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The Nonlinear Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Natural Resource Rents. (2022). Su, Thanh ; Nguyen, Canh ; Kim, Sangho.
In: Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies.

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References cited by this document

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  45. Reconciling empirics on the political economy of the resource curse hypothesis. Evidence from long-run relationships between resource dependence, democracy and economic growth in Iran. (2020). Dell'Anno, Roberto ; Dellanno, Roberto.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  46. Evaluating ‘natural resource curse’ hypothesis under sustainable information technologies: A case study of Saudi Arabia. (2020). Zaman, Khalid ; Vo, Xuan Vinh ; Nassani, Abdelmohsen A ; Yousaf, Zahid ; Anser, Muhammad Khalid.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  47. Nexus between financialisation and natural resources rents: Empirical evidence in a global sample. (2020). Nguyen, Canh ; Thong, Nguyen Trung.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  48. Domestic revenue displacement in resource-rich countries: What’s oil money got to do with it?. (2020). Chachu, Daniel Ofoe.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  49. Economic diversification in MENA oil exporters: Understanding the role of governance. (2020). Matallah, Siham.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  50. Precious metal abundance and economic growth: Evidence from top precious metal producer countries. (2020). Gokmenoglu, Seyit M ; Bildirici, Melike E.
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