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Dynamics between Financial development, Energy consumption and Economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries: Evidence from an asymmetrical and nonlinear analysis. (2019). Assamoi, Guy Roland ; Roland, Akadje Jean ; Gnangoin, Yobouet Thierry ; Sun, Gang ; Kassi, Diby Franois.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. The mitigating effect of governance quality on the finance?renewable energy?growth nexus: Some international evidence. (2023). Dong, Zhankui ; Li, Yao ; Kassi, Diby Francois.
    In: International Journal of Finance & Economics.

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  2. Investigating the Finance-Energy-Growth Trilogy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence From the NARDL Framework. (2023). Kassi, Diby Francois ; Roland, Akadje Jean ; Gnahe, Franck Edouard ; Nadrin, Mori Guy-Roland ; Gnangoin, Yobouet Thierry ; Li, Yao.
    In: SAGE Open.

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References cited by this document

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