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Income or living standard and health in Germany: different ways of measurement of relative poverty with regard to self-rated health. (2011). Janssen, Christian ; Andress, Hans-Juergen ; Pfoertner, Timo-Kolja .
In: International Journal of Public Health.

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  1. What dictates income in New York City? SHAP analysis of income estimation based on Socio-economic and Spatial Information Gaussian Processes (SSIG). (2023). , Victor ; Bai, Ruiqiao.
    In: Palgrave Communications.

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  2. A Case Study of Farmers’ Behavioral Motivation Mechanisms to Crack the Fractal Multidimensional Relative Poverty Trap in Shaanxi, China. (2023). Huai, Jianjun ; Zhang, Yao.
    In: Agriculture.

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  3. .

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  4. Material Security as a Measure of Poverty: A Validation Study with People Who Use Drugs. (2021). Nosova, Ekaterina ; M.-J. Milloy, ; Hayashi, Kanna ; van Draanen, Jenna ; Richardson, Lindsey ; Grant, Cameron ; Shulha, Hennady.
    In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement.

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  5. The association between material living standard and psychological distress: Results from a New Zealand population survey. (2014). .
    In: International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

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  6. Life Conditions and Opportunities of Young Adults: Evidence from Italy in European Comparative Perspective. (2013). Dagostino, Antonella ; Regoli, Andrea.
    In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement.

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  7. Income and individual deprivation as predictors of health over time. (2013). Blakely, Tony ; Crampton, Peter ; Carter, Kristie ; Gunasekara, Fiona Imlach .
    In: International Journal of Public Health.

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References cited by this document

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  36. Age, SES, and Health: A Population Level Analysis of Health Inequalities over the Life Course. (2007). Prus, Steven .
    In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers.

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  37. Características socio-económicas de las personas con discapacidad en España: un estudio empírico/Socio-Economic Characteristics of People with Disabilities in Spain: an Empirical Study.. (2007). Pascual, Marta ; Prieto, David Cantarero ; SEZ, MARTA PASCUAL.
    In: Estudios de Economía Aplicada.

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  38. Multiple Deprivation and Multiple Disadvantage in Ireland: An Analysis of EU-SILC. (2007). Maitre, Bertrand ; Whelan, Christopher T. ; Nolan, Brian.
    In: Research Series.

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  39. Income, Relative Income, and Self-Reported Health in Britain 1979-2000. (2006). Gravelle, Hugh ; Sutton, Matt.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  40. Health, Capabilities and Functionings: An Empirical Analysis for the UK. (2006). Destefanis, Sergio ; Sena, Vania.
    In: CSEF Working Papers.

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  41. Conjugal Bereavement Effects on Health and Mortality at Advanced Ages. (2006). van den Berg, Gerard ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  42. Socio-economic Influences on the Health of Older Canadians: Estimates Based on Two Longitudinal Surveys. (2006). Spencer, Byron ; Robb, A. ; Denton, Frank ; Buckley, Neil ; NeilJ. Buckley, .
    In: Canadian Public Policy.

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  43. Income, relative income, and self-reported health in Britain 1979-2000. (2006). Gravelle, Hugh ; Sutton, Matt.
    In: Working Papers.

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  44. Socioeconomic Influences on the Health of Older Canadians: Estimates Based on Two Longitudinal Surveys. (2005). Spencer, Byron ; Robb, A. ; Denton, Frank ; Buckley, Neil.
    In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers.

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  45. Socio-Economic Status, Health Shocks, Life Satisfaction and Mortality: Evidence from an Increasing Mixed Proportional Hazard Model. (2005). Shields, Michael ; Haisken-DeNew, John ; Frijters, Paul.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  46. The causal effect of income on health: Evidence from German reunification. (2005). Shields, Michael ; Haisken-DeNew, John ; Frijters, Paul.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  47. Socio-Economic Status, Health Shocks, Life Satisfaction and Mortality: Evidence from an Increasing Mixed Proportional Hazard Model. (2005). Shields, Michael ; Haisken-DeNew, John ; Frijters, Paul.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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    In: Working Papers.

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  49. The transition from good to poor health: an econometric study of the older population. (2004). Spencer, Byron ; Robb, A. ; Denton, Frank ; Buckley, Neil ; NeilJ. Buckley, .
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  50. The Transition from Good to Poor Health: An Econometric Study of the Older Population. (2003). Spencer, Byron ; Robb, A. ; Denton, Frank ; Buckley, Neil ; NeilJ. Buckley, .
    In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers.

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  51. The Transition from Good to Poor Health: An Econometric Study of the Older Population. (2003). Spencer, Byron ; Robb, A. ; Denton, Frank ; Buckley, Neil ; NeilJ. Buckley, .
    In: Quantitative Studies in Economics and Population Research Reports.

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  52. Financial and Multidimensional Poverty in European Countries: can the former be used as a proxy of the latter?. (2003). Dekkers, Gijs.
    In: IRISS Working Paper Series.

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  53. Health, inequality, and economic development. (2002). Deaton, Angus.
    In: Working Papers.

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  54. Nothing left to lose? Poverty and social exclusion in comparison. Empirical evidence on Germany. (2001). Bohnke, Petra.
    In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Social Structure and Social Reporting.

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  55. An Econometric Analysis of the Mental-health Effects of Major Events in the Life of Elderly Individuals. (2001). van den Berg, Gerard ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France.
    In: Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers.

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  56. Poverty, Income Inequality and Health. (2001). Paterson, Iain ; Judge, Ken .
    In: Treasury Working Paper Series.

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  57. An Econometric Analysis of the Mental-Health Effects of Major Events in the Life of Elderly Individuals. (2001). van den Berg, Gerard ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Portrait, France.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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