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Regulation-by-Contract and Municipal Services: The Problem of Contractual Incompleteness. (1998). Shugart, Chris .
In: Development Discussion Papers.

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  1. Meso-institutions: The variety of regulatory arrangements in the water sector. (2017). Menard, Claude.
    In: Utilities Policy.

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  2. The hybrid model for economic regulation of water utilities: Mission impossible?. (2017). Wu, Xun ; Jensen, Olivia.
    In: Utilities Policy.

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  3. Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services : A Toolkit. (2006). Bank, World.
    In: World Bank Publications.

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  4. Regulation by Contract : A New Way to Privatize Electricity Distribution?. (2003). Tenenbaum, Bernard ; Bakovic, Tonci ; Woolf, Fiona .
    In: World Bank Publications.

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  5. Public Sector Intervention in the Energy Sector. (2000). Jenkins, Glenn ; Seidensticker, Ellen.
    In: Development Discussion Papers.

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