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Federal Regulation, Job Creation, and the Moderating Effect of State Economic Freedom. (2018). Boudreaux, Christopher ; Lucas, David .
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  23. What determines Financial Development? Culture, Institutions, or Trade. (2007). Hodler, Roland ; Lobsinger, Michael ; Herger, Nils.
    In: DEGIT Conference Papers.

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  24. The Origins of State Capacity: Property Rights, Taxation, and Politics. (2007). Persson, Torsten ; Besley, Timothy.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  25. Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of Financial Globalization. (2007). Wei, Shang-Jin ; Ju, Jiandong.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  26. The Age of Mass Migration: Economic and Institutional Determinants. (2007). Strozzi, Chiara ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  27. The Empirical Instituions-Growth Literature: Is Something Amiss at the Top?. (2007). Dawson, John.
    In: Working Papers.

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  28. Do institutions matter more for services ?. (2006). Mattoo, Aaditya ; Amin, Mohammad.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  29. Does aid help improve economic institutions ?. (2006). Coviello, Decio ; Islam, Roumeen.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  30. Financing firms in India. (2006). Qian, Meijun ; Allen, Franklin ; De, Sankar ; Chakrabarti, Rajesh.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  31. What determines protection of property rights ? An analysis of direct and indirect effects. (2006). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Ayyagari, Meghana.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  32. Is God in the details? A reexamination of the Role of Relegion in Economic. (2006). Tan, Chih Ming ; Durlauf, Steven ; Kourtelos, Andros.
    In: University of Cyprus Working Papers in Economics.

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  33. Is God in the Details? A Reexamination of the Role of Religion in Economic Growth. (2006). Tan, Chih Ming ; Kourtellos, Andros ; Durlauf, Steven.
    In: Discussion Papers Series, Department of Economics, Tufts University.

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  34. Are Nearly Exogenous Instruments Reliable?. (2006). Fang, Ying.
    In: Working Paper.

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  35. Capital Structure with Risky Foreign Investment. (2006). Hines, James ; Foley, Fritz C. ; Desai, Mihir A..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  36. Markets Versus Governments: Political Economy of Mechanisms. (2006). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Golosov, Mikhail ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  37. Institutions and Economic Performance: Endogeneity and Parameter Heterogeneity. (2006). Eicher, Theo ; Leukert, Andreas.
    In: Discussion Papers in Economics.

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  38. The Age of Mass Migration: Economic and Institutional Determinants. (2006). Strozzi, Chiara ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  39. Factor Returns, Institutions, and Geography: A View From Trade. (2006). Tamura, Robert ; Dwyer, Gerald ; Baier, Scott.
    In: The Institute for International Integration Studies Discussion Paper Series.

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  40. Owning versus leasing: do courts matter?. (2006). Saiz, Albert ; Casas-Arce, Pablo .
    In: Working Papers.

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  41. What can we learn about financial access from U.S. immigrants?. (2006). Paulson, Anna ; Osili, Una.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  42. Captive markets: the impact of kidnappings on corporate investment in Colombia. (2006). Suarez, Gustavo ; Pshisva, Rony .
    In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series.

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  43. Cursing the blessings? Natural resource abundance, institutions, and economic growth. (2006). Brunnschweiler, Christa.
    In: CER-ETH Economics working paper series.

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  44. Structural Policies and Growth: Time Series Evidence from a Natural Experiment. (2006). Schreiber, Till ; Eicher, Theo.
    In: Working Papers.

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  45. Markets Versus Governments: Political Economy of Mechanisms. (2006). Tsyvinski, Aleh ; Golosov, Mikhail ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: Levine's Bibliography.

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  46. Relationship Specificity, Incomplete Contracts and the Pattern of Trade. (2005). Nunn, Nathan.
    In: International Trade.

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  47. How well do institutional theories explain firmsperceptions of property rights?. (2005). Maksimovic, Vojislav ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Ayyagari, Meghana.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  48. How Law and Institutions Shape Financial Contracts: The Case of Bank Loans. (2005). qian, jun ; Strahan, Philip E..
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  49. The Profits of Power: Land Rights and Agricultural Investment in Ghana. (2005). Udry, Christopher ; Goldstein, Markus.
    In: Working Papers.

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