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Mieterschutz und Wohnungsmarkt. Die Mietpreisbeschränkung im schweizerischen Missbrauchsbeschluss. (1987). Ratzer, Ernst.
In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES).

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  1. American Economic Review 64, 478-481. Stull, William 1. (1978): The Landlords Dilemma. Asking Rent Strategies in a Heterogeneous Housing Market. Journal of Urban Economics 5, 101- 115.

  2. Anas, Alex (1980): A Probabilistic Approach to the Structure of Rental Housing Markets. Journal of Urban Economics 7,225-247.

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  4. Arnott, Richard/Davidson, Russell/Pines, David (1983): Housing Quality, Maintenance and Rehabilitation. Review of Economic Studies L, 467-494.

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