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Hate is too great a burden to bear: Hate crimes and the mental health of refugees. (2021). Schikora, Felicitas ; Graeber, Daniel.
In: CEPA Discussion Papers.

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  1. Local far-right demonstrations and nationwide public attitudes toward migration. (2024). Promel, Christopher ; Monteiro, Teresa Freitas.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  2. Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany. (2023). Tabellini, Marco ; Sardoschau, Sulin ; Jaschke, Philipp.
    In: Rationality and Competition Discussion Paper Series.

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  3. Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany. (2022). Sardoschau, Sulin ; Tabellini, Marco ; Jaschke, Philipp.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  4. Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany. (2021). Tabellini, Marco ; Sardoschau, Sulin ; Jaschke, Philipp.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  5. Scared Straight? Threat and Assimilation of Refugees in Germany. (2021). Sardoschau, Sulin ; Tabellini, Marco ; Philipp, Jaschke.
    In: CReAM Discussion Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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