart (they're well-built!) and wound up with two components: The "icy" plastic surface and three hollow, open-sided rune-etched rocks.

Build #1: Pools

Your party quietly crept down the corridor, ears straining to hear the sounds of enemies or...anything. The passage opened to a vast room. In the center of the room was a pool, its liquid placid, but emitting a glow that illuminated the entire room.

I've long had a thought of creating pools from small picture frames. I didn't know if it would work or not (i.e., I didn't want players saying "Hey, that's a picture frame!").

  1. Buy the frames.  I bought two, 2"x3" frames from Dollar Tree.
  2. Cut out the surface. I used my rotary tool and cut out two 2"x3" rectangles to replace the glass in the frames. The plastic is thick, so I had to deburr the edges with a sharp blade and my rotary tool.
  3. Create, print and cut out liquids. I chose two types of water, ice, lava, and swamp patterns to place inside the frames. These I resized in MS Word and then printed and cut out.
  4. Texture/paint the pools' edges. Both pools needed to look like they were made of blocks, so I used either a sharp blade or my rotary tool to cut out the patterns I wanted. The first pool was made to look like gray stone. I used stone texture spray paint and then repainted it. The second pool was painted to look like white marble.

I am happy with the results. I think they are passable as small pools, and with the different liquid options, are very versatile.

Build #2: Way Markers

The path through the Dwarven tunnels was illuminated by large stone way points. The runes etched into the stones glowed with an inner light; illuminating your way through the catacombs.

  1. Fill the Sides. Since the sides of these things were open, I cut out egg carton and used a hot glue gun to attach pieces to the markers. I made sure to feather the edges to maintain a cohesive stone look.
  2. Buy the lights. Again, Dollar Tree to the rescue! I originally was going to use the larger tea lights that flicker, but didn't like the aesthetic. DT carries a second line of tea lights that are smaller in diameter and are LED. 
  3. Alter the lights. I used egg carton to warp the sides of the lights, being careful not to glue the two halves together. The tops were already textured, so I didn't apply carton to them. I then used Sharpies to color the bulb covers orange, purple, or green.
  4. Attach the pieces. I used Goop! glue and attached the markers to the bases.
  5. Paint. I painted all three to look like gray stone. 

I like these, although they are taller than I'd really wanted. I can't get around that, as the lights I used are what give them their height. The lights are a little dimmer than I'd like, but workable.

Build #3: Ice Walls

The wizard's breath plumed in the frosty air, the words in an almost forgotten, long dead language. The snow-covered ground shook, then split. Jagged pieces of ice erupted from the fissures and grew in front of the wizard. Soon, a wall of thick sheet ice separated him from the Polar Bear. It rammed against the barrier, but was unable to penetrate its layers. It soon gave up with a final, frustrated roar.

I had leftover platform bits, so I decided to make ice walls.

  1. Break up pieces. Using pliers and force, I broke the pieces into shards.
  2. Create foundation. I used EPVC (Extruded PVC) for the bases and rounded the edges. EPVC is as thick as foam board, but is more dense and won't flex as much. It also takes paint very well. Scraps can usually be found at sign-making shops. I get mine for free.
  3. Attach ice. I hot glued the shards to the base, making sure the pieces overlapped.
  4. Flock. I used snow flocking for this. The EPVC is white, so I simply spread PVA glue (i.e., Aylene's or Elmer's) over the surface with an old brush and applied the flocking. Make sure to get flocking in between the ice layers to make it really look like they erupted from the ground.
  5. Seal. Making sure to not get too much on the ice shards, I sealed the flocking to the base with matte spray sealant.

These are tall enough where they should provide "full protective coverage" (the Heroclix minis are on extra thick/tall bases), but there are some slightly lower points. You can discuss it with your mates on how they can be used in whatever rules with which you're playing.

Final Takeaway

I'm happy that I made three terrain projects from one broken piece of electronics! As an added bonus, I feel that all three are table-ready. Not bad for spending roughly $5 and using supplies I already had around the house. I really don't have a use for any of them at this point, but someday...maybe.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Recruits 2017

This is the recap of my participation in the local gaming convention, Recruits.  A medium-sized convention that sees about 600 or so players throughout the weekend, Recruits has sci-fi, fantasy and historical games for just about anyone's interests.  I enjoy this convention because I get to see familiar faces, play some cool games and buy stuff at great prices.

