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The Causal Effects of Adolescent School Bullying Victimisation on Later Life Outcomes. (2019). Harmon, Colm ; Gorman, Emma ; Walker, Ian ; Staneva, Anita ; Mendolia, Silvia.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. The Rank of Socioeconomic Status within a Class and the Incidence of School Bullying and School Absence. (2024). Tanaka, Ryuichi ; Inoue, Atsushi.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  2. Lifelong learning and employment outcomes: evidence from Sweden. (2023). Heller-Sahlgren, Gabriel.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  3. Bullying, cyberbullying, and youth health behaviors. (2022). Nikolaou, Dimitrios.
    In: Kyklos.

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  4. Early childhood parenting and adolescent bullying behavior: Evidence from a randomized intervention at ten-year follow-up. (2021). Kim, Jun Hyung ; Schulz, Wolfgang ; Hahlweg, Kurt.
    In: Social Science & Medicine.

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  5. Last and furious: Relative position and school violence. (2021). Origo, Federica ; Comi, Simona ; Tonello, Marco ; Pagani, Laura.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  6. Last and Furious: Relative Position and School Violence. (2020). Tonello, Marco ; Pagani, Laura ; Origo, Federica ; Comi, Simona .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  7. Protecting the mental health of future adults: Disentangling the determinants of adolescent bullying victimisation. (2020). Vasilakis, Chrysovalantis ; Chrysanthou, Georgios.
    In: Social Science & Medicine.

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References cited by this document

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