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Gone to war: have deployments increased divorces?. (2014). Negrusa, Sebastian ; Hosek, James.
In: Journal of Population Economics.

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  1. Combat, casualties, and compensation: Evidence from Iraq and Afghanistan. (2022). Leeth, John D ; Kniesner, Thomas J ; Armey, Laura ; Sullivan, Ryan.
    In: Contemporary Economic Policy.

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  2. Run Effects of Military Service: Evidence from the 911 Attacks. (2021). Carpenter, Craig ; Anders, John.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. War, traumatic health shocks, and religiosity. (2020). Freidman, Travis ; Cesur, Resul ; Sabia, Joseph J.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  4. Factors Contributing to Marital Dissatisfaction and Divorce in the Military. (2019). Lehenbauer, Kruti ; Lares, Jennifer D.
    In: Working papers.

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  5. The labor supply of military wives in the US. (2018). Compton, Janice ; Whitby, Breann.
    In: Review of Economics of the Household.

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  6. Combat, Casualties, and Compensation: Evidence from Iraq and Afghanistan. (2018). Kniesner, Thomas ; Sullivan, Ryan ; Leeth, John D ; Armey, Laura.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  7. Military service and marital dissolution: a trajectory analysis. (2017). Routon, Wesley P.
    In: Review of Economics of the Household.

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  8. Home Front: Post-Deployment Mental Health and Divorces. (2014). Negrusa, Sebastian.
    In: Demography.

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References cited by this document

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  8. Cesur R, Sabia JJ, Tekin E (2013) The psychological costs of war: military combat and mental health. J Health Econ 32:51–65.

  9. Chandra A, Lara-Cinisomo S, Jaycox LH, Tanielian T, Han B, Burns RM, Ruder T (2011) Views from the homefront. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
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  10. Charles KK, Stephens M Jr (2004) Disability, job displacement and divorce. J Labor Econ 22:489–522.

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  12. Doiron D, Mendolia S (2012) The impact of job loss on family dissolution. J Popul Econ 25:367–398.

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  17. Hosek JR, Kavanagh J, Miller L (2006) How deployments affect service members. RAND Corporation, MG-432-RC, Santa Monica.
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  18. Hosek JR, Martorell F (2009) How have deployments during the war on terrorism affected reenlistment? RAND Corporation, MG-873, Santa Monica.
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  20. Karney B, Crown J (2007) Families under stress. An assessment of data, theory, and research on marriage and divorce in the military. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
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  21. Lyle DS (2006) Using military deployments and job assignments to estimate the effect of parental absences and household relocations on children’s academic achievement. J Labor Econ 24:319–350.

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  27. Tanielian T, Jaycox LH (2008) Invisible wounds of war—psychological and cognitive injuries, their consequences, and services to assist recovery. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
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