Friday Night

An acquaintance of mine, Craig, is big into Flames of War (FoW).  I've played in one other FoW game of his over the years and took the opportunity to play in a WWII desert game Friday night.

The Plot

This was a simple plot, really.  The British and Germans had built-up areas (BUA) on either side of a 12' table and were expecting reinforcements and supplies.  The twist was that these supplies showed up on the opposite ends of the board from the BUAs and had to make it through tanks, artillery and strafing aircraft!  I was on the British side, along with my friend, Mike.

British area

Towed artillery, ready for the German tanks!

British infantry who never saw any action.


It was a tie, although we (British) were one round from gaining the lead. 😒  I apologize I didn't take any more pics.



My buddy, Chuck, was running demos of Knight Models game, Batman Miniature Game.  In this game, you could play as members of either Two-Face's or the Penguin's gangs, fighting it out in the mean streets of Gotham.  I chose to play as Penguin, Captain Boomerang and one of Penguin's thugs.  Also on my side were Deadshot, Slipknot and another lackey, played by a guy named Matt.  Against us were Two-Face, Deathstroke and several henchmen.  

This game was pretty neat.  There's an innovative point allocation system for each character that really makes you think about how you want to use that individual in the overall team's scheme for the turn.  The pics that follow are generally grouped in foreground and then background focus so you can get an idea of what things are like in Gotham from "characters' eye" view.

Gotham at night.  Note the twin QT Towers in the background.





The Penguin's team won on points.  I'd KO'd or outright killed some of Two-Face's henchmen via Captain Boomerang's weapons of choice and we had Two-Face reeling from several round of bullets and boomerangs.


Yet another friend of mine, Sean, was running a relatively new game, Imperial Skies.  This game is set in an alternate WWI setting where ships are airborne instead of plying the seas.  I also had the pleasure of playing against some ornery, but great guys from Nebraska, Randy and Doug.  My buddy Terry jumped into the action with me.

In this scenario, the Central powers are rumored to have created a rather hideous chemical weapon they plan on using against the Allied forces.  A convoy of merchant vessels is laden with this weapon and is headed toward the front.  Escorting them are two fleets of Austro-Hungarian and German forces.  The only Allies in the area are French, so they move to intercept with the strict orders of not shooting down the merchant ships.  Instead, they are to board said vessels, commandeer them and then take them to Allied ports.  With the cargo intact, the boys on the front are safe and the world at large will know just how evil the Central powers truly are.

The open skies are filled with aeronefs!

A slightly closer view
French fleet

Huns at 2 o'clock, Cap'n!

The scrum is on!

The merchants have an escort!

It's touch and go...

Some beautifully painted ships


Another very solid, fun game.  It was tense early, as the Central fleets took out several of the smaller French vessels with relative ease.  The French kept plugging away at the bigger ships and finally the tide turned.  At the end of the game, most of the Central ships were destroyed and one of the merchant vessels had been commandeered.  The others were well within boarding range of several French ships.


I ran a game of Axles and Alloys demolition derby with 12 players.  This rules set has proven to be very popular at Recruits over the past few years and the trend continued this time as well.  If you've read my previous blog post, you'll know more about how we came up with this concept and what rules changes were made to accommodate this style of contest.

With a full table, the mayhem began.  

A couple of light buggies tore out of the pack first, using their sports suspension and quicker acceleration to clear out.  From that point on, the chaos ensued.  

In the end, it came down to a battered, steering-impaired Griswald (seen above.  Yes, the National Lampoon theme was blaring out of the player's phone) versus a relatively fresh heavy truck Chopstick (the red truck with the whirling blades on front).  With The Griswald in such bad shape and without any offensive weapons and Chopstick  healthy and well-armed with missiles and a flamethrower, the game was called.

Congrats to Scott Wilson, winner of this year's vaunted Deadlands demolition derby trophy and earner of smack-talking rights for a year!

I'd like to thank all the players who made the game such as success:  Halidar, Terry, Matt, Cody, Kaden, Mike R., Scott, Matt M., Michael S., Brent W., Ken V. and Ryan C.  

The Conclusion

I had a great weekend of gaming, hobnobbing and buying.  I always enjoy Recruits and always wish it lasted a little longer...