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- ∂gn(X, θ̇) ∂θ′ # t, THE EXPONENTIALLY TILTED HELLINGER DISTANCE ESTIMATOR 41 with θ̇ ∈ (θ∗ , θn) and may vary from row to row. Noting that EPθn,ζn [g(X, θn)] = 0, EPθn,ζn [gn(X, θn)] = EPθn,ζn [g(X, θn)I{X / ∈ Xn}] = o(n−1/2 ) (we refer to Equation A.16 of KOE (2013b) for the proof). Also, thanks to Assumption 3(iv), and by the continuity of the map θ 7→ EP∗ h ∂g(X,θ) ∂θ′ i in a neighborhood of θ∗ , we can claim that EPθn,ζn h ∂gn(X,θ̇) ∂θ′ i
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- converges to G as n → ∞. This establishes that T̄ is asymptotically Fisher consistent in the claimed family of sub-models and this is enough to apply Theorem 3.1(i) of KOE (2013a), and deduce that lim inf n→∞ Ln ≥ 4r2 B∗ , (C.1) where Ln = supQ∈BH (P∗,r/ √ n) n Ä ◦ T̄(Qn) − Ä(θ∗ ) 2 . Now, let F = ∂Ä(θ0) ∂θ′ ΣG′ Ω−1 and Qn ∈ BH(P∗, r/ √ n). By Lemma C.3(iv), T̄(Qn) → θ∗ as n → ∞ and using Lemma C.5, a Taylor expansion of Ä(T̄ (Qn)) around θ∗ ensures that: √ n Ä ◦ T̄Qn − Ä(θ∗ ) = − √ nF Z gn(X, θ∗ )dQn + o(1).
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- From Lemma A.4 of KOE (2013b), we have EP∗ (gn(X, θ∗ )) = o(n−1/2 ). Thus, − √ nF Z gn(X, θ∗ )dQn + o(1) = − √ nF Z gn(X, θ∗ )(dQn − dP∗) + o(1) = − √ nF Z gn(X, θ∗ ) dQ1/2 n − dP 1/2 ∗ dQ1/2 n − √ nF Z gn(X, θ∗ ) dQ1/2 n − dP 1/2 ∗ dP 1/2 ∗ + o(1). By the triangle inequality, we have n( Ä ◦ T̄(Qn) − Ä(θ∗ ) 2 ≤ n(A1 + A2 + 2A3) + o(1), with A1 = F Z gn(x, θ∗ ) dQ1/2 n − dP 1/2 ∗ dQ1/2 n 2 , A1 = F Z gn(x, θ∗ ) dQ1/2 n − dP 1/2 ∗ dP 1/2 ∗ 2
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- Proof of Theorem 4.1: The proof follows similar lines as those of Theorem 3.1(ii) in KOE (2013a). To establish Fisher consistency, let Pθ,ζ be a regular sub-model such that for t ∈ Rp , Pθn,ζn ∈ BH(P∗, r/ √ n) for n large enough, with θn = θ∗ + t/ √ n and ζn = O(n−1/2 ). We further assume that EPθn,ζn [supθ∈Θ kg(X, θ)kα ] ≤ δ < ∞ for some δ > 0. (Note that the particular sub-model used by KOE to derive the lower bound in their Theorem 3.1(i) satisfies this condition.) We have to show that √ n(T̄(Pθn,ζn ) − θ∗ ) → t, as n → ∞. From Lemma C.5, √ n(T̄(Pθn,ζn ) − θ∗ ) = −ΣG′ Ω−1 √ nEPθn,ζn [gn(X, θ∗ )] + o(1). By a mean-value expansion, we have: √ nEPθn,ζn [gn(X, θ∗ )] = √ nEPθn,ζn [gn(X, θn)] − EPθn,ζn
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- THE EXPONENTIALLY TILTED HELLINGER DISTANCE ESTIMATOR 25 Feinberg, E. A., Kasyanov, P. O., and Voorneveld, M. (2014). ‘Berges maximum theorem for noncompact image sets’, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 413: 1040–1046.
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