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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vivacious Lady

Vivacious Lady
Released Date: May 10, 1938
Director: George Stevens
Actors: Ginger Rogers, James Stewart, James Ellison, Beulah Bondi, Charles Coburn, Frances Mercer, Phyllis Kennedy, Jack Carson and Franklin Pangborn

     This movie is one of the cutest movies I have ever seen. It is because James Stewart and Ginger Rogers are so adorable together, and look totally in love in this film. I have always been a huge James Stewart fan and have been really getting into Ginger Rogers lately (which I'm sure I have said a few times ;)) so if you can imagine how shocked I was that I had never seen this gem. Beulah Bondi is in this as James Stewart's mother, which happens to be five movies in total that they play mother and son. The other movies are It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Of Human Hearts, and once on his TV show. This movie was made around the time that Ginger Rogers made a lot of her films with Fred Astaire, the movie has a fight scene with Ginger Rogers and she had to be extra careful of her legs which happened to be insured for $500,000. Can you imagine your legs being that expensive? That fact always tickled me, I had read that before and wondered what all happened in the fight scene, I'm glad I finally got to see it, it is quite a treat.

     Professor Peter Morgan (James Stewart) goes away to New York City to find his cousin Keith Morgan (James Ellison) and falls in love with a nightclub performer, Ms. Francey Brent (Ginger Rogers). They end up touring New York and get married the next day. The Professor has to go back to Old Sharon University where his father, also a Professor Morgan (Charles Coburn) is a teacher. Peter now has to tell his father and mother, Mrs. Morgan (Beulah Bondi). But since he has a little trouble telling his parents, he has his wife stay with his cousin until he gets the courage to tell them. Francey is very in love and wants her new husband to tell them so they can finally live together as husband and wife. Peter wants to tell his parents about his marriage at the school prom, but when Peter's fiance shows up, a little trouble and cat fight breaks out in a hilarious fight scene that puts Ginger Rogers in a whole new category. Rogers is a dancer, actress, singer and now fighter. The fight scene made me laugh out loud, but also at the cracks made during the fight. You will love it. Does Peter ever tell his parents? Will Francey end up staying married to Peter, the man that seems to be having trouble sharing the knowledge of his marriage? Find out by watching a movie you will not regret watching. One of my favorite James Stewart movies :) I honestly loved every minute of it. 


  1. of my faves as well!!! Wish they could have made a few more films together... she was tapped for 'It's a Wonderful Life', but turned it down, as she thought the role was somewhat 'pedestrian'... would have been cool, tho...

    Keep up the greatness, CCJ!!! AND, of course...

    Keep It Gingery!!! (KIG)


    1. lol I love that, Keep it Gingery :) always ;P, and thank you.
      I would have loved her in It's a Wonderful Life, and I think she would have been a great Mrs. Bailey!!! Wish they made more movies together too, I would have loved to see more of them together.

  2. I discovered this movie for the first time last year and from the first viewing loved it as well. The dialogue is wonderful and I agree that it's a pity Rogers and Stewart didnt make more movies together as they had great chemistry.

    1. Thank you for your feedback Alyssa :) I enjoyed it very much too. Especially since I love the two main characters. Their chemistry is undeniable, I almost wonder why they ever broke up!!! Hope you have a great week :)

  3. Hi Coley,
    Watched VL yesterday for the hundrenth time, or so. What a beauty of a film. It is a shame Ginger didn't make more films with Jimmy, what would they have been like if they had? Great I bet. As Ginger and James Stewart were great pals, she was the female Henry Fonda for him, it is a wonder they didn't. She was offered "It's a Wonderful Life" but turned it down as not much of a part. Which Ginger regretted later, then she turned down a few movies that became classics later. Bad judgement as she said in her book. Great blog by the way <3

    1. Thank you so much Elaine :) I do enjoy them both. And I wish that Ginger had done "It's a Wonderful Life," that would have been amazing. Although a wonderful movie anyway, I can only imagine, especially with their chemistry, how well it would have been with Ginger in it!!! What do you think? Do you think it would have been as great?
