- ! 0 (the stochastic bandwidth can be dealt as in Theorem 2.3 of Corsi et al., 2010), write: SRV(X(i) ) TRVN (X(i) ) = n X j=1 ⇣ jX(i) ⌘2 K jX(i) H (i) j ,n ! I{| j X(i) |H (i) j ,n} ! = X j X(i) Hj ,n 1 ⇣ jX(i) ⌘2 K jX(i) H (i) j ,n ! ! + X j X(i) Hj ,n >1 ⇣ jX(i) ⌘2 K jX(i) H (i) j ,n ! (mean value theorem) = X j X(i) Hj ,n 1 ⇣ jX(i) ⌘2 K0 ⇠j H (i) j ,n ! jX(i) H (i) j ,n + n X j=1 ⇣ jX(i) ⌘2 K jX(i) H (i) j ,n ! I{| j X(i) |>H (i) j ,n} ,
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