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Gender, pay and development: a cross-country analysis. (2002). Datta Gupta, Nabanita.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Economic Reforms and Gender-Based Wage Inequality in the Presence of Factor Market Distortions. (2016). Chaudhuri, Sarbajit ; Poddar, Somasree.
    In: Journal of Quantitative Economics.

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  2. Economic Reforms and Gender-based Wage Inequality in the Presence of Factor Market Distortions. (2014). Chaudhuri, Sarbajit ; Roychowdhury, Somasree .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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References cited by this document

  1. Beneria, L. 1982. Women and Development: the sexual division of labor in rural societies, Praeger, New York.
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  2. Black, S.E., 1999. Importing Equality? The effects of increased globalisation on the gender wage gap, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

  3. Blau, F.D. and Kahn, L.M., 1992. The Gender Earnings Gap: learning from international comparisons, AEA Papers and Proceedings, May: 553-8.

  4. Blau,F.D.,Ferber, M.A. and Winkler,A.E., 1998. The Economics of Women, Men and Work, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
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  5. Boserup, E., 1970. Womens Role in Economic Development, St. Martins Press, New York.
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  6. Boserup, E., 1990. Economic and Demographic Relationships in Development, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
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  7. Bruce, J. and Dwyer, D., (eds.), 1998. A Home Divided: women and income in the third world, Stanford University PRess, Stanford, California.
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  8. Buvinic, M., Lycette, M.A., and McGreevey, W.P., (eds.), 1983. Women and Poverty in the Third World, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
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  9. Cornia, G.A., Jolly, R. and Stewart, F., 1987. Adjustment with a human face, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

  10. Datta Gupta,N., Oaxaca, R.L., and Smith, N. 2000. The Danish gender wage gap and wage determination in the private and public sectors, in Gustafsson and Meulders (eds), Gender and the Labour Market, AEA Series: 53-74.
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  11. Hill, M.A. and King, E.A., 1991. WOmens education in the third world: an overview in King and Hill (eds.) Womens Education in Developing Countries: barriers, benefits and policy, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
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  12. Johnson, G. and Solon, G. 1986. Estimtes of the direct effects of comparable worth policy, American Economic Review, 76(5):1117-25.
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  13. Momsen, J. 1991. Women and Development in the Third World, Routledge, New York.
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  14. Seguino, S., 1999. Gender wage inequality and export-led growth in South Korea, Journal of Development Studies, 34(2).

  15. Seguino, S., 2000. Gender wage inequality and economic growth: a cross-country analysis, World Development, 28(7):1121-230.

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  17. Sorensen, E., 1990. The crowding hypothesis and comparable worth issue, Journal of Human Resources 25(1):55-89.

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  20. United Nations Development Programme, 1995. Human Development Report, Oxford University Press, New York.
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  21. Youssef, N., 1974. Women and Work in Developing Societies, University of California Press, Berkeley.
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  26. Economics Reform and Wage Differentials in Latin America. (2000). Birdsall, Nancy ; Behrman, Jere ; Miguel Szekely Author-X-Name_First: Miguel Author-, ; Nancy Birdsall Author-X-Name_First: Nancy Author-X, .
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