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Employment and distributional effects of Greece’s national minimum wage. (2022). Roupakias, Stelios.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Autor, D.H., Manning, A., & Smith, C. L. (2016). The contribution of the minimum wage to US wage inequality over three decades: a reassessment. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(1), 58-99.

  2. Bartik, T. J. (1991). Who benefits from state and local economic development policies? W.E Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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  5. Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C., & Wittbrodt, L. (2018). The short-run employment effects of the German minimum wage reform. Labour Economics, 53, 46-62.

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  36. Yannelis, C. (2014, April). The minimum wage and employment dynamics: evidence from an age based reform in Greece. In Royal Economic Society Annual Conference.
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    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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