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Foreign Direct Investment and Electricity Consumption on Economic Growth: Evidence from South Africa. (2009). Dube, Smile .
In: Economia Internazionale / International Economics.

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  2. Empirical Research on the Relationship amongst Renewable Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. (2021). Dabylova, Malika ; Tleppayev, Arsen ; Grabara, Janusz ; Dacko-Pikiewicz, Zdzisawa.
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  3. Does Foreign Direct Investment Influence Renewable Energy Consumption? Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries. (2021). Ullah, Raza ; Khan, Farman Ullah ; Kang, Xueqing ; Ur, Shams ; Arif, Muhammad.
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  4. The asymmetric relationship between financial development, trade openness, foreign capital flows, and renewable energy consumption: Fresh evidence from panel NARDL investigation. (2020). Jianguo, Wei ; Qamruzzaman, MD.
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  5. Is Energy Consumption Sensitive to Foreign Capital Inflows and Currency Devaluation in Pakistan?. (2018). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; Hussain, Syed Jawad ; Chaudhary, A R.
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  6. Econometric modelling of the link between investment and electricity consumption in Ghana. (2018). Yeboah, samuel.
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  7. What drives energy efficiency? New evidence from financial crises. (2018). Mimouni, Karim ; Temimi, Akram.
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  9. Factors determining energy consumption: Evidence from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. (2015). Khan, Abdul ; Azam, Muhammad ; Ahmad, Mehboob ; Zaman, Khalid.
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  10. A contribution of foreign direct investment, clean energy, trade openness, carbon emissions and economic growth to energy demand in UAE. (2014). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; sbia, rashid ; HAMDI, Helmi.
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  11. The Roles of Economic Freedom and Regulatory Quality in Creating a Favorable Environment for Investment in Energy R&D, Infrastructure, and Capacity. (2014). Cebula, Richard ; Mixon, Franklin G..
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References cited by this document

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